

Katniss was quiet and Cole noticed, he let her go. If it was someone else, he wouldn't do that. "Or else what?" Katniss asked in the next second. Cole was shocked. Is she trying to provoke him? 'It's not gonna end well' he said inside. Yes! he knew she was stubborn but its not the time for her to act like that. He was really angry right now and Katniss wasn't helping him. "Cole!" Katniss raised her voice. "What?" Cole snapped her a look. "Say something!" Katniss said, feeling awkward. Why today? Why now? Why did she have to be bold today of all days when he was not in the mood at all. "Be quiet, Katniss!" was only what he could say at the moment. He turned his back on her. All he needed was just a few minutes of silence. "I'm not gonna be quiet, I'm gonna-" "I said be quiet!" Cole said and turned to her with his palm making contact with her face. She fell to the floor. Oh God! He's been avoiding this, he did it. He looked at his trembling hands. He couldn't believe it. *sobs* He looked at Katniss, she was lieing there, on the floor. He was so scared to comfort her. He has never done this before. He knew his anger issues were growing every day. But how could he...

Debbie_Banks · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

Chapter Four : Stay

Cole, Jayden and Frank sat before the counselor of the school. The fight at the cafeteria had come to her notice and the principal was not around to address them.

Frank had been treated in the school hospital and he was looking good enough. Although half his face was covered with bandages but, he had half his face to himself and the other half to pain, he was OK.

(Note the sarcasm...)

"Jayden why are you here, you didn't fight did you?" Mrs Claire, the school counselor asked as she stared at the report on her table, looking for his name.

"Of course not, Mrs Claire." Jayden replied," I just wanted to make sure that Cole doesn't get expelled."

Mrs Claire chuckled.

He purposely sat between Cole and Frank, he didn't know what Frank would do but he sure knew his best friend's capability.

"Principal Terry is quite busy, I'm not sure he has your time. Let's do this the easy way, you're just going to apologize to each other because you're-"

"The hell!!!" Frank exclaimed.

"Mr Douglas! Let me speak," Claire said with a warning glare and tone.

Frank sighed.

"Cole, why did you fight Frank?" Claire asked turning to Cole.

Cole didn't respond, he had his mind somewhere else. He was staring at nothing but the air.

"Dude," Jayden whispered, tapping him.

"What?!" Cole sighed and sat up,"I'm sorry Mrs Claire, what did you say?"

"Why did you fight Frank?" Mrs Claire repeated not minding Cole.

Cole chuckled." Fight? Really?"

"Cole, this is not the time-" Jayden whispered.

"I didn't fight him," Cole cut in,"I beat him up." Cole said, looking at Frank.

"Fuck you!" Frank cursed.

"You can't!" Cole replied almost immediately.

"Boys be quiet," Mrs Claire hit her table "I'm trying to make things easier for the both of you." Mrs Claire warned.

"Cole apologize," Jayden said.

"Why should I? Is this how it is in our school?" Cole turned to Mrs Claire," Bullying is encouraged in our school?"

"No, it's not Cole." Mrs Claire replied.

"Then why is she always the target? why can't they leave her alone?" Cole said.

He wasn't just talking about Frank, he was talking about Maddie too and his entire classmates, they were all against her. They all had a hand in the dumb decision she made.

Jayden has never seen his best friend so hurt. He tapped Cole's shoulder but Cole shrugged it off, he was still angry.

"He's been tormenting my friend especially when I'm not there, I caught him today so I beat him up we didn't fight."

"Frank, you can't do that on school premises, that could cause you expulsion."

"No kidding Claire," Frank rolled his eye balls.

"Excuse me?" Mrs Claire felt insulted.

Cole and Jayden could see the shock on her face. They were shocked too. They knew this freak was an idiot but disrespecting their teachers was just too much.

See what pampering a student can cause, disrespect.

"No, you're not excused. As a matter of fact Cla-ire," he pronounced her name slowly," I didn't ask to be here,I was forced to come, so with no respect at all, I can do whatever I want and harassing or bullying cute girls will not be an exception," Frank said, smirking at Cole.

