

Alice turned 5 years old; her father, the dragon, gave her a small bow and arrow. "Okay, you see the target?" He stands behind her and whispers softly. "Yeah..." she holds the string back aiming for the target. "Okay, now. Focus your eyes to the middle, always good to keep your eyes open and your mind clear; best for hunting," the dragon patted her back softly. She took a deep breathe and relaxed. She let the string go and the arrow at full speed, the arrow hit the target; right in the middle. "Haha! Good shot!" The dragon picked her up and danced around happily. Alice giggled as she danced with him. "That's my girl!"

After a few years of training with swords, arrows, potions, and animal care. She was ready to learn the most hardest thing anyone could master. The night woke, so did Alice. She hurried on her shoes and ran out from the cave to her father. "More lessons papa?" She slowed down and took a breathe. "Hmm...how about we learn something new," he smiled. "Like what papa?" She sat next to him as they looked at the glowing stars above. "Magic," he said swiftly. The thought of magic ran through her mind. "Magic!!" She jumped up. "I thought you said humans aren't supposed to learn magic?" She tilted her head. "Yes, I know. Your mother never learned how to mastered magic, but I taught her how to speak to a crowd, and learn healing...." he sighed as she glazed at Alice. "What ever happened to mom, papa?" She looked at him. "I can't tell you that...not yet, but one day...you will know," he kissed her head. "Now lets go practice," he got up on all fours and placed his tail down; Alice climbed up onto him. He walked for a few minutes till they saw a bigger cave. "Okay, here we are," he looked at Alice as she slid off his body and into the cave. The whole cave was filled with books, potions, all history. "This is amazing!" She looked around. The place was old and dusted with small bunnies and broken objects. "This is the place we're I taught your mother to heal," the dragon smiled as he laid down. "Now it's your turn to learn the ways of flames," he blew a small flame into the air. "Woah..." she sat down amazed. "Okay, first off! The flame has moods, it could set the flame to be hit, or cold depending on your feelings, never use flames for evil, first you need a hot lava bath," he smiled happily, "I love those," he chuckled. Her eyes widened. "Lava bath!" She stood up and followed her father to a pit of lava.

Her father slowly slipped. "Aaah...feels nice," he turned to her. "Now, slowly get in. Think of positive things," he moved over as Alice slowly slipped in the lava. It stung her a bit; "ah," she shook her head but the lava turned nice and warm. "Woah..." she relaxed. "Now for the real test" he smiled.