
The Rock

"She is a ray of sunshine . a rain of warm summer . a bright fire of a cold winter's day ."

Imran Shaikh

The Rock

Few days before a large ship with grey sails mounted on its masts was anchored outside of the eastern Elk island rocky coast.

To harness the power of wind and propel the vessel fast the sails was huge.

The dark sail's was almost covering half of the sky when they were full extended, if you could see the ship coming in front of your boat in the harbour.

The main body of the ship the hulk was from dark hard wood almost black in colour.

The 'Rock'' was its name and it was a new ship ,no more than a year in the sea.

During the day the ship was full of activity as the maintenance of such a huge merchant vessel required hard every day work even in the anchorage.

The sailors , dark skinned men from the Hazzel islands was short,well bulid men with hard features