
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Célébrités
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794 Chs

Chapter 179 Redemption

Chapter 179 Redemption

The game is not over yet!

Naenglan looked back and saw that Miralas and Dembele had already placed the football on the center line, waiting for the kick-off.

yes! The game is not over yet!

Gul was roaring loudly, encouraging his teammates: "Boys! Keep your spirits up, don't forget our promise, for Rhodes! We can't lose this game!"


The Belgian players suddenly thought of their captain, who is now recognized as the world's number one star and the successor of the world champion. What are they working so hard for now?

For the honor of the country!

certainly! There is a reason for this!

Besides, it's for Digan! In order to allow Degan to appear in the European Cup and lead them to move on.

The game restarted, there was not much time left in the first half, stoppage time was also shown on the sidelines, three minutes, combined, the Belgian still has five minutes to enter the intermission with a draw .

As soon as the referee's whistle sounded, the Belgian team launched a fierce attack towards the Czech team's half. Now they must seize every point and every second.

The leading Czech team has no intention of chasing after the victory at all. It was very lucky to score the opportunity just now. After scoring, what they have to do is to follow Brückner's tactical arrangement and look for opportunities under the premise of a solid defense. Fight back.

The Czech team's defense is very solid, and it is too difficult to pierce through with a through ball, and the Belgian team does not have such a player who can hand over the last pass.

Hazard has, but it's a pity that the child is still a young lady, and the current Belgian team can't count on it at all.

Degan is not on the field again. The Belgian players on the field can only rely on themselves now. Pass, pass. The Belgian team is in the half of the Czech team, passing the ball non-stop, hoping to pull the opponent's defense. Find a neutral.

But positional warfare like this is not what the Belgians are good at at all. What they are better at is to find opportunities to score through quick counterattacks.

What's more, Digan, the sharp weapon for attacking the city, is not on the court. He only relies on Miralas. Is it too difficult to win the face-to-face muscular contest with the Czechs? Difficult.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there were not many opportunities for the Belgians to equalize the score in the first half. The referee was looking at his watch, and the Belgian team had the last chance to attack in the first half.

It was still Dembele who got the ball. He tried to break through and made several fake moves in a row. Unfortunately, Rosicky, who defended him, was not fooled at all. Rosicky's defensive ability is average, but his sense of position is very good.

Dembele had no choice but to pass the ball to Na England who was on the offensive. After Na England received the ball, he also learned to be smart this time. Seeing Dembele suddenly go forward, he immediately handed over the ball. After completing the pass , almost subconsciously, he also rushed towards the Czech team's penalty area, ready to respond.

It was an unintentional cooperation. Dembele took the ball again, turned his back to the goal of the Czech team, and swiped behind with the outside of his foot. The football ran right in front of Na England.



Naenglan gritted his teeth and made a decision. After taking the ball, he made a gesture to pass the ball. Ujfalusi, who was standing in front of him, subconsciously moved two steps towards Miralas in the middle, but at this moment , Na England, with a swing of the arch of his foot, lightly poked the front of the football with his toe, and then rushed into the Czech team's penalty area.

"Opportunity! Na England rushed in, he can directly face Cech, the goalkeeper of the Czech team!"


pass the ball!

Naenglan made a choice between light and flint. Seeing Cech who had already abandoned the goal, Naenglan used the outside of his foot to cross the ball. When the football reached the middle, Miralas followed up in time and shot!



It is the kind of empty goal that is more difficult to score than to score in the legend. Miralas kicked the goal and kicked it on the goal post. After reacting, he wanted to go forward, but Ujfaru West got stuck and broke the ball out of the touchline.

Immediately afterwards, the referee's whistle blew, and the first half ended!

"It's a pity. The Belgian team had a very good chance to equalize the score. After the team conceded the goal due to a mistake, Naenglan could almost make up for his fault. It's a pity that Miralas' shot hit the goal. On the post of the goal, I can only say that our luck is really bad today!"

The Belgian fans also sighed. The opportunity just now was very good. If Miralas can be a little more stable, that kind of goal will undoubtedly be scored.

However, when the Belgian players left the field, they didn't seem too disappointed. Although they failed to score a goal in the attack just now, their morale has improved a lot. There are still 45 minutes in the game, and they still have a chance.

During the intermission, Degan really wanted to go to the locker room to motivate his teammates, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up. If he went, no matter how exciting his words were, his teammates would feel He didn't trust them. If he wanted to trust, he could trust them to the end.

The intermission time passed quickly, and the two teams returned to the court. The Czech team still maintained the lineup of the first half. It can be seen that the old coach Bruckner is very satisfied with the performance of the team in the first half , Belgium, Antiiennis replaced Miralas with Bralet.

In front of the Turkish team, Miralas has a certain height advantage, but facing the rear of the Czech team, Miralas seems a bit small.

Antiiennis simply replaced Bratt and used Bratt's speed to hit the Czech defense. The defensive players of the Czech team have one thing in common. They have obvious height advantages, strong air defense capabilities, and outstanding frontal defensive capabilities. slow.

Especially Ujfalusi, at his peak, he was definitely a first-class central defender in Europe, but as he grew older, his physical fitness declined, and his shortcomings became more and more obvious. A big flaw in the change, which is why he is behind Kompany, Thiago Silva and even Ranocchia in the Fiorentina centre-back position.

"Coach Antiiennis replaced Bralette. This player had performed very well in the warm-up match before. His characteristics are fast speed and strong impact ability. Antiiennis took the lead in making adjustments. Perhaps this is The signal for the Belgian team to counterattack in the second half!"

