

Humans have been overthrown by werewolfs. They live in poverty and fear of those who are not human. Kaitlyn is a human. Every year, the Sorting takes place, where human girls are sorted into different werewolf territories to keep human population down. This time, its Kaitlyn's turn.

kbertelsenn7 · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs


"But," I stammered. My eyes blinked hard, trying to wake up. I felt like I was in a dream. I turned my face from him, looking at my hands. Confusion was now a familiar expression of mine. I couldn't be his mate. I just couldn't be. First of all, I was human. From his story, he only said that werewolves have mates. Not humans. Second, even if I was miraculously able to have a mate, why would the Moon Goddess, whoever that is, give me someone? Why me? I didn't deserve anyone. I wasn't special. There were so many holes in this story. I decided to confront Ace on the most obvious one.

"I'm human," I finished. I turned to face him. He was silent for a while, taking in my expression.

"Yes," he agreed. Ace didn't share in my questioning, it seemed. He looked as if my revelation wasn't alarming. Like it didn't matter. But it did matter.

"How can I be your mate when I'm not a werewolf?" I inquired. He stared at me, almost through me.

"You must be a descendant,�� Ace concluded. What had that meant? I didn't need to ask him. He could see how none of this was making sense to me. He grabbed my left hand with both of his, caressing the back of my hand with one of his thumbs in a soothing manner. I could have melted right there.

"When a werewolf has a child with a human, mate or not, that child will be half werewolf, half human. When this happens over multiple generations, descendants are created. These are humans who have small amounts of werewolf genes and blood but not enough to be part wolf. You must be one of these people, a descendant."

It was too much. Too much information. I needed time to process all of this. I needed time to let this sink in. I had a mate. I was mated for life with Ace. We would be together forever. I had werewolf blood. I was never leaving this castle. I was never going back to my old life. I can't breathe.

"You need to calm down, little one," a voice said. Everything was blurry. I knew the voice was Ace but I couldn't see him, not really. He must have seen me have a full panic attack because he laid me down gently on the bed. The black bed. In all of the chaos inside my mind, I was able to form one clear thought.

"You never answered my question," I whispered, in my dazed state.

"What question?" Ace queried. I was still laying on the bed. It hadn't taken me long to calm down. Just having Ace around was the ultimate comfort. I chose to wait until tomorrow to confront all that I was told tonight. I would deal with it all in the morning. Ace was sat beside me, looking at me crazily, as if he had already answered everything I was wondering about. He was wrong.

"Where are we?" I clarified. Ace looked at me incredulously, shaking his head left to right while a breathy laugh escaped his mouth. He had a faint smile on his face that I quite enjoyed.

"We are in my bedroom, little one. In our bedroom."

Just when I thought that my breathing had leveled, it became erratic. I can't share a room with this man. I barely knew him. I had never been in a man's room before and now I had to share one with one? Share a bed with one? A man as irresistible as Ace?

"Our room?" I babbled. Ace had to have noticed my breathe pick up pace because he was quick to assure me.

"I will be sleeping in a guest room until you are comfortable sharing this room with me. Do not fret," he said, soft yet determined. He held his hands up as he said it, as if he was trying to seem like he wasn't a threat. This made me calm down a bit, knowing he would do this for me, but it still didn't make sense.

"But this is your room. It doesn't make sense to make you sleep elsewhere. I can stay in the guest room," I countered. I hoped he would understand where I was coming from. He did not.

"Please stay in my room little one. I want you to. If I cannot sleep next to you, I prefer you sleep in here on my bed. Please?" Ace pleaded. I agreed, suddenly too tired to argue. I guess one night won't hurt and I honestly don't think that Ill ever be able to say no to him, even if I wanted to. And I don't want to.

I get up from the bed feeling less woozy. I needed to go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. I seemingly ignored Ace when I headed to the bathroom, my tiredness winning. I had had a long day and was beyond exhausted. I walked towards the door to leave when Ace had stopped me and asked me where I was going. When I told him my destination, he pointed out a door in the room, stating that it was a bathroom. He also informed me of the extra toothbrush in there. I thanked him and entered. I immediately noticed the continued black and white theme. The whole room was white except for the black shower curtain and black bathmats. Even Ace's toothbrush was black. I brushed my teeth with the extra green toothbrush and went to the bathroom. I realized I did not have anything to sleep in and would have to ask Ace for something to wear. When I opened the door to leave the bathroom, Ace was no longer in the room. There was, however, a black t-shirt and black shorts on the bed. I assumed this was for me to sleep in and I made a mental note to thank Ace later. Right now, I was too tired to think of anything other than sleep, including all of the information I received today. I climbed into the bed and under the covers. The last thought I had before I drifted to sleep was how the sheets smelled like Ace and how I liked it. A lot.