

The Stark by Dscot

I do not own this story.


It's been a week since I arrived at Kings Landing. On the first day, Jon Arryn greeted me before we entered the castle. However, as we were about to step inside, Robert came into the courtyard to personally welcome me. As he approached me, he had a smile on his face and placed his hands on my shoulders, gazing up at my impressive ship. "I've heard rumors about this ship. It's truly awe-inspiring to see it in person," he said with genuine amazement. Then he chuckled, recalling the moment he first laid eyes on it.

"I thought I was still drunk when I saw it," Robert chuckled. "I was walking back from a piss, when I noticed the boy who was supposed to be tending to my wine letting it drip onto the floor as he was just staring out the window and up at the sky. I was ready to box the little shits ears for spilling my wine, but then he blurts out with "Your grace there's a flying ship up there!" while telling me this Robert couldn't help but keep his gaze fixed on the floating vessel above us.

As Robert started to glance over toward Leon his eyes fell upon Sybelle and Myranda, both looking absolutely stunning in their hanfu-style dresses. Sybelle's attire was a true masterpiece, crafted from layers of exquisitely delicate emerald silk. The dress was adorned with intricate embroidery, featuring patterns of fearsome dire wolves made from golden thread. The sleeves, made from light green silk, showcased a pattern of snarling dire wolf heads. The translucent fabric gracefully flowed from her shoulders, extending past her fingertips. The dress itself boasted a beautiful shade of green that complemented her fair complexion perfectly. Around her neck, she wore a striking Imperial-style necklace made of jade and gold, with perfectly matching earrings. And adding an even more regal touch, she had a crown fashioned from gold, adorned with jade-encrusted laurel leaves, sitting beautifully atop her head.

Myranda looked absolutely stunning in her outfit! She wore a traditional YiTi hanfu that was a beautiful deep sapphire color, giving off an air of elegance. It had a similar style to Sybelle's outfit, but what made it stand out were the intricate silver snowflake patterns that decorated it. These patterns added a touch of beauty and made the hanfu truly exquisite.

To complete the look, Myranda draped a light, transparent blue shawl over her shoulders and around her arms. The shawl was adorned with crystal blue snowflakes, adding a hint of sparkle to her ensemble. Her jewelry was equally as impressive! She wore a necklace made of sapphire and diamond that sparkled around her neck, and her ears were adorned with diamond earrings in the shape of snowflakes. The outfits you see were specially created and gifted by the Emperor of Yi Ti. He had his personal royal dressmaker working diligently to perfect these wonderful garments.


I had just woken up and finished my breakfast. I was planning on going to visit one of Baelish's brothels to wet my cock. Suddenly, the same boy from earlier this morning came running towards me absentmindedly, holding a wine skin. "Your Grace, there's a carriage coming down from Prince Leon's ship," the yellow haired Lannister shit said, speaking really fast. Grabbing the wine skin, it took me a minute to process what he had said. I then quickly followed the boy as he guided me to the courtyard. As the crowds parted for me, I saw the magnificent carriage, with Leon and Jon talking nearby. Unable to contain my excitement, I hurried over and playfully placed my hand on Leon's shoulder, all while looking up at the impressive floating vessel.

As I stood there, my eyes started to wander from his ship to the carriage he arrived in. As my gaze shifted, I couldn't help but notice the Stark guards standing proudly and confidently. While observing them, I felt their immense power and unwavering discipline. It was clear to me that these were genuine warriors, perfectly equipped and protected. Compared to the Stark guards, some of his own men seemed like mere children pretending to be soldiers.

But just as I was studying the Stark men, something else caught my attention. Two ethereal beauties stood near them, the most stunning creatures I had ever laid eyes on. Thoughts of what I could do with them raced through my mind, sending a rush of desire through my body. I could feel my cock harden.

However, my reverie was abruptly interrupted by a sudden drop in temperature. A shiver ran down my spine involuntarily, snapping me out of my daze as I continued to stare. Feeling a wave of uncharacteristically nerves, I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself and clear my mind. I took a sip from my wine skin, hoping it would shake me out of my thoughts. Even though I knew it was probably just my imagination running wild, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom.

