
Chapter Five: Fame Comes with a Price

Rin returned to the village with the team, battered but victorious. Word of the battle with the troll spread quickly, and by the time they stepped foot in the square, a crowd had gathered, cheering them on.

"Three cheers for the troll slayers!"

"Look at Rin Park! The Slime Slayer is now a true hero!"

Rin cringed at the attention but tried to manage a polite wave as they walked through the crowd. He wasn't sure he liked the reputation that was forming around him. It was as though he was getting sucked further into the very thing he wanted to avoid—fame, adventure, and expectations.

One of the village kids ran up, tugging on his cloak. "Rin! Is it true? Did you defeat the troll with a single blow?"

Rin scratched his head. "Well… not exactly. I just, uh… did my part."

Jisoo nudged him, smirking. "He's being modest, everyone! The Slime Slayer here saved us all from that brute!"

The crowd erupted into applause, and Rin forced a smile. Internally, though, he groaned. Why did I have to hit that weak spot?


An Unwelcome Invitation

Later that evening, as Rin was quietly trying to slip away to his small home on the outskirts, he noticed a stranger waiting by his door. She was tall, dressed in elegant armor, with a sharp gaze that immediately made Rin uneasy.

"Rin Park?" she asked, her voice calm but firm.

"That's… me," he replied, shifting uncomfortably.

She nodded, her expression neutral. "I'm Aila, a representative from the Royal Hero Academy. The Guild has informed us of your recent accomplishments, and the Academy would like to offer you a place among our recruits."

Rin blinked, feeling as though he hadn't heard her correctly. The Royal Hero Academy? That was the place for the best of the best—the top-tier heroes, legends in the making. It was the last place someone like him belonged.

"I… I appreciate the offer," he stammered, "but I'm not really, uh, Academy material. I'm more of a… simple jobs kind of guy."

Aila raised an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "The Academy doesn't usually take 'no' for an answer. Think it over." She handed him a sealed letter. "Your official invitation. The Academy expects your answer within a week."

And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving Rin standing there with the letter in his hand and a sinking feeling in his stomach. There's no way I'm going to the Academy. No way.

But even as he thought it, he realized that saying "no" might not be as simple as he'd hoped.


New Challenges (and Odd Jobs)

Determined to avoid the Academy's call, Rin tried to focus on regular Guild work, taking small, menial tasks like clearing rats from basements or fetching lost items. But no matter how hard he tried to lay low, his reputation continued to grow.

People started stopping him in the streets, asking for autographs, or giving him knowing nods as though he were part of some elite club. Rin felt like he was losing his anonymity by the minute.

Even worse, the Guild started pushing more dangerous tasks his way.

"Here you go, Rin," Ms. Clipboard said one morning, slapping a mission notice down in front of him.

Rin looked down and nearly choked on his drink. "Investigate… sightings of a wyvern near the mountain pass? This must be some kind of mistake. I don't… do wyverns."

Ms. Clipboard smirked, clearly amused. "Come on, Slime Slayer, don't be shy. Your 'fans' expect a lot from you now. And it's good money."

He opened his mouth to protest, but she'd already turned away, busy sorting through more job notices.

What have I gotten myself into? he thought, pinching the bridge of his nose. I just wanted to make a little extra cash, not end up on a wyvern hunt.


A Reluctant Hunt

Rin found himself at the base of the mountain pass the next morning, begrudgingly armed and ready for his supposed "wyvern investigation." He'd tried to talk his way out of it, even offering to take on every other small job in the Guild, but no one would hear it. They'd all insisted he was "perfect" for the job.

As he started his trek up the mountain, he muttered to himself, "This is crazy. I'm not a real hero. I'm just… a regular guy. An average, boring, slime-fighting guy."

But the higher he climbed, the less he could ignore the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. The wind grew colder, and shadows lengthened around him as the sun began to dip toward the horizon. The pass was eerily silent, with no birds or animals in sight. Rin's grip on his weapon tightened.

After an hour or so, he heard a low, ominous rumbling. He froze, straining his ears. The sound was getting closer, and as he turned, he saw a massive shape in the sky—a wyvern, its wings spread wide, gliding toward him with terrifying grace.

Rin's heart pounded, and he backed up slowly, praying the creature hadn't spotted him. But, as luck would have it, the wyvern's eyes narrowed, locking onto him.

"Oh, no. Not good. Not good at all," he whispered, feeling panic flood his veins.


Facing the Beast

With no other option, Rin bolted down the rocky trail, the wyvern's roar echoing behind him as it swooped lower. He could feel the wind from its wings as it closed in, its claws extended.

I have to think of something, he thought desperately, glancing around. There was a narrow ledge nearby, with a cluster of sharp rocks beneath it. If he could lure the wyvern close enough and then duck out of the way…

With his heart racing, Rin skidded to a stop near the edge of the ledge, raising his weapon in what he hoped looked like a brave stance. The wyvern shrieked, diving straight for him, its jaws open wide.

At the last second, Rin dove to the side, rolling out of the way as the wyvern missed him and crashed into the rocks below, letting out a furious roar as it struggled to free itself.

Without thinking, Rin scrambled to his feet and bolted down the mountain trail, not daring to look back. He didn't stop running until he reached the village square, collapsing on a bench and gasping for air.


Back at the Guild

When Rin finally made it back to the Guild, dirty and exhausted, Ms. Clipboard was waiting for him, a smug grin on her face.

"Back already? How did the 'wyvern investigation' go?" she asked, clearly enjoying his discomfort.

Rin glared at her, still panting. "I… am not… cut out for… wyverns."

She chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "But you survived, didn't you? That's what makes you a hero, Rin."

He groaned, resting his head on the table. "Please. Just… give me some simple jobs again. No wyverns. No trolls."

But Ms. Clipboard only shook her head. "Once a hero, always a hero. Better get used to it, Rin. The village has high expectations now."


An Unexpected Visitor

Later that night, as Rin was nursing a bruised arm and wondering if it was too late to go back to his quiet life, there was a knock on his door. He opened it to find Aila, the Royal Hero Academy recruiter, standing there with a serious expression.

"Have you considered our offer, Rin?" she asked, holding up his invitation.

Rin sighed, glancing around his humble home and then back at her. "Look, I don't belong at some fancy hero school. I'm just trying to get by, maybe make some money here and there."

Aila tilted her head, scrutinizing him. "You don't realize it yet, but you have potential, Rin. True heroes don't chase fame—they rise to the challenges in front of them, no matter how reluctant they are."

She placed the invitation back in his hand. "Take some time to think it over. But remember, we see something in you. And once the Academy sees potential, they don't let go."

With that, she left, leaving Rin alone with his thoughts and the unopened letter.

As he stared at it, he felt a mix of dread and curiosity stirring within him. Maybe they're right… maybe I do have potential. Or maybe… I'm just an idiot in over his head.

For now, all he wanted was a good night's sleep. But deep down, Rin knew he couldn't ignore the call forever.