
The Starlight Prisoner

A cold-hearted King Sebian conquers the kingdom of Erlea, a victory claimed as his first battle as King, his cold, dark eyes glimmered in the darkness as he watched his enemies beg for mercy. Ever since the death of his parents and his coronation at an early age, Sebian has been nothing but a devil to those around him. He felt pleasure in watching people suffer, he was a true monster. He was one step closer to building an empire, each kingdom he claimed was a stepping stone for him. As he stared at the princesses of Erlea, one of the caught his eye, a red-haired beauty. He had to have her as a trophy of his victory but little did he know her red hair and bright smile would lighten up his dark colorless world. The warm-hearted and naive Atarah finds herself a prisoner, enslaved by a man she was supposed to call her husband. She was betrayed an discarded by her father who forcefully got her married to the Prince of Dryvorn purely for the benefits that came with the title, a cheap attempt to restore his kingdom's glory. The two live as strangers under the same roof but what happens when the meaningless teasing of each other begins to ignite a spark in Sebian's frozen heart? Atarah is the only one who can ignite a fire so deep in his heart, it burns him. Her sweet innocent smile becomes all he can think of, her scent which he looks forward to each time he walks into their room, he is obsessed with a woman he swore to hate. _____ The cover is NOT mine.

Kieolar · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


"His memory seems to be coming back...is this a good sign?" William mumbled to no one in particular.

His mind drifted off to the time Sebian nearly lost his life. The memory alone still gave him shivers.

"I have to keep going on, I won't give up." Sebian's eyes burned with determination despite the critical situation he was in. He had used up all his energy in the fight, but he still carried on. Blood was sipping out of his head and nose and he could barely stand on his feet.

"Sebian! We need to retreat. They've overpowered us this time." William tried to get through to Sebian, but he wouldn't listen.

"I can't--I can't leave her like this, William...I can't."

That was the first time William saw Sebian looking vulnerable. It broke his heart to see him like that. He looked at the girl behind Sebian, the one he swore to protect no matter what, even if it would cost him his life.

"Please Seb...at this rate, you'll lose your life if we go on. The barrier is getting weaker by the minute."

William tried pleading as tears streamed down his face, Sebian had been like a brother to him for as long as he could remember.

He was pulled out of his train of thought by one of the guards, "Lord William, we have a situation."

"What is it?" He sighed dejectedly.

The guard directed a confused William toward Atarah's quarters. As they got closer, he could hear two voices arguing.

"Who else is here?" He asked as he gently opened the door.

"Princess Saya, my lord."

William chuckled. He knew Saya would cause trouble sooner or later. Ever since Sebian saved her life, she openly declared that she wanted him as her husband and Sebian was more than happy to entertain her delusions and obvious lust for him, but since he chose Atarah as his bride, Saya got enraged.

"You may leave, I'll handle this myself. " He didn't wait for a reply as he immediately barged into the room.

The scene he met was Atarah blocking off Saya's slap by holding her hand in place midway.

"I don't care who you are, and I definitely don't care about your relationship with Sebian, but what I won't stand for is you looking down on me in such a manner."

Saya laughed at Atarah's bold statement before snatching her hand away, "Who do you think you are to speak to me in such a manner? You're nothing more than a concubine, so know your place." She spat.

"Concubine or not, I'm the one getting married to him, not you." She smirked.

William sighed. He knew Atarah was a feisty woman, but seeing her defend herself before Saya made him even more impressed.

He decided to step back and let them work out the issue on their own, but that was when Saya took notice of him.

"William! Do you mind explaining why this wench is claiming to be Sebian's betrothed -"

"My name is Atarah, not a wench," Atarah interrupted Saya, giving her a warning.

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want to you wench!" Saya snapped back.

"Saya, why don't you calm down, and let's civilly talk about this." William slowly approached the two women as he tried to peel them off each other before they ended up killing one another.

"You're right, I should calm down," Saya laughed hysterically, making them stare at her like she was crazy, "Sebian is mine, and he wouldn't leave me for someone like her...she has no kingdom or even a family-"

Atarah interrupted Saya by planting a hot slap on her cheek, "Don't insult me like that."

"You slapped me! Me! Do you know who I am?" Saya yelled.

"I don't know and I don't care enough to find out."

Atarah's words annoyed Saya to the core, she was so used to being pampered by everyone that when Atarah disregarded her, it hurt her pride.

"Who do you think you are?!" Saya yelled, pulling her hair out of frustration, "No one! Not a single soul has dared raise a finger against me-"

"There's a first time for everything," Atarah smirked mischievously, enjoying the crazed look on Saya's face as she taunted her.

"You'll pay for this! I'll make you take back everything you just said and you'll be humiliated." Saya began laughing out of the blue, "sebian! I'll go to him and he'll kick you out, I'm way better than you after all."

As if losing her sanity, she started turning round like a child with bloodshot eyes, in Saya's messed up head, she thought Sebian loved her and would do anything for her, including chasing Atarah away.

They stared at her as she laughed crazily and skipped happily out of the room as if the fight hadn't just happened.

"Is she okay? Like mentally stable?" Atarah asked as she burst out laughing at how the situation played out.

That was the first time William heard Atarah laugh since she arrived at the castle. For those few seconds, she truly looked happy.

"Saya can be a bit dramatic sometimes, but you don't need to worry about her." He also chuckled. He, too, found the situation funny. "You're truly amazing you know, the way you defended yourself and slapped her was very brave of you."

"She had it come, she's just a spoilt brat anyway and I certainly won't sit back and let a stranger insult me like that."

William was impressed with Atarah's confidence in dealing with the spoilt Saya.

"What's her relationship with Sebian anyway? She seemed very possessive about him." She curiously asked.

"Well..." William began, deep in thought, "Let's just say she's one of his many admirers, except she's bold enough to make a move."

"I see your king is famous with the ladies." Atarah rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Oh, he is. Nearly every lady who sees him falls for his charms...all except you."

Atarah looked in the distance with sadness clouding her face. "I can't exactly find anything charming about the man who took everything from me, can I?"

"Right, I'm sorry for my careless words." William apologized, realizing his mistake.

"It's alright, I know you meant no harm."

"Y-yes," William stuttered, "I know this might sound off but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I don't want you to feel lonely and sad because of your situation."

Atarah smiled lightly at William, deep down, she knew he was being honest with his words, "I'll do just that, thanks for being caring toward me, it makes me feel better in this place."

"Anytime," He smiled cheekily.

They spoke some more about Saya before William left to make preparations for their journey. Atarah also began preparing herself.