Cole didn't hesitate.

It all happened in the twinkle of an eye, Cole was on top of frank, still struggling to throw a punch because Jayden was trying to rip him off.

Mrs Claire sat calmly behind her table and pressed the button, it wasn't her first case like this she had seen worse.

Two security guards came in and helped Jayden but Cole had landed two punches by then. They forcefully made Cole and Frank sit before leaving.

The first punch was for that nasty statement and the second was for Mrs Claire.

"What is wrong with you man?" Jayden asked, breathing heavily " you're gonna get yourself expelled." He took his seat between them.

He didn't fight but he found himself on the floor and his clothes were all rumpled.

"I gave you both a chance," Mrs Claire said.

"I'm gonna apologize," Cole said and Jayden snapped him a look."I'm apologizing for the fact that I let you live after our fight in the cafeteria, we won't be going through all this if you were dead."

Jayden should not have expected something good.

"I'm calling my mom," Frank said with absolute difficulty.

He was in pains.

His face was worse than before,the bandages were torn open again and Cole made sure to aim for his mouth this time, so he won't be able to talk.

Mission failed. He's still talking.

"Ok, let's call our parents. Since you're so proud of your mom, I'm calling my dad."

"Cole!" Jayden called out.

Mrs Claire stood up," There would be absolutely no need for that Cole,"

"Why? Are you scared of my dad? He gets to call his mom but I can't call my dad?" Cole pointed at Frank.

"That's not the point Cole, you can't call you dad for just a meagre issue. I'm sure he has a lot of work." Mrs Claire tried to make him understand.

"He would probably make some time for his dear son, don't you think?" Cole shrugged.

"That won't be necessary," Mrs Claire shaked her head.

"What's so important about his dad?" Frank asked, touching his bursted lip.

"Be quiet!" Mrs Claire told him before turning to Cole." We'll just settle this right here,"


"I will talk to the principal about this, in the mean time, stay away from each other. Jayden can you make sure of that for me?"

Jayden nodded.


The recess period was still on, Cole and Jayden sat in the basketball court  watching some students practice.

"You are sick,"Jayden told Cole." You were seriously gonna call your dad?"

"You ask me like he's even gonna come." Cole said in a 'duh' tone.

Jayden shrugged.

"You shouldn't let little stuff get to you. You'll kill someone and I  won't be able to bail you out of jail." Jayden pointed.

"I wasn't angry,"Cole replied, not sparing a glance at Jayden.

"You threw two punches at someone who didn't have half a face and you stand here and tell me that you weren't angry."

"If I was angry at all, I would have already been in that jail." Cole said, looking directly at him.

Jayden sighed.

Cole never agreed to an argument of him being angry. This was a waste of time.

"Let me tell you something," Jayden said, raising a finger.

"What?" Cole looked at him.

"Do not ever, I repeat do not ever stop Ashley from scolding Katniss, you hear me?" Jayden said, making sure to make himself clear.

"Why? She's not her mom." Cole shaked his head.

"She's her best friend," Jayden pointed out.

"So?!" Cole argued," so what?" Cole sighed.

"I don't know man, just don't do it. Okay?" Jayden asked.


"By the way, why'd you let her fight for you." Jayden asked

"Do you think I'm that dumb, I didn't, I just saw her in front of me. Before I could move, she was on the ground." Cole explained.

Jayden laughed, "No, you're not the dumb one, She is,"

"Hey!" Cole complained, hitting Jayden's arm.

"I don't mean it that way though." Jayden said between his laugh.

"What am I gonna tell my mom?" Cole scratched his head.

"About what?"

"Detention. I got detention today and somehow, she already knows."

"You made that choice on your own,"

"Fuck you!"

Jayden raised a hand at Cole and he stepped back.

"I'm sorry," Cole apologized.

Don't buy it, he's never sorry. He just said it to soothe the situation. Typical.

"Just tell her what happened," Jayden suggested.

Cole gave Jayden a skeptical look, Jayden nodded.

"You are sick somewhere," Cole pointed.

