
The Soldier man's daughter

A young soldier's daughter trying to live off a military life and at the same time be herself but she can't escape who she is meant to be..... A Soldier man's daughter.

Osagie_Favour · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Her daughter or her husband?

"Hello who am I speaking to?" Asked Roselyn firmly. Two weeks without Fred or Beauty at her side had worn her out and made her strange.

"It's me Rose. Your husband."

She smirked. "What again? I thought you will never call?"

"Well be glad I did. It's been two weeks I tried to reach your line but couldn't get through so I called your mum's line today."

"My line has been on since Mr." She looked at a corner in her room and noticed from the first day she came here, she threw her phone against the wall and it broke into pieces.

"Well my phone is broken." She admitted after remembering.

"How are you living there?"

"Why are you concerned? How is Beauty?"

"Why are you concerned too? You left her and didn't think. Come home Rose."

"No! We can't fix it."

"I will be going on an operation sooner or latter."


"Who's gonna take care of my joy?"

"Why ask me?" She scoffed.

"Because I want you back."

She smiled as tears gathered her eyes like cloud and her mouth began to feel dry. Inside of her kept saying 'Fred I need you. Come pick me up.'

"My mind is up. I am not coming back bring my daughter to me."

"We can fix this."

"We can't fix this." Her voice, dry and thick.

"Fine then we don't need you. I will think of something later."

"Think of the divorce." Her heart melted as she said those words almost in a whisper.

Fredrick was puzzled at the other end.

"Fine I will. Don't fall sick. Get well and miss us." He ended the call. Rose sat on the ground, folded her legs and placed her hands on her head like she wanted to reap off her hair. Screaming and shouting, though she was alone in her room. "Fred what have you done to me? I might not recover." She screamed.

On the other hand, Fredrick had no place for tears in his heart. He sat in the sitting room talking with Cuddle.

"She has ego."

"You made her like that. I warned you that it will later come to that but you refused."

"I listened Cuddle. I love Rose so much that I don't get what's going on."

"You need a baby sitter, let's get one. One who will treat the baby right." As Cuddle spoke, Fredrick kept staring at Beauty who was playing at her doll house.

"I think I know what your matter with Rose is." Fredrick turned to face him instantly.


"It's lust. You like her so much that you can't let her go and you so lust after her that you want her for your benefit."

"Lust? How?"

"Not lust because of useless pleasures but lust in the sense that you love her physical appearance."


"It's then called obsession. Rose is your obsession. Meaning you are crazy over her like mad."

"That's it Cuddle. That's it! You figured it out." He jumped out of his seat to hug Cuddle and peck his cheek. "You are a genius. I love you man."

"But that won't help in anyway."

"Yeah I believe so." He replied, disappointed.

"I brought some flyers or so, saying NANNY OR BABY SITTER NEEDED."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's paste it all over the street." Said Fredrick as he beamed.

The next day, Rose was jogging pass Fredrick's house and thought to herself Beauty must be back from school. I should just sneak into the compound and peep through her window in her room. As she was about entering the compound, she found a flyer, boldly written on it was 'Nanny or Baby sitter needed.'

"Oh. So Fred thinks he doesn't need me, i will show him."

That night she went home, found out wigs, makeups and some dresses. The next day, she had her disguise on and went to apply for the work. Fredrick willingly accepted not knowing it was Rose but he felt something was strange about this nanny. She knew everything Beauty ate and liked.

One night when Rose was about to leave after the day service, Fredrick gave her some t-fare but she didn't seem like she wanted to leave that night. How strange.

"Fine. If you don't want to go, my wife and I like to enjoy some privacy so we have no guest room but you can stay in the sitting room or Beauty's room. Rose felt uncomfortable in Beauty's room. Late another night, Rose sneaked into Fredrick's bed, no makeover, no wig, no disguise, just her.

"Rose. You are the one." said Fredrick surprisingly.

"Shh... I can't live without you Fred. I choose you. I choose you over our daughter. I came to see you." She whispered as she got into bed with Fredrick leaving Beauty alone in her room.

The next day, Rose woke up early in her underwears.

"You!" She gasped. "You used me again!" She screamed.

"Rose calm down. What are you saying." Fredrick replied wryly still in his underwears as Rose got up, began to dress hurriedly, took a glance at Fredrick and stormed out of the house. Fredrick sat up on the bed and called Cuddle, telling him Rose had a psychology problem.