As I glanced around, I noticed Jon giving me a disappointed and disapproving look. Then, my attention turned back to the stunning goddess who had a look of disdain in their eyes. Looking over at Leon, our eyes met and for a second, I thought I could sense intense anger radiating out from him. It was gone before I could even finish blinking, must be my imagination.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and clear my mind. To ease my nerves, I took a swig from my wine skin, hoping it would help push away my anxious thoughts. Although I didn't believe there was any hostility, I couldn't shake this sense of impending doom. I tried to reassure myself, reminding myself that I am the king and the Starks are loyal men. There should be nothing for me to fear from them.

Leon introduced the lovely ladies as Sybelle Stark, his sister, to me. As he said her name, a shiver ran down my spine. Jon had warned me about Leon's unpredictable behavior, especially when it came to his family, particularly Sybelle. There were rumors that during his conquest of the iron islands, Leon had a northern soldier wiped to death for insulting her by calling her a bastard.

Stannis had complained about Leon's brutality. While Sybelle was leading her troops through a village near Hammerhorn, someone from the crowd called Sybelle a north whore. When Leon heard about it, he rode into the village telling them to choose five irons born villagers then had them wiped. Then had every single Ironborn occupants tongues cut out except those five.

Leon turned his head away from me and gestured towards the elegant figure dressed in blue. "This is my Myranda," he declared, his eyes locked with mine, a touch of defiance present. "She's my paramore." As I laid my eyes upon Myranda, her breathtaking beauty instantly captivated me, transporting my mind into a world of fanciful daydream. I barely noticed Leon's voice fading away as he introduced me to a younger man who resembled him.

However, before I could fully immerse myself in my thoughts, I was snapped back to reality by the last part of Leon's introduction. I quickly replayed the events of the past few seconds in my mind, only to realize that he was introducing someone standing near the carriage. I hadn't noticed her before because she had been positioned behind some guards. It was at that moment when it finally hit me like a sudden jolt of realization. The true meaning behind Leon's words became clear to me. With a sense of pride, Leon declared, "Your Grace, please allow me to introduce my mother, Lady Barbary Stark."


Lady Stark was truly a vision of beauty, without a doubt. Her fair complexion, combined with her luscious black hair streaked with gray strands, revealed her wisdom and experience, but did nothing to diminish her stunning appearance. Her eyes, sharp and perceptive, seemed to penetrate right through me, brimming with intelligence and careful consideration. I couldn't help but notice how she elegantly tied her hair into a knot at the back, a hairstyle often associated with widows. Speaking of widows, it became apparent that Brandon's widow had an impeccable sense of fashion as well.

She adorns herself with beautiful garments made of luxurious linen and silk. Her outfit starts with a white palla, which is made from the finest linen. On top of the palla, she adds layers of transparent silvery gray silk, reminiscent of the fashionable stola. To complete her look, she elegantly drapes a tunica, which is crafted from a light gray fabric with dark gray borders. The tunica is adorned with intricate patterns of silver wolves. She gracefully positions it over the back of her head, allowing it to flow down over her shoulders and elegantly wrap around her arms.

I saw this young girl standing next to Lady Stark and immediately recognized her. It turns out, she's now 18 years old and happens to be Leon's sister, Maisie Stark. I actually met her the last time she visited Kings Landing when she was 14 th name day. Maisie was dressed in an outfit similar to Lady Stark's, but with her own unique touches. Her gray linen palla perfectly matched Lady Stark's, but her stola and tunica were made of this stunning red silk. The layers of translucent red silk on her stola had this breathtaking embroidery that showcased weirwood leaves in the most intricate pattern.

I couldn't help but admire how Maisie looked absolutely stunning with her choice of accessories. She wore a gorgeous, simple gold necklace with a stunning ruby pendant that added a touch of sophistication to her overall look. But that's not all! She also had this beautiful golden circlet gracing her head. It was adorned with exquisite rubies and had intricate weirwood leaf patterns, which really made it a remarkable piece. It perfectly completed her stylish ensemble.

As Leon was introducing me to his family, I made an effort to avoid looking at his sister or his paramore. But there was one person he introduced me to that brought a big smile to my face - Benjan Stark. I had only met young Benjen once before and my memory of him was hazy. Nevertheless, I was delighted to see Ned's brother. I took my time to truly observe him and noticed that he had a striking resemblance to a younger version of Ned, with a slender figure.

After that, Leon introduced me to his grandfather again, the same man I remembered from the rebellion. I couldn't help but smile at him, knowing about his incredible talent for breeding horses. Over the past few years, House Ryswell had gained quite a reputation in the horse trading industry. From the Seven Kingdoms to Essos, everyone knew that if you wanted top-notch horses, you had to buy from House Ryswell.