"Say it like this ~ mom, I got in detention today because I wanted to be with this girl I like ~ see easy,"

"You think so?" Cole said, forming a crease between his eyebrows.

"Trust me, once you say this, your father will have you beheaded at once." Jayden and chuckled afterwards.

"Fuck you!" Cole showed him a finger.

"Fake a headache or something, she loves you. Then tell her you fell asleep in class. Problem solved" Jayden Jammed his palms.

"Okay," Cole nodded.


Ashley walked up to Jayden and Cole after she told Katniss to take a walk around the courtyard.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you guys," she apologized.

"Good, I was looking forward to your apology." Cole said, nodding.

"Jayden?" Ashley called as he didn't respond to her apology.

Jayden drew circles on the floor with his foot, not minding Ashley's presence.

"You've got to be fucking with me?" Cole mumbled, surprised at Jayden's action.

"Well, you said I should get lost. Why are you here now?" Jayden asked, not making eye contact with anyone but the ground.

Ashley smiled at him," I'm here to apologize for saying that,"

"Are you?"

"Yes," Ashley said, sharply.

"Go ahead," Jayden finally looked at her.

"I'm really sorry for yelling at you Jayden," Ashley said as she wrapped her arms around.

"I have not forgiven you...yet," Jayden said.

"Yet? Yet is hope." Ashley said, smiling.

She tiptoed and whispered to him.

"Hmm?" Ashley asked when she was done.

Jayden nodded," Okay," he said looking away, trying to hide his smile.

Ashley pecked him on the lips.

"I should have left a long time ago," Cole grimaced." I'm going anyways,"

"Wait!" Ashley stopped him.

"Do you need a bed? We are at school, I don't know where to find one." Cole said.

"Shut up!" Jayden said.

"You can't say that to me, I'm your best friend bro, I have to tease your girlfriend. Her life depends on it." Cole said

"No it doesn't," Ashley shaked her head, not for a no but for Cole's stupidity.

"What do you want?"

"I need you help?"

"Like I said, I do not know where to find one." Cole grumbled.

"I'm not asking for a bed so please, will you listen?" Ashley asked, tightenen her teeth.

Cole sighed, "Tell me,"

"I need you to be something like a bodyguard for Katniss ,"

"I don't understand, Queen Charlotte." Cole said.

"Cooolllleeee!" Jayden warned him.

"Ok, alright." Cole rolled his eyes, "Talk more." Cole said.

"I need you to stay by her side everytime she's not inside her house, it's not gonna be hard, she doesn't go out." Ashley said.

"Everytime?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, especially when I'm not there. It's also a chance to get closer."

"If I may sum this up, you want me to be something like a bodyguard for Katniss."

"I said that, didn't I?" Ashley asked turning to Jayden.

He shaked his head at her, telling her to ignore Cole.

"I have to bring her to school and back everyday?"

"If that's what bodyguard means for you then, yes." Ashley nodded.

"To the library, classes, assembly, labs, field-"

"Cole! anywhere that's not inside her house you have to be there,"

"I can do that," Cole smiled.

"I know, all I'm asking is that you do not take your eyes off her." Ashley said.

"You are really trusting Cole to keep your best friend safe?" Jayden asked.

"He can be trusted right?" Ashley asked and Jayden did not reply.

"Jayden how dare you? Are you serious?" Cole asked.

"Of course he can, the most trustworthy." Jayden exaggerated.

"Jayden come on," Cole nagged.

"He can, I was just joking ." Jayden said, chuckling.

"Good," Ashley nodded, " Katniss stepped up for the whole class today, I do not like it."

"Me neither,"

"Dumb," Jayden chuckled.

"Dude, seriously stop!" Cole said, annoyed.

"Ok, ok," Jayden put his hands in the air for a split-second.


The end of recess.

"We have to get back to detention," Cole said.

"I heard Frank's in detention," Ashley said.

"Bodyguard," Cole raised a hand reminding Ashley." Don't worry," Cole assured.

He walked away from them to Katniss.



The school dismissed.

"Let's go," Katniss said pulling Ashley's arm.


