
Soul bound

JAMAL'S heart clenched in fear as he saw the exact sword that was on his neck. He wasn't an avid reader of history, neither did he really care about soldiers or their wars. He was the kind that believed that soldiers were supposed to be nothing but errand boys to the councilmen, the political warriors.

To him politics was paramount as he believed none of these soldiers were smart enough to know where to direct their swords. All of them were made for the physical battle and the only ones that should decide when or how a battle should be fought were the statesmen, the ones who actually studied the art of directing and managing a nation. However, he found that this wasn't the case, the soldiers in their service had grown arrogant. They seemed to hold as much power as those that should be directing them.

For this reason he despised the military, always striving to keep them under the jurisdiction of the Council of Sages. Their conquests meant nothing to him, and he had shown them nothing but disdain. But now, standing with a mythical sword at his throat, his heart brimmed with an unfamiliar respect.

Few things could awe a Sage, and even fewer could instill fear. A mythic-grade weapon, however, could shake even the God King. Only nine such weapons had ever been discovered in the world, relics from the old world before the Drowning, each possessing devastating power.

Jamal knew only two others besides the Twilight that now threatened his life. One belonged to the God King himself, an artifact shrouded in mystery, known only as the Scales of Anubis. No one had seen it except for Godblast and his team, on the fateful day they fought God. Yet, its power was undeniable, felt by all who were there.

The second was wielded by Godblast himself. Though Jamal knew little about it, the weapon was legendary, immortalized in historical records and songs, spoken of by countless multitudes. It was called the Wheel of Mercury. These two weapons were in the hands of beings so powerful that their mere existence could ripple across the entire world.

The third of this weapon that he knew was currently the one he was staring at; The Twilight. No one has ever really perceived its effects as the Marshal had never really used it in battle. However, it has been the talk of the town when she gained the weapon.

Unlike other weapons, a Mythic grade weapon chooses its owner and it selects those it deems worthy of possessing its power. For this reason, all Mythic grade weapons are soul bound! They cannot be stolen, nor can they be parted from their wielders.

"Jamal!" The Admiral called him by the name immediately. "Stand down!"

The voice spread across the entire hall and the Sage stepped back in fear. Marshal Irene glanced up at everyone in the room and the sword dematerialized in her hand. Without a backward glance, she turned and began to walk out, her team quietly following her lead.

"So you will show me disrespect, Irene? You will turn your back on my authority without question? Should I take this as a rebellion or just a woman unfit for her role as Marshal?" The Admiral spoke calmly now but she could hear him clearly as the entire audience had frozen, too afraid to even breathe.

Irene turned back, her brows furrowed in anger. She marched towards the Admiral's seat, shoving Jamal out of her path, the latter almost crashing into the wooden cubicle. "You dare speak of disrespect?" She said, glaring at the Admiral. "You dragged me from the oceans, brought me here as a sign that you hold no respect for my role or my judgment,* she paused, clearing her white hair from her face. "You then allowed that…" she pointed to Jamal, letting her eyes scan him from head to toe. "...to desecrate my subject in front of me! This was a hearing, and you turned it into an interrogation, yet you speak of disrespect?"

She ascended the steps slowly, her gaze locking onto the Admiral's. "You are incurring the wrath of everyone here. A council meeting isn't called lightly. The Silent Sorrows was no ordinary ship, and you know that. It's a relic from an ancient era, irreplaceable," Alilovic said with a smug smile. "Yet, under the watch of your subject, it was lost…"

"To Godblast!" Irene interrupted, her voice cutting through the room. "My Notary recorded the residual energy from the attack, measuring between seventy-five and eighty on the Standard Scale. I sent you all the data, and all I got in return was a damn summon." Her anger seethed, nearly overtaking her, but she caught herself and stepped down.

"It's easy for you to judge from behind your desks, living off the wealth built on the blood and sweat of others. None of you understand what it's like out there on the seas, the sacrifices we make. But you do," she said, pointing directly at the Admiral. "Yet, you side with them; these bloated parasites who survive only because of our sacrifices!"

She glanced at Moirai, her diviner and could see a subtle smile on her face. "I have decided to handle Helios' situation myself," her voice receding to a calm state. "I have deemed all of you unworthy to judge the situation, and if you have a problem with that, the name of my ship is called the Retribution, I will drop you all my daily coordinates, come and seize him from my watch." She announced.

She then turned back. "Also, Admiral, the next time you threaten my post or what I stand for, you will have an enemy that will stop at nothing till you are completely desecrated, this is not a threat but a warning," she then turned to Jamal. "You already have an enemy, Sage!" She bowed and turned around walking out of the hall, her procession following her closely.

The Admiral raised his eyes and sighed. "Well, that has been decided, I am going to go home now," he declared, standing up from his seat and using the other entrance to exit the building.