One particular horse stood out among all the others, and it happened to be my favorite. It was named Storm, a magnificent black war stallion that had been acquired from the Ryswell stables, gifted to me by the young Leon. This horse was a true force to be reckoned with – powerful and swift. Not only that, Storm was the most well-trained horse I had ever ridden.

As Leon was introducing his advisors, my mind began to drift. I couldn't help but feel the urge to interrupt Leon and get it over with, but I decided to restrain myself. I only truly focused on the conversation again when Brandon, Lyanna's son, was brought up.

I glanced at the young man and was delighted to see that he strongly resembled his mother. Varys, my master of whispers, had informed me of the dreadful experiences Brandon had endured. It was during our discussions about Leon's conquest of Qarth that I learned of this, and it certainly came as a surprise.

As I gazed at Brandon, a whirlwind of emotions surged through me. In one moment, I felt an intense urge to confront him and unleash my anger, wishing to see his head brutally smashed into the ground for being Rhaegar's son. But in the next moment, I remembered that Brandon was also the son of Lyanna, the woman I cherished more than anything. Knowing Lyanna's love for him, I couldn't ignore that.

As I looked at him once more, my mind couldn't help but dwell on the fact that Brandon should have been ours, his and Lyanna's child. Their happiness was cruelly stolen away by that silver-haired cunt. Instead, I'm surrounded by children with blonde hair shit with green eyes, not the breathtaking children I had envisioned with black hair and gray eyes.

The mere thought of it extinguished any remnants of joy within me. I briefly placed my hand on Leon's shoulder, informing him of my plans to throw a lavish feast in his honor. But before I left, I couldn't resist stealing another glance at Brandon. With a heavy heart, I turned away and made my way back into the castle, seeking solace in the numbing embrace of alcohol to drown my sorrows.


Before Robert could actually leave Jon intercepted him. He informed Robert that there was a small council business that needed to be attended by him and Prince Leon. Robert looked as if he was going to argue but caved in after Jon had a whispered conversation with him. There was a little disagreement about my guards, but I managed to convince Robert to let me bring my wolf guards with me. I made a comment about not trusting the white cloaks, no matter how clean their armor may be. "I have a talent for spotting cowards and traitors." I said this while giving Barristan Selmy a suspicious look. Selmy seemed offended, and Jon tried to ease the tension by telling me that the king's guard would be enough. However, Robert quickly put an end to the discussion by assuring me that my guards could come with me. Jon added that four guards should be sufficient, but Robert dismissed him, saying that he trusts the Stark man and trusts Leon.

Before we headed off with Jon and Robert, I quickly went over to my mother to talk about what was happening. I asked her if she wanted to join us in the meeting, but she politely declined. Instead, she sent one of our servants to fetch some documents from the ship that she had brought along to King's Landing. Once I received the documents, both my grandfather and my uncle, who is named after him, joined me. We were then led to the chamber where the small council held their meetings.

I had the opportunity to meet members of Robert's small council. Baelish, the master of coin, welcomed me with a sly and cunning attitude. He had a mocking smile on his face while thoroughly examining me. To Baelish's left sat Varys, the master of spies. Although he remained silent, he greeted me with a smile and a nod of his head. Hunched over on the other side of Varys was the seemingly frail and feeble Grand Maester Pycelle. However, I knew this was just an act that the old fool liked to put on. Pycelle exaggerated his struggle to get up from his seat and gave me a slight bow.

I was quite surprised when I saw Queen Cersei Baratheon and her illegitimate son sitting between Pycelle and Robert. That little brat gave me this haughty and condescending look, clearly trying to copy his mother.

Cersei had a superior look on her face. After she saw me, she made a disgusted expression, as if she had just caught a whiff of something truly repulsive while looking at me. I looked over her shoulder and saw her brother Jamie Lannister standing there. He had an expression of anger and hatred in his eyes, but I could see that he was wary of me as his hand never left the hilt of his blade.

At the head of the table sat Robert, looking incredibly bored and uninterested. But as soon as I entered the room, I saw his eyes light up and his posture instantly improve. On Robert's left was Jon, who held the title of the King's hand. He glanced up and greeted me with a nod while looking through and organizing some papers in front of him. Sitting next to Jon was Stannis, the master of ships, his face displaying a mixture of anger and disapproval. He shot me a piercing glare, but instead of feeling intimidated, it only made me smirk in response. I could practically hear his teeth grinding in frustration. Renly, the master of laws, couldn't help but chuckle and smile at my playful interaction with Stannis.