"My house, we have to explain how I got detention and my injured arm to my mom." Katniss said, pointing.

Ashley sighed," Right,"

"Bye-bye," Katniss waved Jayden and Cole, pulling Ashley along with her.

Ashley phone beeped and she haulted.

"Let Cole go with you instead," Ashley said, looking up from her phone screen.

"What? Why?"

"He knows more about your stay in detention not me," Ashley said.

"That doesn't matter, you don't have to know anything about my stay in detention." Katniss shaked her head.

"I have stuff to do," Ashley said.

"What stuff?" Katniss asked in fear of the turn this was taking.

"Katniss -"

"What will he say to convince my mom?" Katniss whispered, glancing at Cole.

Ashley chuckled.

"You're laughing?"

"No," Ashley stopped." He'll come up with something."

"You don't know that," Katniss gritted, almost exploding.

"Your mom won't be difficult," Ashley assured.

"You don't know that either," Katniss shaked her head, vigorously.

"I do, I just can't go with you."

"Why?" Katniss yelled in her whisper.

Ashley panicked a little but she found Jayden's hand.

"Jayden, that's why." she smiled, showing Katniss.

Katniss blinked," Jayden?" She scoffed" you're choosing Jayden over me?" Katniss grimaced.

"Excuse me," Jayden said in shock of the look this girl was giving him.

"No! be quiet." Katniss said, feeling humiliated.

Cole wanted to laugh about how dramatic this girl was being. He looked away.

"Katniss you have to calm down," Ashley said.

"I've never been this calm before," Katniss said, frustrated.

"I just have somewhere to go with Jayden,"

"Which means you're choosing him over me, right?" Katniss pointed at her self.

"That's what it looks like," Jayden spoke, smugly.

"Shut up!" Ashley said before turning back to Katniss," it's not like that Katniss."

"How is it like?" Katniss deadpanned.

"Err..." Ashley scratched her head.

"We are going on a date," Jayden said.

"A date?" Katniss asked

Jayden nodded.

"After school?"

Jayden nodded.

"Yes, after school." Ashley replied, nodding.

Her boyfriend was a bad liar.

Katniss sighed.

"You know what? Just go." Katniss waved her hand dismissively.

"I will call you and Cole will take you" Ashley assured.



"Can we go?" Cole asked.

They've been standing for the past twenty minutes since Ashley and Jayden left. This girl had been silent, it's like she didn't even notice he was waiting for her.

"Where?" Katniss asked, not exactly looking at Cole.

She was still trying to comprehend the fact that her best friend ditched her.

"To your house, To see your mom, To talk to her. Isn't that why Ashley said I should go with you?" Cole asked.

"Hmm," she hummed in response.

"Katniss are you listening to me?" Cole asked.

Katniss turned to Cole," I am listening, I'm just not paying attention."

"Well, can we move? We've been like this for twenty five minutes now," Cole looked at his wristwatch.


"Yes and it looks like it's going to rain soon, so please can we move?" Cole begged.

Katniss stared at the sky," Are you sure it's going to rain?"

"If I-" Cole exhaled.

This girl was testing him and his patience. He was losing it infact.

"Yes Katniss, it will rain soon." Cole spoke calmly as possible.

"Did the weather forecast say so?" Katniss said pulling out her phone.

Cole grabbed her hand pulling her towards his car.

"Hey!" She complained as he pulled her.

Cole ignored her till he got to the car.

"The rain will pour in a matter of minutes and if we don't hurry, we will be drenched." Cole pulled the door open for her.

"You do not know that, because the weather is gloomy doesn't mean it'll rain we have to wait for the weather forecast," she looked away from Cole to her phone.

"That's exactly what it means, gloomy means it'll rain soon. A sign that you should run home." Cole pointed at the sky.

"No, no, no, Cole. No!" Katniss argued, ticking her finger like a clock." That's not what it means,"

Cole dropped his head in frustration, he thought she was smart. He wanted to cry. He didn't plan it this way.

"So, what should we do?" Cole asked.

"We wait," she rested on the car

"While we wait can we drive home, just in case." Cole said"please," he begged.

