
The Southern Bell

April_James · Fantaisie
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The Southern Bell " Author April James

It was a beautiful bright sunny day when Miss Ella was on her way to the local shopping center to get her groceries on her list, she had made plans to cook the local football star Isiah. Ella had liked Isiah since the day they started 1st grade but was to shy to talk to him so she stayed In the shadows waiting for the day to arrive when he would notice her. Ella watched as he dated alot of other females and she thought she would never get a chance until that one faithful Thursday when he walked past her an smiled. Ella came to her locker an as she opened It there fell out a note, she opened it an to her surprise there was a note from Isiah. Isiah wanted just a day with Ella. So she wanted It to be perfect so she went and got what she needed to make the 1st date with Isiah the best. She bought candles, food an a good cd to play during their meal. As she walked thru her town she wondered why an how she got so lucky to be having the famous quarter back as a date. She knew he got around an she thought the other girls was so much prettier then her. Ella was just a dirty blonde, blue eyed freckled girl with no hopes of every dating. But tonight was her night an she wasn't letting anything break that. As she got home she ran upstairs to find the prettiest dress an figure out what she was going to do with her hair. Still so excited to be having this chance she hurried up got dressed, did her hair an sprayed herself with perfume. She knew she had to get dinner done soon as Isiah would be arriving soon. Her friends kept calling an laughing because they thought It was a trick. That Isiah just wanted to do this because he was failing his classes an couldn't play football with bad grades. Isiah knew how smart Ella was. As the dinner time started getting closer she got so nervous. Couldn't quit shaking, sweating an worrying he wasn't going to show up. Then came a knock on the door. There stood this handsome brown haired boy dressed to kill. As she walked him In and showed him his seat. He asked why she waited this late to say anything to him. like she said "You was always just to busy". She made his plate an set next to him an as they ate It was very quiet.

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