After everyone was introduced, it became clear that the queen wanted me to kneel before her and her inbred child. Trying to keep things moving smoothly, I was just about to give her the basic level of respect with a slight bow. But before I had to do anything, Robert came to the rescue and disregarded her demands. He invited my grandfather and me to sit with him, and told Joffrey and his mother to move down the table.

Cersei, feeling embarrassed and furious at the same time, reluctantly gave up her seat and walked with her son to sit somewhere else. She couldn't just let it go though. She tried to make a big fuss about the fact that I had brought fully armed Stark guards into their presence. However, Robert quickly brushed off her concerns without much consideration.

Cersei, feeling both embarrassed and angry, reluctantly gave up her seat and walked with her son to the new spot. But she couldn't just let it go. She tried to make a big fuss about the fact that I had brought Stark guards who were armed into their presence. However, Robert quickly brushed off her concerns without much consideration.

During the council meeting, we discussed a variety of topics. Stannis and Jon decided to address me regarding my actions on the Iron Islands, claiming that they were unnecessarily brutal. Baelish and Varys also chimed in with their own comments.

In response I reminded Jon about the agreement we had regarding how I would handle threats to my realm. I pointed out that I had sent him numerous letters over the years, expressing my concerns about the Ironborn and their potential plans to attack the kingdoms, which he had dismissed.

Then, I shifted my attention to Stannis and asked him pointedly, "Where was the royal fleet? Why was it only the Northern fleet that invaded the Iron Islands? What kind of incompetent Master of Ships allows his fleet to rot in the harbor instead of being prepared for any attack?" Finally, I turned to Robert and expressed my observation, "It appears to me that some individuals are attempting to blame me for their own inadequacies."

I pulled out two separate pages from the documents then laid it in front of them. I pointed out and read out loud the section in the treaties that stated if any kingdom from the seven kingdoms were to attack the north, I had the right to take action. And each time the iron throne failed to intervene, I had the eventual right to conquer the territory without their involvement.

I went on to explain to the council that for two years prior to the invasion by the Ironborn, I had been sending letters to Jon Arryn, informing him about the numerous attacks on my ships by the Ironborn. I had even provided evidence and prisoners as proof. Moreover, I had captured prisoners on northern territory who were stealing ironwood to build their ships.

I had requested Jon Arryn to handle the situation and follow all the necessary steps. Despite being insulted by the Hand, I remained patient. During the discussion, I presented the letters he had sent to me and my uncles. In those letters, he condescendingly expressed his concerns about my belief in an Ironborn invasion. Some of the members seemed uncomfortable at this point. Robert, in particular, seemed completely unaware of the situation, with a confused expression on his face. Cersei, on the other hand, seemed to take pleasure in Arryn's discomfort, smirking at him. Even young Joffrey appeared to grasp the seriousness of the discussion, or perhaps he was just perceptive enough to sense the tension in the room.

I took the opportunity to discuss the letters I received from Jon. It was quite concerning because, in his role as the Hand of the King, Jon used his influence to threaten me. He warned that if I shared my thoughts about the Ironborn with other kingdoms, he would accuse me of breaking the peace. What's more, he went as far as encouraging my uncle Ned to overthrow me, claiming that I was too young and becoming a threat. He even suggested that Robert would support him in taking control of the North. This accusation created quite a commotion in the council, with even Robert himself looking at Jon in disbelief and a touch of anger. Jon appeared quite embarrassed, avoiding eye contact and keeping his gaze fixed on his hands.

And then there was the invasion, a full army entering the northern realm. I explained that I had followed the treaty correctly. It was Arryn and Stannis who actually broke the treaty by interfering in my conquest of the Iron Islands and unlawfully ordering my forces to leave the island.

I looked at Robert telling him that I hadn't shared this information with the rest of the kingdoms because I didn't want to cause him any trouble. I never believed that he had approved of Arryn's schemes. However, I insisted that action needed to be taken. I refused to be victimized like my father and grandfather before me. Robert appeared angry at my words and warned me to remember who I was speaking to. He then turned his anger towards Jon, demanding that Jon apologize to me and resolve the situation.

