
The Son Of Great Wizard

NATIVES ISEKAI 『Not your typical overpowered and have fun MC』 In the kingdom of Bajalekat, Zerenia Striem was once regarded as a national hero, praised for his strength and achievements. However, he secluded himself in the rural woods, dedicating his time to ward off evil creatures emerging from the demon gate near his residence. As he aged without offspring, he received an infant named Rozer. Over time, Rozer exhibited unparalleled talent in spellcasting, martial arts, and swordsmanship, astonishing Zerenia. However, when Rozer reached the age of 11, it became evident that he had solely developed his combat skills, leaving him with noticeable social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a considerable lack of responsibility. As a result, Rozer enrolled in the Kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other adolescents. Nevertheless, leading a normal life became impossible as he immediately became a local celebrity upon arrival. As Rozer Striem adjusted to high school life in the capital, he made new friends, learned about the world, battled various forces of evil, and uncovered his true identity. 『この世は思え通りに行かぬ事ばかりだ。』誰か言った

Maxvide · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Character with images

These are some of the images that can be imagined at this time, the author was quite shocked to find out that he couldn't add images as he pleased in the character tap section.

I accepted Webnovel's offer to write because I was afraid that there would be plagiarism of this story, actually I wanted to make this novel for free - it's just that no one commented when I first wrote it. T_T

This story would be quite long if it was made like a novel in general, that's why I made it like light novels, I leave the imagination up to the reader and will add a little spice to some chapters that really have strong emotions in them.

The image will be in the comments column.

Esh Qadosh







For now that's all, if anyone has a request, just ask in the comments column below.

My native language is not English so please help in the future,

Thank you for your cooperation.