
Chapter 36: Unease Wave

Maria's Pov

Few days later.

As I waited for Benjamin right outside his office, I could not help bit notice Noah was absent from his office.

"Ma’am, Mr. Benjamin will be ready to receive you shortly," she spoke,

I waved the thought away and asked her if Noah was in and she had said no before leaving me alone.

As her heels made a noise on the floor, Benjamin and two men came out of the office which led to them.

"Hi." spoke the Korean man and beside him stood an Indian man.

I could tell from how they spoke and their body movements.

"Greetings," I said to them before they walked away leaving me alone with Benjamin.

"But you did come to see me?" he questioned poking his head out toward me.

"Only because you had asked me to." I confidently said before he nodded which led him to give way for me.

"Is it just me or you added weight." he teased while his tapped on my ass.

"Do not be nasty Benjamin. Now is not the time, moment or place" I told him.