After the substitution, the offensive efficiency of the Belgian team was significantly faster. Dembele and Bright were both speed players. Handle.

Seeing that the pressure on the team's defense was increasing, Bruckner also walked to the sidelines and called out Jankulovski for a few words. Then the Czech team's defense was even further back, leaving only one Baros topped the front, and Lian Yang Kohler returned to the midfield position, using his height to block the Belgian team's long pass.

On the court, it basically became a half-court offensive drill for the Belgian team. Belgium attacked fiercely, and the Czech team defended very resolutely. The bloody spirit of the Eastern European cavalry was also aroused at this moment. Shoulder injury did not leave the field. When Prasir was fighting for the top with Gul, his injured forehead cracked again in the previous game, and his face was covered with blood. He just went to the sidelines, dealt with it briefly, and then returned to the field. superior.

Degan watched from the stands and couldn't help but be moved. The Czech team is really desperate. They have tried their best to go further in the European Cup, but the initiative of the game is still moving towards the goal little by little. The direction in favor of Belgium shifted.

In the 68th minute of the game, the two-for-two cooperation between Dembele and Brat directly penetrated the Czech team's defense. After receiving the ball, Dembele rushed directly into the Czech team's penalty area. Foot volley.

Cech reacted very quickly and hit the ball with both fists.

For a while, the stands of the stadium were full of sighs from Belgian fans, but the attack was not over yet. After the football was kicked out of the penalty area, it landed directly on an open space. A player wearing a Red Devils jersey was quickly heading towards The landing point of the football flew over.

"Naengland! Chance! Chance!"

It was Na England who rushed up, the football bounced on the ground, and rolled towards the direction where Na England ran, Na England did not stop the ball, and volleyed vigorously towards the football.

This kind of powerful long-range shooting is not the way he is used to shooting, but now he can't allow him to think too much. After walking out of the locker room, his mind is full of thoughts of redemption. This opportunity must not be missed.

After the football was hit by Na England, it deformed violently in an instant, and then, like a cannonball, it scraped the turf and flew back towards the goal of the Czech team.

After kicking the ball, Na Engel felt all the strength in his body disappear all of a sudden, and he fell to the ground as if he was exhausted, but his eyes were fixed on the direction of the goal.

Everything happened too fast. Cech just blocked Dembele's shot. Before he stood up, Na Engel's shot arrived. He squatted down instinctively, trying to use his legs to take Na Engel's shot He blocked it, but it was too fast.

The football went straight through Petr Cech's butt and flew into the goal!

Now it's the turn of the Belgian commentator. The Czech commentator was depressed for most of the game before getting a chance to vent. Where is the Belgian commentator?

Most of the time in the game, he won the upper hand and failed to score. In the end, his opponent seized the opportunity to counterattack and went down first. It is conceivable that he was in a depressed mood, so this roar was extraordinarily loud.

Seeing the ball scored, Na England lay down directly on the ground. He also wanted to run to celebrate, but at this moment, his right leg had no strength at all. Only now did he realize that he was already exhausted after exerting too much force just now. .

But these are not important anymore. To make atonement, Na England's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

The teammates rushed forward one after another, pushing Na Engel to the bottom, and everyone celebrated with all their heart. Until this moment, Na England felt that he had really integrated into this group.

Antiiennis on the sidelines was not too excited, but he let out a sigh of relief, and finally pulled the team back from the cliff. If this game is lost, what will happen to him? I don't know anymore.

"François! Call Wittseck!"

Antiiennis beckoned. He felt that Naenglan could not hold on anymore, but at this time, it was not passive to make substitutions and adjustments. The replacement of Wittsek was a signal to strengthen the offense. A draw, Antiiennis is There is no way to accept it.

After the celebration, Na England was helped off the pitch by his teammates, and he was greeted with applause from the Belgian fans. The fans had forgiven him for his fatal mistake in the first half.

At this moment, Czech coach Bruckner's mood is complicated. He can accept a draw, but now that the momentum of the Belgian team has risen, can the Czech team hold it back?

After Witsek came on the field, the Belgian team's offensive became more fierce. With Witsek, a midfielder with strong organizational skills behind him, Dembele was completely liberated and could devote all his energy to Go on the offensive.

The Belgian team made a sudden effort, and the Czech team's defense was also precarious for a while. Brückner was not sure whether to defend resolutely or play out to put pressure on the Belgian team.

In the stands, Degan looked at the situation on the field and gradually felt relieved. Although the score was still 1:1, as long as the game continued like this, it would be a matter of time before Belgium scored a goal.

Sure enough, only five minutes after Nagengland's goal, Belgium had another chance. Witter, who had just played, was plugged near the arc of the center circle and passed an overhead ball. Bralett was offside successfully, before the football landed. , A direct shot.

Cech abandoned the goal and attacked, but just halfway through the run, he saw that Brat had shot, and quickly turned around and ran back, but it was too late, the football flew over Cech's head and fell directly into the net.


The Belgian team completed the overtake.

After the goal, Brat was very excited. This was the first goal he scored on behalf of the Belgian team. Although he performed well in the previous warm-up match, Brat just lacked a goal.

As a prolific shooter for the Ligue 1 Lens team, without a national team goal to embellish, I always feel that something is missing. Fortunately, this layer of window paper has finally been pierced now.

The Belgian team took the lead. In the next game, although the Czech team finally made up their minds and fought back aggressively, it was too late. With the passage of the game time, the absolute core of Belgium was finally lacking. With the efforts of the whole team , finally got the victory.