Katniss scowled at Cole before entering into the car.

"Thank you," Cole shut the door.

How stubborn. He thought.


The car was silent as the noisy sound of the rain filled the air. The windscreen and roof of the car were getting it all.

It was heavy.

Katniss sinked into the sit.

"Maybe it's true, gloomy weather  mean rain," Katniss said, looking out the window through the glass.

Cole glanced at her.

"It does," he said in an emotionless tone.

"I didn't know,"

"I did,"

She sighed, Cole was giving her quick replies, not like she needed one.

"Well...well...the weather forecast didn't show anything like this,"

"It did," He muttered, not sparing her a glance

She groaned inwardly, she had to apologize once again. She hated being the wrong one.

She hoped for Ashley to come back, that's why she delayed.

She was stealing glances from Cole and he didn't notice, at least that's what she thought.

"I-I-I--" she stammered,

Cole turned to her with one hand on the wheel. He had patiently waited for this. He was on something like a standby for her apology.


"I'm sorry," she stuttered

Cole swallowed the urge to laugh. She just looked too funny when she was doing anything. It was cute.

"No problem,"

"I was just shocked that she left me for a date after school!" She scoffed.

"Is this the first time she's ditching you?" Cole asked.

She shook her head.

"This one got me,"Katniss touched her chest with hurts.

He nodded, he wasn't any different from her. He was worse. Jayden was his best friend, yes but also a total jerk.

He couldn't count how many times his appointment with Jayden got cancelled, his plans shattered, all because of one somebody.


She was on his black book, but his crush was the only hindrance from ending that girl.

"By the way," She said, bringing Cole back to reality, "You don't have to talk to my mom, I'll do it."

"I'm here in Ashley's place, you wouldn't tell her that, would you?" Cole asked.

She nodded, he was right for a fact. She thought for a while, trying to get something on him.

"We don't know if my mom's home, I shouldn't waste your time. She's not home." Katniss said, unsure.

"You said 'we don't know', that means it includes you. Why don't we get to your house first? That way, we'll be sure." Cole suggested.

"Well," she started, still thinking.

This girl just wanted to argue. He thought.

"You got into a fight too." She pointed, raising her head high.

"So what? you want to talk my mom?" Cole asked.

"No!" she shouted, almost immediately.

"Good,"Cole said with a nod,"You don't have to worry, you do the talking I will just flow with whatever you say besides I'm just there to ease the situation so I won't talk much, I will only nod."

Katniss rolled in her lips to prevent her self from smiling. If he wouldn't talk, she was good with it.

"I wasn't worried," she said, looking away.

"Okay, you're saying I should tell her what happened today. I should tell your mom what I saw with my eyes today?" Cole smirked.


This boy was just a...a...troublemaker.

"You're not worried means you're ok with whatever I tell your mom, right?" Cole cocked a brow.

A crease formed between her eyes brows," No, I'm not ok with whatever you tell my mom." She stated clearly.

"Are you worried or not?" Cole asked.

"I'm no-" Katniss stopped when she met Cole's skeptical look.

She sighed, closing her eyes for whatever she was gonna say next.

"I am,"she nodded,"I am worried of what you'll say to my mom." She spoke the truth.

"Don't worry, you won't be punished, I'll make sure of that." Cole assured.

"Punished! I-"

"Oh look! We're at you house," he pointed through the windscreen.

He was right.

She couldn't go out in the rain to  input the passcode, her mom won't even be happy if a tiny droplet of water from the rain touched her.

She called.

Few minutes later the gate pulled open automatically.

"So your mom IS home," Cole said, putting emphasis on the two letter words 'is', he smiled at her.

She rolled her eye balls in annoyance as he drove in.

Katniss hesitated a little before walking into the house with Cole behind her. Hesitated because she didn't know how her mom would react about her detention notice plus the bruise on her arm.

She sighed.

"Mummy," Katniss called, poking in her head through the second entrance door.

'Mummy' Cole chuckled inwardly.

"Mummy," she drawled, walking gently into the house like it was haunted.

