
Chapter 6: The Heated Not So Interview

-Noah’s Pov-

Monday had me rushing to the office to attend some important meetings with the investors and of course, I should have known my brother would get there before me, to create a fake impression about me to them.

Typical Benjamin.

“Greetings, Mr. Noah.”

I smiled at Mr. Jordan.

He was a black man, a fine one at that.

“Greetings, Jordan,” I smiled.

We settled into the meeting.

“I believe we need more investors to back up the project, Noah because just us is not going to work,” Mr. Jordan began the briefing.

“How many more do we need for the project to kick off?” I asked, but Benjamin interrupted them.

“If I may speak, I believe we can work with what we have.”

I frowned as all attention was turned to him.

“What do you mean work with what we have?” I asked questioned. He was my brother but I knew he was good at this.