
Chapter Thirteen

It had been two weeks since Taehyung began teaching. Things had been going amazing, and his relationship with not only his students, but his lover, was growing stronger by the hour.

Every day, Taehyung would come home to dinner and a loving soulmate, who peppered his face with kisses, hugged him tight, and whispered about how proud he was of Taehyung.

Taehyung truly never thought he'd ever find someone like Jungkook, but he was so, so happy that he had. Jungkook was kind, loving, protective, and probably the funniest guy he'd ever met.

Despite the schedule change, they still found time together, and the other advanced students and teachers didn't bother to intrude when Jungkook stepped away from the class for a few minutes to coddle his soulmate in his arms.

In fact, it had been made clear vocally to both males that their relationship was beautiful to witness. Everyone had come to know that Taehyung had suffered in many ways throughout his life, and to see him so happy was quite endearing.

However, all good things do come to an end. It was during Taehyung's last class of the day, where he was having the students do some field work, when he felt it. His inner Olympian sensed the oncoming presence of another, but he couldn't yet tell who.

His reaction was immediate. He called for Jungkook and Andreas, and then created a sort of shield, a shield made of lightning, that surrounded the buildings and students from getting hurt in the aftermath.

The next second, there was a loud boom, and the ground went flying into the air, clouding everyone's sight of the now ruined grounds. Everything that came into contact with Taehyung's shield was turned into ash, and he thankfully managed to protect the school and the students, bringing great relief to the Olympian.

Once he knew the fellow god had stuck the landing, he sent the lightning away with a fierce wind, clearing the dirt and debris so that he could make out who the god was clearly.

He gawked at who was before him, eyebrows raised and eyes wide, completely stunned.

"Hermes...? How did you find me?"

The fellow god, who didn't look a day over twenty, smiled sadly before offering a low bow.

"Mister Taehyung Kim, correct? At least that is what you go by nowadays, yes?"

Taehyung offered a faint nod, getting over his surprise as he raised his hands before him, allowing his blue lighting to flash between his fingers, showing that he was not afraid to attack.

"Why are you here, Hermes? You are not welcome."

The messenger god sighed softly, and then nodded.

"I understand, sir Taehyung. However, the Olympians need your help. Due to the massive amount of power you showed a few weeks ago, something has happened to one of our own. To- well... To your father, Taehyung. Zeus is dying. And he only has a few days left."

Right then, Andreas and Jungkook reached Taehyung's side, with Andreas stepping closer, his eyes wide with shock.

"But- the Olympians are immortal gods. They can't just- just die."

Taehyung bobbed his head, his mind blanking on what exactly to say to such news.

"M-my father knows I exist.... Doesn't he want to kill me? The prophecy, Hermes, he couldn't have forgotten the prophecy!"

Hermes merely shook his head, offering another slight bow, almost like an apology.

"By exploding your powers, you made us gods aware of your existence. Even more so, unleashing your abilities like that did something. You see, you are the son of Zeus himself, the god of all gods. He is the one who sealed Pandora's box years ago..."

"And only you would have the power to open it again. From within Pandora's box came one last curse. The curse of mortality. A human lifespan. Even if your father was afraid of giving up his throne thousands of years ago, there is nothing he can do now."

"If you want his throne, it is yours to take. You will be challenged by the other gods, even if you do not take Zeus's place on the throne. However, he wishes to meet you before he dies. Your mother's resting place is atop Mount Olympus as well, if you would like to visit her."

He only stood still for a moment, the information slowly processing. He had cursed his father on accident, and now the throne was his to fight for if he chose to do so. Not only that, but he broke the seal on Pandora's box, which he had originally thought had been destroyed.

And now, he was being told he had to travel back to Greece, and climb to the top of Mount Olympus, before the three days were up, so that he may meet his father before he dies a mortal death.

The information was overwhelming, to the point where he had to turn into Jungkook's warm chest, hugging the werewolf tight and inhaling his natural scent to try and calm himself.

He felt Jungkook's strong arms hold him (Taehyung) tightly, followed by gentle kisses to his temple, and soft whispers to help calm him. Taehyung released a soft sigh before stepping away from his soulmate, and facing Hermes.

"How quickly can you get me to Mount Olympus, Hermes?"

The god smiled, and then hummed thoughtfully.

"A few hours, maybe five, tops? I travel through the sky, but I also move much faster than any human gadget out there. We need to move quickly though, my energy is strongest when the sun raises her head."

Taehyung nodded his head a bit before turning to his soulmate, and pulling the werewolf into a deep, passionate kiss. He didn't want to leave without Jungkook, but he didn't have a choice. Seeing his homeland for the first and last time was very important to him, and he needed to leave before Hermes got impatient.

His arms curled around Jungkook, moaning softly as their tongues collided. He was happiest by Jungkook's side, and he knew that seeing his homeland wouldn't change that in the slightest.

After they parted, Jungook leaned his head down, and peppered kisses along the mark in Taehyung's neck, letting out soft sighs, until finally, they stepped away from each other, Taehyung's eyes glistening with unshed tears as he brushed his fingers along Jungkook's cheek.

"I'll come back, I promise. I will never pick anything over you, where I am happiest. I love you, Jungkook. Stay strong for just a few days, okay? I'll be back."

And then he turned to Andreas, pulling the Druid into a tight hug, sighing once again.

"Stay as long as you like, Andreas. Thank you for guiding me through this rough patch. I'll try to bring something back that you can add to your collection, okay?"

The Druid chuckled before patting Taehyung's shoulder as they separated, a small smile on his face.

"I'll hold you to that, V."

With a small laugh, Taehyung turned to his students, who were all watching everything in pure awe. His smile grew larger as he stood up straight, watching his students do the same.

"I expect all of you to work hard while I'm gone. I want to see all your progress when I return. Understood?"

The students grinned back, yelled out a clear "Yes sir!"

And with one final look at Jungkook, Taehyung turned back to Hermes, stepping closer with determined eyes that formed into the shade of liquid gold, exposing his true Olympian powers.

"Let's depart, Hermes. I can't wait to finally see my real homeland."

With that, Hermes grabbed a hold of Taehyung, and they both were whisked away by Hermes' abilities, allowing them to fly through the sky at the speed of light.

' Olympus, wait for me. I'm on my way. '


Sooooo..... I finally got my lazy ass to update! Yay!!

I have big plans for this plot now that my inspiration is flowing, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next!

A good day/night to all(strongpowerthankyou)


Saranghae! 💜

-Jei (제ㅣ)