
The Soul's Wanderlust

Helena and her family endures life in the dead lands of Aelmere, a land of drought and famine. Known as soul travelers, they possess the power of soul wanderlust with the use of their crests. As she grew, Helena developed elemental powers of the wind, water and earth - making her a Celestial Soul Traveler that holds the power of life passed on in their kind every generation. However, ever since Helena's powers were born, she was forbidden to use them as much as her parents restrict themselves from soul traveling. Secretly, with the help of her father, she feeds her curiosity and soul travels whenever possible. One day, Helena's carelessness cost her, her crest, losing her precious artifact while she was in a soul wanderlust. As she look for it, Helena got trapped in a world different from hers, a place of deviled creatures, magic, and men. Sadly, when she found her crest, its magic have already worn out. To go back to her family, she found an utterly outrageous plan. Only, she had to pretend not to be just any man, but a warrior who kills, something that is against her magic of life. As she hide under the armor of a knight, Helena uncovers the truths of her identity, falling in love and choosing worlds to live in.

rocksunxv · Histoire
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147 Chs

36 The Prophecy

Haelan glanced at Stellan who's stifling his laughter in the corner. Lord Harlan nodded sideways to Haelan as he gesture his hand to her to speak to the King unless spoken to. Not usual from where she grew up in, Haelan have no knowledge when dealing with royals.

"What a.. what a striking pair of eyes", the King stuttered seeing Haelan's grey eyes. "But what's more surprising is, this squire doesn't know manners when in front of the King", he irritatingly uttered.

"I apologize, your Majesty. This squire doesn't know royal etiquette too well", Stellan blurted out trying to let the King disregard Haelan's ignorance. "Greco is far more unacquainted with royal formalities. Forgive him", he added with a pout. Haelan forced a smile. Stellan did answer for her, but she find it degrading on her part.

"He is the squire who was with Sir Stellan, my King", Yereah pointed out.

The King timidly smiled. Faint, yet still a smile.

Haelan creased her brows at the sudden twinkle on the King's lips. Something she didn't saw in the gallery, not even after knowing his son's health. Even the King's vassals looked in awe as they see a rare beam from the unfrivolous King.

"My, my Harlan! Now I understand why you insist on this unconventional indemnity. If this is a different squire, I suppose you wouldn't stand your ground", the King said as he approach Haelan. "What a cruel fortuity", the King said as he lower his head towards Haelan. "What item did you pick up from the chest, squire?", he asked.

"It's a..", Haelan was about to answer but Lord Harlan butted in.

"A sword, my King. The chest found a true knight in this squire", Lord Harlan lied. Haelan stared at Lord Harlan, who couldn't even look at her. 'Why would he keep everyone in the shadows about the staff?', Haelan thought.

"A knight?", King Silvius was surprised at Lord Harlan with his brows lifted. "What did the prophecy say about a knight?", he asked as he squinted his eyes.

"It's surely not a pleasurable one, your highness", Lord Harlan replied.

"A Knight from Hesam will bring chaos to the land. With a sword that controls every man, he will put innocent blood on his blade when the moon eats the sun, and the land turns to sand" Yereah said with her eyes closed.

Stellan grunted after hearing the prophecy, several times in his lifetime. Ever since he became a knight, he have heard the burdening prophecy of the kingdom's seers. Moreso, when he became a Paladin, all eyes were on him like he is a threat to the King and his nation. With his hand hardened into a fist, he couldn't hide his ambiguity that somehow, he could still be the knight from the damned prophecy.

"The prophecy is just leading us astray, don't you think? They are deceptive claims that have always shunned us everytime we meet a new knight.", King Silvius laughed at the prophecy. "First Rowan, then Evandrus..then this one because of his eyes?", the King clicked his tongue with his hands on this waist. "For instance, my father, the great king of all Nethers claimed a prophecy that a great healer soul traveler shall return to claim its throne and then what?", the king said.

"Not one have read the soul traveler's books from the Southwing Tower, your Highness.", Yereah said.