Before Jon had the opportunity to apologize, I presented them with the legal documents that granted me the authority to take such actions. I informed both Robert and Jon that I was imposing trade sanctions on the Vale. I had already sent letters to the seven kingdoms and Essos, stating that we would refuse to trade with the Vale. Anyone who is openly trading with them will be barred from trading or in the north.. Furthermore, any ships from the Vale attempting to enter Northern territory would be seized.. Any ships that were proven to be docked in the territory of the Vale will have to pay five times the fees, to use the canal or any of the northern Harbor.

Jon and Baelish were frustrated and angry with this declaration because it meant that their territory's financial situation would be totally ruined. Nobody would bother doing business with the Vale anymore, and if they did, the prices would skyrocket to insane levels. I said to Robert that as long as Jon is his right-hand man, I can't trust him to not abuse his power and try to overthrow me once more.

Robert is not happy that I would do such a thing, but I assured him that I'm not asking for anything unreasonable—I just want to ensure my own safety. And besides, this decision would only impact the Vale, not the entire seven kingdoms. Turning to Jon, I made it clear that I would lift my sanctions a year after he resigns from his role as Hand of the King.

Robert let out a heavy sigh and then turned to Jon, asking him, "Did Leon send you any information about the ironborn attack? And did you really threaten him for breaking the peace if he warned the rest of the realm?" Throughout the conversation, Jon kept his gaze fixed on his hands, nodding quietly. "You can't be mad at Leon, Jon," Robert said, frustration evident on his face. "His actions might have seemed extreme on the iron islands, but he was left alone to handle this problem." His eyes then shifted to Stannis, and he pointed a finger at him. "Especially you, Stannis. You can't be angry and disappointed in his actions," Robert slammed his hand on the table, glaring at his brother. "If you had taken your responsibility seriously for the Royal fleet. Then dealing with the Ironborn wouldn't have fallen solely on Leon's shoulders."

"You hold such an unwarranted grudge against Leon, condemning him for an imagined slight that you believe he has committed against you," Robert exclaimed with a fiery anger evident in his crossed arms. "Your anger towards him stems from nothing more than him correcting your mistakes. It was his heroism that broke the siege at Storm End, rescuing you from an imminent death by starvation," he continued, pointing an accusing finger at Stannis. "Instead of offering heartfelt gratitude, you cling to a grudge simply because he couldn't find the time to meet up with you."

"When Leon was diligently constructing his fleet, all I heard from you were incessant complaints about the North building their own fleet, perceiving it as a threat to the realm. Yet, your obsession with Leon's fleet, you utterly ignored the menace posed by the ironborn and allowed the Royal fleet to languish in a state of disrepair." "Do you not realize that if it weren't for Leon, the Seven Kingdoms would still be locked in war with the ironborn"

Everyone could tell that Stannis was extremely frustrated. He seemed to be at his wit's end, and the sound of his teeth grinding was becoming increasingly loud. Just when things were getting tense, my grandfather chimed in and suggested to Robert that maybe we should take a break to let everyone calm down. Jon quickly spoke up to agree with my grandfather's suggestion, and it was decided that we would all take a five-minute break to grab a drink and cool off before continuing the meeting.

During this break, I took the opportunity to quietly observe the thoughts of Baelish, Pycelle, and Jon. I wanted to get a sense of what they were planning to bring up in the next part of the meeting. Once I had an idea of their intentions, I quickly went through my documents and prepared the necessary parchment to support my side of the argument.


When the meeting started up again, Stannis was nowhere to be seen. I looked at Renly, who just shrugged before taking his seat. So, the next thing we talked about was how I managed to take control of Qarth. Cersei thought that Robert would pick a person from one of the seven kingdoms to be in charge of Qarth. From reading her mind, I could tell that she had a few Lannisters in mind who she wanted to appoint as a new paramount. It seemed like she had discussed this with Pycelle and Littlefinger too, and they were both on the same page as her. Littlefinger, being the opportunist that he is, was especially thrilled about the possible trade deals that could be made with YiTi.

Before Cersei could demand that Robert name one of her family members as the ruler of Qarth, Jon spoke up, presenting his plans. He had prepared a list of magistrates from all over Essos and explained to Robert that it would be nearly impossible for them to maintain control over Qarth due to its distant location from the seven kingdoms. Jon also emphasized the need for gold, mentioning that Varys had discovered magistrates who were willing to pay a substantial amount for the city. As they argued back and forth about these matters, I sat there quietly, listening to their discussions while my anger continued to grow.

