
The Soul Slotter

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, at least that's how the saying goes. This world follows that saying as if it were a creed etched in stone by the lifeblood of the soul itself. The twelve Zodiacs, the leaders of the twelve remaining provinces of earth, each and every one of them corrupted to their cores. The earth has been in a constant struggle for power between these provinces for 500 or so years now. The citizens were starving, enslaved, dying, or working themselves to death just to survive. The nobles of course walked upon the backs of those beneath them Zodiac willing, for who looked to a diety above those perched at the top of the food chain. The dynamic needed to change, the Zodiacs need to be humbled, and those lurking in the shadows pulling strings for those in power need to be taken care of. Join Damien and his sister Tessa on an epic journey to disrupt the status quo, will they fall short or will they surpass the expectations of the people, themselves, and the readers.

Sully_Munster · Urbain
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29 Chs

Sera vs Damien

*Boom* Sera pushed off from the edge of the dojo and was immediately in front of Damien. His eyes widened as he put his sword in front of himself, barely blocking her attack as she front kicked. His feet slid across the floor only stopping after about fifteen feet. "I don't think I'll be able to beat her in strength. I can possibly outmatch her in speed, but mostly I have to rely on my wits." Damien took a deep breath.

In a gust of wind Damien seemingly phased away from the spot he was standing. He reappeared in Sera's peripherals on her left side sword already swinging. She moved to block eyes wide "was he always this fast?" As she braced herself for the block and readied for a counterattack she passed through his sword with no contact. "An afterimage?!"

She felt a breeze at her back and immediately ducked without hesitation. The next second she felt her hair getting whipped she turned to see a devilish smile on Damiens face. "What had changed?"

Indeed something had changed. You see Damien had completed his trial. Xavier had already been taught to hide his Soul Aura so none could see that he was also in his first trial trying for his blessing. Due to Damien defeating Xavier in the first fight he had an immediate boost in his soul power and essence. However he cannot receive his blessing until he decides to leave his trial. It doesn't mean he hasn't gotten stronger though. His speed and strength had both tripled at this point and he was already stronger and faster than the average Integrater. I mean he already had three souls even though he couldn't access the third one he still had access to the boost in strength it provided.

Damien went for a kick as Sera was already on one knee from avoiding his sword swing. She met his kick with a punch. There was a clear winner as Damien's foot flew back so fast his whole body followed suit. "Fuck that hurt." Damien grimaced as he landed on his face. "Luckily nothing was broken." He was already pushing himself back up to his feet.

Damien looked up as he raised himself to see a sword swinging for his head, he threw himself into a back handspring narrowly avoiding the hit. The moment his feet touch the ground again he phased away again. This time he appeared directly in front of Sera his sword slashing up and to the right. She blocked her feet sliding back as he disappeared again. *Wham* his fist plowed into her left cheek. His follow through from his overhand punch slamming her into the floor. She gets her hands underneath her and twists going for a sweeping leg kick only to be met with empty air.

Damien had already flipped over to her back, he crouched down to get his sword beneath her throat, his breath catching in surprise as his practice blade bounced off her own, somehow she had managed to get her sword into position to block him. With her other hand she then reached up and grabbed his collar throwing him over her shoulder and hitting him with the pommel of her sword. The proximity was too close for her to get the "kill" with her blade.

"Son of a bitch she hits hard" Damien wheezed and stood up. His eyes started to glow as he got in a defensive stance. His eyes darting around quickly before locking back on his target. She swung her sword diagonally down and to the left he lifted his own sword allowing it to glide along her blade. When he reached a little past the halfway point he felt a notch where the wooden blade was worn down more than the rest of the sword "Bingo."

The two clashed several times and he focused on that worn bit on her sword gently coaxing that notch to become deeper. Their deadly dance becoming a frenzy as he pressed harder and harder to break her guard. Until finally *Craaaack* her sword splintered where he had been focusing his hits. She stared in disbelief as his sword tickled her chin. The battle won, his chest heaving.

The rest of the class looked on wide eyed. Xavier, however; was nowhere to be found. Since he had failed his first trial he was sent back to his body. He could try again in another month. Sera herself was smiling again. "It looks like your hard work for the last week with us paid off."

"It wasn't just that, I was able to intermingle the training I've had for the last year and what You've taught me here. Not to mention I felt a massive difference in my strength, agility, and overall stamina after I defeated Xavier. Though I don't know where he ran off to."

"Oh? Then he must have also been a trial runner, which means that you have completed your first trial. Once you return to your body you'll receive your blessing."

"I would like to thank Solis for the opportunity before I go... If that's alright."

"Be my guest shadow walker, and thank you for a good fight."