'Southwing Tower', Haelan noted the place where the soul traveler's books are kept.

"Those damned fools brought their idiosyncrasies under the ground. Terrible vile people.", King Silvius said as he harden his jaw.

"You adored them once, didn't you King Silvius?", Lord Callaghan asked suddenly with an apparent inflamed vex towards the King who's known to have won battles side by side with a healer soul traveler.

"Don't start with me Lord Callaghan", King Silvius said as he crease he brows. "You wouldn't like how this conversation would end", he threatened.

"Apologies, your highness", Lord Callaghan expressed his insincere regret with a bow. Lord Harlan could just tap Lord Callaghan's shoulder to ask him not to provoke the King. "Don't", Lord Harlan whispered.

Haelan find the King more domineering than General Rowan. His fierce assertiveness can be certain with the sound of his voice, and confidence on his stance. A man with judgment fit for the crown. However, she thought why would the King all of a sudden have a change of heart towards healer soul travelers when he benefited from their powers before?

"For years, we have not yet seen a single healer soul traveler in our land. I can tell, those prophecies are nothing but a sham", the King said as he gesture his hands in the air with unspeakable mockery. "Your eyes, may be one of the rarest ones. But I'm sure there are others who share the same eye color", he stared back at Haelan. "What is it? Grey?", King Silvius asked.

"With flecks of green", Haelan described the colors of her eyes with distinction.

Stellan watched how the King nervously tremble and get astounded by what he calls bewildering common pair of eyes. "Wha.. what?", King Silvius widened his eyes at the squire.

"Grey, with flecks of green, your Majesty", Haelan repeated her answer impassively as she keep her straight face.

There was a long awkward silence. No one dared to speak a word as the King stare in a daze at the squire. However, this time, his face bears eyes that stares softly and kindly, like rekindling a vivid memory. Haelan stood by thinking what could the King have remembered and seen through her eyes that changed his countenance.

"Your majesty?", Yereah called humbly. "Shall we start the oath?", she asked as she was about to signal the steam preparations.

"Immediately", King Silvius answered as he turn away from Haelan.

Yereah initiated the preparations as the priests filled the room with steam using their gold pots. The rites proceeded as Haelan drinks the King's wine, witnessed by the lords of Brandenburg, a Paladin Knight, the King and his constables. After the momentous proclammation, the King left the room with a quick glance at the new warrior. 'Just like Beatrice's', the King thought.

"Well done, Haelan.", Lord Harlan said as he shake hands with the intriguing warrior. "I believe our carriage awaits us in the castle town", he said as Haelan nodded with consensus.

"No drinks?", Stellan asked as he loosen the buttons of his brocade.

"We're tired", Lord Callaghan said dryly as he stepped out of the room. "You should stay, at least represent all of us", he said.

"I'm off home to Hesam, Lord Callaghan. It's been a long day", Stellan said as he made his way out of the room without a proper goodbye.

Haelan followed the three men on their way out. She stopped when she sensed a dark energy passing by quickly from behind. When she looked back, she can no longer feel the vicious presence.

By the exit of the palace, Stellan get in his carriage as he head onto Hesam. No words, not even glances were spared making Haelan become fully aware that the Paladin dislikes her entirely.

As for Haelan, she rode the carriage with lords Harlan and Callaghan. She prefered to find her way to Brandenburg on foot, yet the lords insisted for the newly appointed warrior to ride with them instead.

The Brandenburg carriage was large enough for at least six grown people. Haelan sat opposite to the lords who looked like they had a very long day with their sunken eyes and lowly shoulders. Haelan fidgeted as she tap her knees, then averts her gaze from the lords to the window with nothing but an empty view of darkness and silence.

"You may ask, Haelan", Lord Harlan said as if he knew what's bothering the lad.

"Uh.. Lord Harlan, why didn't you tell the King that I pulled out a staff from the chest?", Haelan asked.

"The palace isn't ready yet for the great news", Lord Harlan answered.

"What does it mean if someone pulls a staff from there?", Haelan asked.