Cole followed behind.

Maria walked out of the kitchen, her favourite place in the house.

"Katniss," she called back with a slight smile on her face as she saw Cole's figure.

Katniss gently walked up to her mom and went down on her knees. Cole's jaw dropped, instantly.

"You didn't listen to them, did you?" Katniss asked looking up to her mom her big eyes.

"Listen to who?" Maria asked, confusedly looking down at her daughter.

"Mummy, I didn't say it." Katniss shaked her head.

"Okay Katniss, get up." Maria said pulling her up by her shoulders.

"No," she dropped back to her knees."I want to explain myself." Katniss said.

"Katniss get up," Maria whispered.

Cole's mouth was still open the entire time, he got the thought to close it before something flew in. He didn't see this one coming.

What was he supposed to do now, kneel to?!

"I'm sorry, I won't take the blame again, I didn't want the whole class to be in the principal's office. I took the blame because we would've skipped the English class..." Katniss cried, looking up to her mom as she wiped both sides of her face continuously.

Maria looked at Cole and smiled, he smiled back with a nod which meant 'take your time'.

"...I won't do it again mom, I promise, I won't." Katniss said in between her sobs, wrapping her arms around her mom's legs.

"Okay, okay," Maria stroked her hair." The thing is I don't know what you said or didn't, I just know you got detention."

"Really?" Katniss stopped sobbing.

"Yes really. So please get up," Maria said, pulling her shoulder with full force this time, incase if she tried to resist.

"They didn't tell you?"


"The people that told you I got detention!" Katniss stamped her foot, frustrated.

Every move this girl made, seemed to amaze Cole, she was crying a second ago and now she's scolding her mom.

"Katniss, it's a notification on the phone, like a text message. It's my number on your school profile. Nobody came to my doorstep or called either." Maria explained.

"Oh," she recoiled.

"So what did you say?" Maria asked.

"I didn't say it, I was framed." She cried.

"Ok, so what didn't you say?" Maria asked.

"It doesn't matter besides I don't know how to say it." Katniss shaked her head.

"You realize that Cole's still here right?" Maria asked.

"What?" She asked looking behind her.

She had forgotten long ago. She hid behind her mum in embarrassment. Cole resisted the urge to laugh.

Maria ignored her," Cole, you're here to study?"

"Oh no, not today." Cole shaked his head,"We were in detention together, Ashley said I'd come over and clarify but she handled it herself."Cole pointed at Katniss who was still hiding.

"Okay," Maria nodded.

"I'll be on my way now, see you in school tomorrow Katniss." He waved.

Katniss was about to wave back at him but...

"Stay for a while," Maria suggested.

"Ehh!" Katniss said in shock.

"The rain is still pouring,"

Cole smiled at the generousity of this woman, her daughter was a case.

"Thank you Mrs Everdeen but I have to go home now,"

"Besides he brought his car," Katniss whispered from behind.

"Make him stay," Maria whispered back.

The tone made Katniss know her mom was serious. She peeped at Cole, finally she stepped out of her cover.

"Please, stay Cole. At least till the rain stops,"


"I insist," Katniss cut him, smiling.

Curse that smile. It's a charm.

Cole nodded.

"Have a seat please," Katniss motioned towards the seat." I'll get you something to drink."

Maria stared at her daughter, such a... gentlewoman.


The rain went on for the next two hours and those were the best two hours of Cole's life.

To his surprise, Katniss sat with him and he got to know alot of what he didn't know about her. He got a bit jealous in their conversation because she was so obsessed with Korean guys while he was so obsessed with her.

He thought he was stubborn, he thought he argued best but this girl before him proved him wrong, when they argued, she won and if he didn't believe her, she'd go as far as googling to prove it. She spoke facts and only facts. That was good he needed someone who could tame him. He knew he needed taming.

'I must say, I do have a good taste' was what he told himself after their third argument.

This was all part of his plan though, taking her home was but staying for a while wasn't. The beeping on Ashley's phone came from him. He reminded her that he was the bodyguard and Ashley reasoned with him.

