
The Soul Collector Pairs

In a post-apocalyptic Earth. A scientist couple, Mordred and his wife Melantha have been experimenting with souls since the day of its discovery. Before Earth's total demise, with all the knowledge their current world has to offer, they escaped their calamitous place through a soul reincarnation. Cast to the unfamiliar new world, the couple has to find means to survive while possessing the hearts of the savage. From the primitive to the metal-wielding Goblins; magic and spells to fasten their civilization's development; and them collecting souls to surpass their body's limits. How long will it take them to establish their own green-skinned nation from scratch? ------ Author's Note: 1. This is my leisure book where I practice, so there won't be rhymes here. 2. The current update speed is 5 chapters per week. 3. I do not own the book's art cover, it was Googled. All credit goes to the original owner who can contact me in case they would like it to be removed. 4. The main characters were not kind in most circumstances.

TheFilthyRhymer · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9 - Love Nest *R18

WARNING: Explicit Content


The leaves shuffle in the makeshift bed, similar to how naughty thoughts shuffle in his mind. On top, he inhales her neck and short hair that blends with the earthy and musty scent of the cave. She no longer has his modern wife's bathing perfume, but her natural smell still has the same alluring power that is sweeter than any nectar.

As he pinches her neck skin with his lips, her breathing hardens not only her air but his shaft between his leafy pants as hot blood pumps down to his waist.

His hand gently explored every inch of her curvy body as their tongues fought between low moans, their sight locks, and their snake eyes mist in ecstasy. As his mouth descended, he slipped her leafy tube bra down to her waist and greedily kneaded her small mound while the other mound's cherry was sucked by his twirling tongue, leaving her green skin blushed with lust.

For his final meal course, he trailed down her slim belly with his kisses as he swiftly pulled down her leaf skirt. Once her legs were spread, a wild scent of her juices lured his nose down to her garden with sweet forbidden fruit.

Like a hungry beast, his mouth savors her garden's fruit with his slithering tongue that raises her hips in pleasure. Seizing the moment, he roughly squeezes her plump butt cheeks, shaping them to his deviant palms as he devours her whole being.

"M-ma Loove, more. So good." With her lovely face twisted in debauchery, she grabs him by the hair as she whispers in lust.

Eating her ravenously, her waist twitched in delight, washing his face with the spurts of her love fluids. "What do you want next, Darling?" He smooched her flushed labia a few more and seductively grinned between her legs.

"Fuck my hole crazy like you always do." She smiles back lasciviously.

With a pull on his pants, his long emerald rod whips out like an unchained beast. After a teasing rub of his dick's head to her wet clit, her garden's hole stretched as his rod pierced, coating him with slimy love juices that brought him to her heavens.

The makeshift bed creaks with his every incessant thrust, drowning their tunnel abode with the lustful moans of husband and wife.

In just 30 days of goblin age, they will have an urge to reproduce. The couple has been suppressing their lust on tabs, especially when they caught Aleges and Clux having some naughty sexy time during their foraging task.

Luck has been their side for their two buddies to be in matching sex or else they could've been forced to kill them if they had ever had a thought to force one of the couple to engage in their acts. Thankfully, Aleges and Clux seem to have adapted their culture of monogamy species since they have behaved and have set boundaries between friends and romantic partners.

Proving the fact that goblins are such adaptable creatures that could be one of the reasons for their race's survival even when their civilization was primitive, they were like barbaric humans that could be led if enough bonds were structured.

Additionally, the two had made the couple realize why goblins inbreed with different species, not only was the fertility rate of a female goblin lower than humans, but the ratio of the males being born was way higher than the opposite sex, forcing the goblins to capture and impregnate a female from a different species to keep them at healthy population.

When their cave settlement provides them enough safety and comfort, Mordred and Melantha finally succumb to their desires. Surely if they think with their pants they can indulge themselves anytime, but being in the wild has made their brains always alert and have less mood due to the stressful environment.

Undoubtedly, they do not apply to both Aleges and Clux unless a real predator was on their faces like the time when Tuilën frightened them silly.


Waking up refreshed, the couple immediately got to work by creating a fourth tunnel with a circular area, at the middle spot, they shoveled out a hole deep enough till they found groundwater afterward. Melantha finishes the water well by reinforcing the walls with stone to prevent collapse.

To ventilate the area on the fourth tunnel, at the edge of the cave, they dig out a pit large enough to fit an adult human perpendicular to a hole in the cave's roof for the air to pass. The pit's depths were to trap unwanted animals that fell from the surface borehole. A tedious task even in modern times due to their underground home being approximately 20 feet underground.

"Quite shameful of me to let you do most of the excavating task, Darling." He did his utmost part in digging with spade shovels but it wasn't that efficient compared to Melantha's ability to move the earth, making him scratch his head in embarrassment.

"Cheeky of you let me have Kerleun's blessing without a second thought 'cause you're expecting this aren't you?" She spouted out a tease that deepened his blush of shame. "Hahaha! I'm just messing with you M'Love." Her crisp giggles echoed as she heated up the animal's brains and fats in her ceramic clay pan.

"Whatcha doing guys?" A mischievous fairy was on the loose as she hovered above them, the time of the day that she paid their abode a visit.

"I was making a charcoal pit." He smudges the clay for a rim to be formed around the edge of the pit, this way the dirt will not fall into the pit and could contaminate the charcoals.

