
The Starlight Prisoner

A cold-hearted King Sebian conquers the kingdom of Erlea, a victory claimed as his first battle as King, his cold, dark eyes glimmered in the darkness as he watched his enemies beg for mercy. Ever since the death of his parents and his coronation at an early age, Sebian has been nothing but a devil to those around him. He felt pleasure in watching people suffer, he was a true monster. He was one step closer to building an empire, each kingdom he claimed was a stepping stone for him. As he stared at the princesses of Erlea, one of the caught his eye, a red-haired beauty. He had to have her as a trophy of his victory but little did he know her red hair and bright smile would lighten up his dark colorless world. The warm-hearted and naive Atarah finds herself a prisoner, enslaved by a man she was supposed to call her husband. She was betrayed an discarded by her father who forcefully got her married to the Prince of Dryvorn purely for the benefits that came with the title, a cheap attempt to restore his kingdom's glory. The two live as strangers under the same roof but what happens when the meaningless teasing of each other begins to ignite a spark in Sebian's frozen heart? Atarah is the only one who can ignite a fire so deep in his heart, it burns him. Her sweet innocent smile becomes all he can think of, her scent which he looks forward to each time he walks into their room, he is obsessed with a woman he swore to hate. _____ The cover is NOT mine.

Kieolar · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Memory Flash

Her heart dropped as she heard those words from William, the look on his face alone told her something was wrong with her brother. Steeling herself, she finally managed to talk, "Wha--what happened to him?"

Her voice cracked as she choked back the tears that threatened to fall down her face. She had managed to come to terms with her current situation, even with the fact that she wouldn't get to see her brother for a while but knowing he might be in danger made her vulnerable and scared.

William clenched his fists, he saw the wet look in her eyes as her cheeks began turning red, he felt bad seeing her like that. "The stress from the recent ordeal and the fact that he had a head injury caused his body to shut down and go into a coma."

The world seemed to stand still at that moment for Atarah. Her legs gave way and she fell to the ground, clenching her hair in her hand as she finally let the tears fall.

"When is he going to wake up?" There was an inkling of hope in her voice as she said those words, hoping that her brother would be alright.

"We don't know for sure yet but our doctors are doing the best they can." William gently said to her making sure to be careful with his choice of words.

A thick wave of silence filled the room after William spoke. Atarah stayed still in her position on the ground for what felt like an eternity to William. He expected her to cry out louder or even hit him out of frustration but she did nothing of the sort. He would have believed she was dead if it wasn't for the small movement her body made with each breath she took.

Just as he was about to lean in closer and talk to her, she slowly raised her head and his gaze met her empty eyes.

"I want to go see him myself." She said, wiping her tears as if she didn't just have a breakdown moments ago.

He stared at her in shock, worry evident in his eyes. "Are...are you alright?" For the first time in ages, William was speechless, he didn't know what to say to her at that moment.

"How I feel doesn't matter. I need to go see my brother before all else." She stood up and stared at him directly in the eye as if silently telling him 'I won't let you or anyone else stop me from seeing him.'

William sighed and pinched the space between his brows. "I'm not sure if Seb--" He got interrupted by a voice at the door.

"I'll take you to him."

They both turned to see Sebian walking toward them. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't hear when he entered the room.

Atarah left Williams's side and hurriedly walked toward Sebian, meeting him halfway.

"Really? Do you mean it? you'll take me to see him?" She immediately flooded him with many questions all at once without giving him a chance to reply.

Sebian held her shoulder to calm her down a bit, "I mean it. We can depart for Cryvon today so stop crying, princess, he'll be fine."

William watched in awe as the ever-so-rough Sebian gently caressed Atarah's face, the usual scowl he had on his face suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace. That was the first time he saw Sebian being gentle with anyone or caring for their well-being.

Atarah took a step back, she wasn't comfortable with Sebian touching her, she felt irritated but she couldn't talk for fear of him denying her permission to see Riel.

Sebian eyes shone with an unfathathomable emotion as he sighed in frustration before letting his now-hanging hand down. "Get ready, we'll be departing soon, the journey takes three days." He spoke in his usual cold tone devoid of any warmth as he walked out of the room.

William quickly strolled behind a now moody Sebian giving Atarah a slight nod before he left the room.

"I need to talk to you," William spoke as he tried to catch up with Sebians fast pace.

"Later!" Sebian snapped at him.

William wouldn't back down so he followed Sebian to his room. "What just happened back there?"

"Nothing worth discussing," Sebian spoke nonchalantly but William wasn't willing to let it slide just like that.

"I thought you wouldn't interrupt, so what happened back there?... And what about the way you caressed her face--that is before you suddenly stormed off angrily." William's eyes shone with mischief as he spoke.

Sebian knew what William was insinuating but he didn't want to pay heed to it. "William, we will not be discussing this matter."

"You can't just ignore this Sebian." William's face was now serious as he walked toward Sebian. "Out of everything, at least tell me why you suddenly got angry."

"I saw flashes--like a distant memory of some sort but it was warped."

William kept quiet, waiting for Sebian to finish explaining what he had seen.

"The moment I touched her face, I saw the image of a woman--she called my name and it felt so familiar like it had happened before." He sighed heavily before continuing, "The whole thing confused me and I couldn't help but act cold toward Atarah in the heat of the moment."

"Memory flashes..." William spoke, he was deep in thought, trying to comprehend and process what Sebian had just told him. "The best we can do for now is wait till we arrive at Cryvon, you'll need to speak with Reina about this."

Sebian nodded at him. He too knew there was nothing they could do at the moment concerning his visions. "I suppose you're right. Go get Atarah's hand-maiden, Ylvia, she'll need her comfort as we journey to Cryvon to see her brother.

William simply nodded and exited the room but the thought of what Sebian had told him didn't stray too far away from his mind.