The rain stopped, Cole waved Katniss as he left reminding her to tell her mom that he was leaving. He wouldn't want his mother-in-law to worry about his whereabout.


"What's on you mind Cole?" Katie, Cole mom asked.

He's been silent for a while and he hadn't taken a sip of his soda. He's eyes was just peered into his phone screen but his fingers didn't move.

"Nothing," He shaked his head, grabbing the bottle of soda.

"You're not ready to tell me?" Katie asked, pestering her son.

"There's nothing to tell,"

Jasmine walked into the sitting room, rolling her bag behind her.

"Vanessa's mom's here, I'm leaving." Jasmine informed.

"See you tomorrow," Katie said.

Jasmine nodded with a smile.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Where the hell is she going?" Cole pointed.

"I can't believe you're this dumb, I literally mentioned Vanessa in my sentence. Think fast!" Jasmine shouted.

"Mom why is she going to Vanessa's house? and it looks like she's sleeping over," Cole asked, staring at the bag in his sister's hand.

"She wants to," Katie answered simply, shrugging.

Cole choked on his own spit as he heard that.

"She wants to?" Cole asked again.

The two women before him nodded.

"It's not part of this year's school curriculum, is it?"

"Why would it be?" Jasmine chuckled.

Cole turned to his mom," You said we were to strictly follow our school's curriculum this term,"

"We?" Jasmine grimaced at that pronoun," she meant you," Jasmine pointed.

Cole ignored her.

"Mom, why is she going for a sleepover? It's not on the school's curriculum."

"I trust Jasmine, she'll definitely have some book time during the sleepover."

Jasmine nodded as her mom was right.

"And you don't trust me?" Cole asked, it didn't sound like a question though.

"I didn't say that,"

"And you didn't deny it either," Cole said," she gets to go for a sleepover but I can't spend one night at Jayden's house," Cole said, raising a finger.

"Exactly," Jasmine confirmed, smiling.

"I don't know what you'll do when I'm not watching Cole, I want to pass your exams." Katie said.

Cole scoffed." I've always passed my exams, what'd you mean by you don't know what I'll do?"

Jasmine sighed, tired of this argument.

"Just so you know, Mom's scared of sending you to school everyday. You are not in any position to talk about trust." Jasmine said.

Cole's jaw dropped as he turned to his mom.

"Jasmine go now!" Katie shouted, as her daughter just exposed their little secret.

"No! If she leaves, I'm leaving too." Cole said, standing up.

"Cole sit down!" Katie told him.

"Why do you always have to pamper her or  make her feel so special, she'll think it's her right." Cole pointed.

"I'm entitled," jasmine said.

Cole turned to his naive little sister who thought life was all about butterflies and rainbows and roses.

"No, you're not." He said, slowly shaking his head at his sister.

"Mom, I'm leaving." Jasmine said, rolling her bag behind her.

"No! Come back here! Now! This instant!" Cole shouted, as he watched his sister walk away.

He could only shout. When he was tired of standing, he resumed his sit.

"My own mother is scared of sending me to school everyday," Cole said, replaying Jasmine's voice in his head.

He sipped his soda to calm down.

"It's best you stay home and study," Katie said.

Cole looked away, ignoring his mom.

"The last time your dad came home, he complained about your grades," Katie reminded.

"Mom I got straight A's and just a C in a foreign language I have no intention of learning. We all know he was putting up a show." Cole said in annoyance.

"Cole you can't say that about your dad,"Katie warned.

"Your husband," Cole mumbled, knowing what his mom would do if she heard him.

"What will he say when he finds out about the detention class you got today, huh?" Katie cocked a brow.

Cole gave his mom a side-eye. He forgot about that.

"I didn't do that on purpose," Cole shrugged.

"Cole that's two detentions and the term started only a month ago."

"I apologize alright, I had a headache and fell asleep in class." he muttered.

"A headache?" Katie panicked," you didn't tell me you had a headache,"

Look at this woman, a second ago she was scolding him and now she worried.

"I'm telling you!" Cole shouted.

"Did you take anything?"

"It's not that serious," Cole said.