As everyone started getting excited about reviewing the documents that revealed which candidates were willing to pay the most for the city, the idea of selling it to multiple candidates was brought up. But I had to intervene and remind them that Qarth didn't belong to them, it belonged to House Stark. I wanted to make it clear that I was in control of the city and that it was under my rule. Cersei, true to form, was strongly against the idea and argued that Qarth shouldn't remain in my hands. Surprisingly, most of the small council members agreed with her.

Just then, one of my secretaries approached me and handed me some documents. I placed them on the table and proceeded to inform everyone present that, based on the treaties signed between the rebellious houses, House Stark had been granted the authority to conquer new territories. These territories would not be under the jurisdiction of the iron throne.

After my comments, we decided to take another break. To everyone's surprise Robert suggested that we have a meeting tomorrow. He commented that it was getting late and the feast he had arranged for dinner was approaching. It's incredible how quickly his attitude changed once we started heading towards the feasting halls. He became extremely happy and joyful, not wanting this "nonsense" (as he called it) to ruin the festive atmosphere.


So, after the feast wrapped up, my company went back to the ship. We all hung around for another thirty minutes in the lounge area, before going our separate ways. I actually wanted to catch up with Sybelle and Myranda, but it turns out they had other plans - they wanted to have a romantic evening together, and I wasn't invited to join in on the fun.

Instead I sought out Val for some company. After entering her room I grabbed her by her neck and dragged her to the bed. Val was just as spirited as she had been the first time we were together. She fought back fiercely, like a wild animal, biting and scratching. Eventually, after I managed to overpower her, she seemed to relax and began to enjoy the experience once more. The next morning, I woke up feeling sore, with a few more bruises and with a busted lip. My sores were soon forgotten by another more enjoyable sensation I was feeling.

I had the most delightful surprise this morning when Val started our day with a burst of passion. She woke me up in the most incredible way by using her mouth, and then we spent another hour together in heated passion. After we finished breakfast, I decided to spend some extra time bonding with Val to learn more about her. To my surprise, she turned out to be incredibly intelligent. She could count and read, which amazed me considering her background beyond the wall.

Again late in the afternoon, we met in the small council to continue the meeting. This time I was accompanied by my mother and my uncle Benjen. Five minutes into the meeting Jon had the audacity to ask me for a loan. Even Robert and Cersei were astonished by his request. We had spent the previous evening discussing how he had used his position to threaten me and even planning to overthrow me. Not to mention the fact that I had put a trade embargo on his kingdom.

He then clarified that the loan wasn't for Vale but for Robert. He explained that they were in debt and needed funds to pay off some of this debate.

Glancing at Jon, then at Baelish, I turned to Robert and asked, "How much debt are you in, Robert?" Robert looked at me and, gesturing towards Jon, said, "Just a few hundred thousand." "I don't have time to waste counting coppers."

I couldn't believe what Robert was saying, I knew that they were in debt for more than 6 million. How could he not know this? I gave him a credulous look and then turned my attention back to Littlefinger. I asked him about the exact amount of Robert's debt, wanting to know the whole picture. Littlefinger started talking about different numbers, using really big figures, but he didn't actually reveal the total amount. I interrupted him and asked, "Okay, I simply want to know how much does Robert owe in total?" Littlefinger hesitated for a moment, but then finally confessed, "he owes around 5 million gold dragons. Three million to House Lannister, 1.5 million to the Iron Bank, and half million to the Faith."

"The faith, you borrowed money from the faith," I said in complete disbelief, my eyes darting again from Baelish to Jon, then to Robert. "Why on earth would you put yourself in a position where you owe a half million to the Faith of the Seven?"

I glanced at Robert and jokingly told him, "Hey, we're not counting coppers here, Robert. You're counting gold! Everyone has time to count gold, right?" Then I turned to Jon "How could you allow this to happen, you are the hand of the King? It is your responsibility to assist Robert in running the realm." rubbing the bridge of my nose I asked them how much money they needed and what kind of collateral they were willing to offer for the loan.

Jon seemed confused for a moment and asked, "What do you mean by collateral?" I looked at him incredulously, Leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms, I added, " I have to be honest. I don't have much confidence that you'll be able to pay me back, so I won't be able to lend you any money without some collateral."