Once the rim was hardened by the fire heat at the center, he placed two sticks as the foundation then alternating layers of tree wood stacked on top. The smoke crawls to the roof hole they made recently.

"I've heard it twice now. Little Missy, what's a Natuzrhels?" Using a piece of cloth from the remnants of the black robes, she strains out layers of fat and fills in the pot ceramic underneath. The grimy odors that were supposed to be sickening have become somewhat bearable thanks to their goblin noses.

Kerleun pinches her tiny nose and pretends to be disgusted. "Eh? Were you not Elven Natuzrhels? They were the kindest out of those elves who had nasty-nasty personalities, they had dark green skins and of course graceful elven features, and they protect the balance of nature so they normally stayed in the forest."

That was the answer to why Kerleun was unafraid of them, being an airhead, she thought that even if they had unique abilities pertaining to the souls, they were just a variant of Natuzrhels. They may not be as graceful as when they perform a theatrical act during an encounter with Tuilën, but they are still eloquent compared to uneducated townsmen.

Not to mention that they had not shown any evil intent towards Kerleun and even helped her out in exchange for the simple "basic information" which for her had little to no value compared to her goldies.

"Nasty personalities?" Both Mordred and Melantha have muttered in question.

Compared to the goblins who were wild and uncultured in nature, Tuilën seems gentler and has better emotional control as long as they deal with her with reason, she was even quite fond of Melantha during their interactions.

"Of course, y'all wouldn't get it 'cause y'all only love each other, hmph! Oh, that includes us fairies hehe! But they interact with other races like they owe them lots of goldies. Full of pride and treat anyone as a lesser being. Eh! Come to think of it I don't really mind much, but those other races were quite pitiful sometimes, only sometimes hehe!"

Her grin widened with pride, she might be thinking that being indifferent was a cooler personality. Possibly the reason why Kerleun acts selfish and thinks that butting her nose at other businesses is uncool, an exception is only when she has to ask a favor in getting her goldies.

Glad that the couple has fooled her into letting them safe-keep her goldies in the cave, how can she deny if it was true that the town is no longer safe for her goldies to be kept, they told her that there might be lots of people that may come after her goldies so why not store it on the home of her trustee "friends."

If not, Kerleun might've just permanently stayed in town again since their abode was not rowdy enough to entertain her, but since her goldies were here, she had to visit often to check them out. If they can define Kerleun in a few words, she was just a greedy child.

"These Roots of Power you spoke of such as Enchantress Root and Elemental Conjurer Root. How do I access them without needing to be blessed by a Giftor?" Clamping the strayed pieces of wood with improvised wooden tongs with stone heads, he throws them back into the pit of the fire.

"Talent! You need talent, remember the elves? Huh? Aren't you one?" On his shoulder erect, she pokes his cheek. "The elves are innately talented in Roots of Power, so talented that their skins copy the color of the power they're uhhh! Friendly with? Oh! Oh! Has high synergy with. That's right!"

"So that explains Tuilën's complexion of wood brown." While waiting for all the woods to burn into charcoals, he laid a fluffy hide similar to a bear's down to a four-legged vertical log. Utilizing the stone knife's sharpness, he scrapes off the excess flesh of the hide in preparation for tanning.

"What about the Dead Raiser old man?"

"Duh! That's why he's an old fogey 'cause he's untalented. He's only at the tier 2 level of Necromancy Root, the Dead Raiser." She harrumphed her nose in disdain.

"What about the Banshee spirit he has summoned from the book?"

"Err! I don't know about that book. But that Banshee has taken form because of his Necro Tempt, a rare soul turned into an evil spirit by driving the soul mad with their emotions."

Kerleun further explained that the only difference between a spell and an ability was that the former requires an incantation to procure the effect while the latter such as the ability Necro Tempt was developed from Necromancy Root.

A spell can be learned from the book or from a teacher, but it requires a certain Root of Power and incantation, they're more of utility powers to aid the individual's pathway. Similar to the entry spell Word Commune that can only be used by someone who's in the pathway of Enchantress Root, they are not required to be learned but have their own convenient usage.

The black book held by the Dead Raiser could possibly be just a magical storage of souls, and the spell he used was to command the Banshee and his other army of corpses. The book might be useful to someone else, but sadly not for the couple for they can shackle a soul in place with their minds alone, and Melantha can even store souls in any container she deems without effort.

"You're saying for someone who has no Giftor, they need to be attuned to a certain Root of Power through yrihan? That's why you mention before that yrihan is the bridge or connection and varies from user to user." An hour passed, and he got back to his first line for work and doused the coals with just enough water to extinguish them, leaving the residual heat to dry the charcoals.

Simultaneously, Melantha was stretching the animal hide's outer layers with plant fibers as she attached them to a wooden drying rack. They did recycle the remnants of the black robes, but would they be sufficient once their population increased?

"Bridge and connection, wasn't that the same as Giftors? Are you saying Giftors are just a living yrihan then?" He tilted his head quizzically and stared at the little fairy on his shoulder.

"Huh? I guess? There are two kinds of Giftors remember! A living being such as beautiful as me, and a nonliving being such as uhhh!! The Abysmal Fires of Hell, or the mysterious Calas the Void and Raging Galva."

The flashy names of the nonliving Giftors she uttered have weaved a question in his mind. How are they to choose their Giftee if they're nonsentient beings?