Katie sighed," Your dad looks up-"

"Aah! My head it hurts," Cole interrupted his mom with a fake pain, as he held his head.

"You just said it wasn't serious!" His mom shouted, standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

"It comes and goes alright!". Cole shouted, pulling out his phone as he thought his mom left him alone.

Katie came back with a bottle of water and two pills on her palm.

"I will not drink that," Cole pointed.

"Open your mom now!" Katie said, putting down the bottle.

"No!" Cole climbed the sofa, as that was the only way to get away from his mom.

"Cole get down!" Katie said, still holding the pills in her hand.

He hadn't changed one bit, climbing the sofa. A bad habit.

"No!" Cole shouted back, jumping to another sofa.

She followed him,"Cooollleee!"

"Mooooom!" Cole shouted, still jumping from sofa to sofa.

It's not the first time, Cole hated medicines, he didn't hate school nurses but all nurses in general, hospitals was a fear he had since he was little.

Cole stumbled on a pillow and fell to the ground releasing a groan, that was Katie's only chance. She pinned Cole to the ground.

"Open you mouth now," Katie said.

"No!" Cole said struggling.

Somehow, his mom was freakishly strong.

Katie gripped Cole jaw tightly, giving her access to his mouth.

He tried to shout but couldn't because of how hard his mom squeezed his face.

"Someone help!" Cole shouted, even when he knew no one would come to his aid.

Katie chuckled. She reached for the bottle water. Dropping the pills in Cole's mouth, she filled him with water just in case he would spit it out.

When she was done, she let Cole be.

Cole put his tongue like a dog, it was bitter. He wanted to throw up.

"It won't hurt anymore," Katie said, as she sat.

He glared at his mom. It was a fake headache, he took pills for no reason.

Curse Jayden.

There was silence in the room for a few minutes. Until...

"So how is Katniss?" Katie asked.

Cole snapped a look at him mom.

"Mom where'd you hear that name?" Cole asked.

"So she's real," Katie nodded, her son confirmed her findings.


"Jayden teases you with that name anytime he comes over," Katie shrugged.

"Shit!" Cole looked away as he mumbled a curse word.

"How is she?" Katie asked, curiously.

"I don't know anyone named Katniss," he lied, obviously.

"I can tell that you're lieing, how long Cole? Is she new?"

Cole sighed.

"Mom if you listened attentively, you would have already known that she's been in our school for over a year now, She's not new anymore." Cole explained, moving his hands.

"A year? Cole a year? Why haven't I seen her?" Katie asked in shock.

"We aren't dating...yet," he drawled but said 'yet' firmly, regretting why Jayden ever talked about this at his house.

Katie smiled at 'yet'

"You're sure it's not pressure from your mates again?" Katie asked.

"Never! That would never happen again, I promise myself." Cole shaked his head.

"How is she doing?"


"The old girl of course,"

"I don't know, I have no busy with her anymore." Cole said.

"What's her name again?" Katie tapped her chin, trying to remember.

"Mom please," Cole begged," My head hurts, mentioning her name will make it worse."



"Tell me about Katniss," Katie started again.

Cole stood up," I'm going to my room to play COD and I do not! want any disturbances,"

Katie laughed at him.

Anneyeong Yeoleobun

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's the first double update I'm doing since I started writing.

I decided to introduce Cole's family to the story. Cole hates hospitals, just like me. They make me sick.

I'd like to know what you think about the chapter.

Why were they startled when Cole said he was bringing his dad to school?

What's you thought about jasmine?

So there's an old girl eeh!?

Any guesses?

Also, also, also, I'm currently watching a kdrama.

'BAD AND CRAZY'.( Starring: lee dong wook.)

I'd like to know if you watch dramas too. I need recommendations ASAP.

QOTD: who is Cole's father? What's he like?(character) what do you think he does for a living?(job)

(Cmt you answers)

Please always remember to vote if you like it and express yourself through the comments.

I love y'all


P.s. I also released this book on Wattpad and I'm ahead on Wattpad too

Debbie_Bankscreators' thoughts