

Noemi didn't want to act rude in front of  Alex' friend, especially on their first meeting. But thinking how a stranger ask her to call her by her hated nickname is urging her to bring out the unpleasant side of her.

"Call me whatever you want", she said, rolling her eyes. As if I had any choice, she thought.

No matter how much she wanted people to call her by her real name they always end up calling her Nora since her grandma calls her as such.

Besides, she has no intention of befriending him so it's not like she care how will a stranger address him.

Jay smiled. Actually it was a laugh he held in, reminded of his cat who has a similar name.

Noemi squinted her eyes as she caught Jay smiling, as if he's mocking her. She already has a bad impression of Jay just him being a foreigner, and now that he's showing a trait she doesn't like, irritates her more.

The old lady went over them and greeted Jay. "Ann.yeong.ha.se.yo", she said, carefully prouncing words in syllables.

"Hello ma'am", he greeted politely, bowing his head.

"You must be Alex' friend?", the old lady ask in english which is not as fluent as Noemi.

Jay nodded.

"I'll head you to your room", Noemi said, getting him out of her grandma's attention. Knowing her grandma, she probably has a lot of questions formed in her mind.

Noemi opened the door of the room for him. She went inside, tied the curtains and open the windows, allowing the fresh air and golden sunlight to come in.

"Just as you know, We are the caretakers of the villa. I do routine cleanups and maintenance tasks. My grandma do gardening and landscapes. I can clean your room but other than that you must do your own things", she said with a neutral expression.

"No problem with that." Jay answered.

Noemi just looked at him, unimpressed. She then leave and shut the door close.

Jay throw himself on the bed, a smile left on his lips, amused with Noemi's behavior, "What a freak", he murmured. But he liked the fact that Noemi has no any idea who he is.

He only had a backpack and a light travelling bag with him. He only brought a few pair of clothes, another pair of shoes and slippers. Of course, his camera, ipad, book and journal are also with him. He also brought ramyeon just in case his tongue misses the taste of korean food.

He began arranging his stuffs. He hang the few shirts and polo he has on the cabinet and just left the others in folded.

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up. He can't believe he slept for 5 hours, skipping lunch time.

"Hey Chester, stop!" he heard Noemi's voice outside.

Curious of what Noeimi is up to, he went near the window to looked over and from the 2-storey room, she saw Noemi washing up her dog.

Chester who's drenched and covered with soap just wagged his tail and shook his body, splashing the water all over Noemi.

Jay couldn't help but laugh looking how messy Noemi is. And at the right moment, Noemi just looked up and saw him laughing at her.

His laugh fades as soon as Noemi glared at him. Swallowing the saliva that forms on his mouth, he looked away and acted like nothing had happened.

Just in time, his stomach growled and realized he didn't have his lunch yet. He went out from his room, holding a pack of ramyeon and roam around the house, looking for a kitchen.

Jay didn't got lost this time and successfully found the kitchen in one go. He comfortably used the kitchen utensils as if he is in his own house. Anyway, he's been told by Alex to feel at home.

It was a horror to Noemi to saw the sight of Jay cooking. She hurriedly ran towards him, accidentally bumping him as she put away the saucepan from the stove.

He was taken aback, shocked with Noemi's sudden behavior but what surprises him more is to see her up close, still wet from bathing her dog, allowing him to see the undergarment through her soaked white shirt.

"What are you doing?" she furiously asked.

He tried to looked away, feeling embarassed with what he saw. But he knows it's not what Noemi is talking about.

"Why are you cooking here?"

"Where else should I cook?"

Noemi carried the saucepan and went to the extended room next to the kitchen. Actually, it was the dirty kitchen where they do the actual cooking but it wasn't dirty after all.

She lit the old stove and intentionally drop there the saucepan creating a raging stamping sound, a signal that she's not in a good mood.

She folded her arms in in front of her chest. "Next time, do not just use anything you see without even asking."

"I was just trying to do my own thing just like you wanted. I don't want to be a bother. " Jay said, half of him wanted to just defend himself, the other half wanted to piss her off.

"Acting carelessly is more bothersome, Mr. Jay." Noemi pronounces his name with conviction as if it'll help Jay comprehend what she just said.

"I don't think I was being careless there."

"You are. Do your own thing, yes. But if it requires you to use anything under this house, better ask for permission because there are things that we're not allowed to use here."

"You should've oriented me then." Jay's rebuttal left her speechless.

"You know, you're good at talking back", Noemi said, rolling her eyes.

Noemi walked away, making him smile, satisfied with Noemi's defeat.

It was almost evening when he went out to his room's balcony, a perfect view for sunset.

There he sat on the little couch and while waiting for the sunset, he opened his journal. That journal is actually not a diary. It is like a normal notebook where he scribbled down random things. Some pages contain song ideas, some were important events or the memorable days he had. First drafts of his composed songs were also written there. But in the middle of the pages, there was a text saying, 'Things I wanted to do on spring break.'