If you want money from me, they will have to give me something of value as a backup loan, so when you inevitably default on the loan, I will have something. This is when Joffrey decided that he is going to be a moron. He looked at me, and basically told me that I should be grateful to loan money to his father. I could even see that even Cersei knew how stupid his words were

Looking at Joffrey I declare. "I decided I don't wish to give out any loans. Before anyone in the room can try to persuade me to change my mind. I held up my hand saying. "I will give you the money in exchange for goods." taking one of the papers from my documents I handed them a list of things that they have access to and told them how much I was willing to pay for the items. I also inform them that I am not negotiating on the price.

Baelish tried to talk me into giving a small loan while they took the time to look over these items. I told the room as a whole that I definitely don't believe that he has the capability to pay back anyone. I will definitely not be lending any gold if he is a Master of Coin.

Baelish seemed to be getting upset by my accusation. "Are you accusing me of something, Prince Leon?" he asked, turning to Robert. "I have always been loyal."

I looked at Littlefinger and explained, "All I'm saying is that under your management as the master of coin, the realm has fallen into massive debt. Either you're incompetent or you cared more about your own position than informing Robert about what was happening."

"If the Iron Throne is 5 million in debt, I doubt you have any plans for paying it off," I added, tapping my finger on the table. "The fact this tournament Robert is hosting has such extravagant prizes of gold coins, tells me that the spending won't stop anytime soon. So if I were to give you a loan, I'd just be throwing money away, and I won't do that."

I turned to Robert and sincerely said, "I'm sorry, Robert, I will help you, but I need some capital for any loans. Honestly, I would recommend that you consider replacing Baelish." Jon began expressing his trust in Baelish, insinuating that he was merely following Robert's instructions without explicitly admitting it.

I glanced at Jon and responded, "Robert inherited a massive surplus of gold when he toppled the Targaryens' shirts. "So how is it possible for him to accumulate a debt of 5 million dragons in less than 16 years? He would've had to spend 8 million golden dragons. Despite the fact that the North has not paid any taxes, I know for a fact that the iron throne has received more tax revenue than during the reign of the Mad King."

I couldn't help but notice that Robert had been unusually quiet throughout all of this. It seemed like this might be the first time he actually grasped the problems within his realm. Or perhaps this is the first time he's been told when he wasn't completely intoxicated. So, with a concerned tone, I urged Robert to consider replacing Baelish. I locked eyes with Littlefinger and boldly stated, "Either he's incredibly incompetent, or he's secretly embezzling funds. There's no way you should be drowning in debt unless you're spending more than a million dragons each year. The tax revenue alone should have covered most of your expenses, without the need for borrowing."

Robert made the decision to forgo attending the preceding meetings, instead opting to solely participate in the final meeting held at the conclusion of the week, during which all matters had already been settled and agreed upon. The extensive deliberations spanned a duration of approximately six days, during which I successfully obtained further concessions specifically beneficial to the northern regions. Notably, I managed to secure the removal of taxes and fines imposed on goods originating from the North, extending this privilege throughout the entirety of the realm.

During the negotiation process, a significant quantity of food, iron, and various resources were offered to me. However, the focal point of contention revolved around determining an appropriate price. In order to assist Robert in settling his debts with both the iron bank and the faith, I extended a loan of 1.5 million gold. In return, I requested resources valued at 2.2 million. Nonetheless, they were inclined to provide only an equivalent amount. Eventually, a compromise was reached, wherein I would receive resources amounting to 2 million gold dragons.

To ensure the fulfillment of our agreement, I included a provision stipulating that Baelish and Stannis, as the master of coins and the master of ships respectively, would be responsible for overseeing the delivery of the agreed-upon resources. Naturally, Baelish and Stannis expressed strong opposition to this condition. Consequently, we continued to engage in heated debate up until the final day of negotiations.

In a rather unexpected manner, Robert, previously uninformed about the intricacies of our deliberations, abruptly terminated the negotiations, acquiescing to the conditions I had proposed. Unaware of the subject matter at hand, Robert adamantly insisted on concluding the discussions and consenting to my requests.

I had anticipated some difficulty in obtaining it, but Robert indeed agreed to dispatch Baelish and Stannis to the Wall should they fail to fulfill their obligations. Additionally, I successfully acquired the skull of Balerion, the Dread, as a prized possession. While I had managed to acquire other dragon skulls in the past, the sheer magnitude of Balerion's dread made it an impossible feat amidst the chaos of war.