
The Soldier man's daughter

A young soldier's daughter trying to live off a military life and at the same time be herself but she can't escape who she is meant to be..... A Soldier man's daughter.

Osagie_Favour · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Beauty

They named her Beauty. Beauty was really a beauty. Green eyes like her father, black hair like her father. Pink lips like mum and dad, smart like dad but extremely shy like mum.

It was then Fredrick realised Rose had stopped working for so long and he wasn't even aware. Beauty was just four years old.

"Rose how could you do this?"

"I needed a break. We have money don't we?" She asked shyly. She hadn't thrown the attitude since six years ago.

"We have the money? Yes! But you didn't tell me."

"I didn't want to pressurise you."

"Pressurise me?" He seemed already angry. "Haven't you been doing it already?"

"What?" She replied innocently.

"You have been doing it since lets say Six years back when I first met you!" He shouted.

"I resigned from work because I want to and I have never pressurised you before!" She shouted back.

"Don't try to outsmart me lady." He said raising a brow.

"When have I ever done that?"

"You pressurised me once in lane 72, six years back, when you asked me to kill you."

"You could have done it then and I wouldn't have pressurised you again."

"You pressurised me again about the engagement and marriage thing. If not, you know I would be happily married with you but no! No! You always find ways to pressurise me from one pressure to another pressure."

"Wait! What?" She replied calmly. "So you mean the whole marriage and engagement was under pressure? Meaning you never did it in your right senses? You only did it so you could get to me. So you could use me and ditch me?" She said almost in a whisper as tears clouded her eyes.

"What are you saying?" He looked confused.

"Kal was right about you. Anything for the game. Well done sir."

"Kal right? Game? What game? Wait what are you saying?"

"I pressurised you that I won't let you touch me till we are married and you married me just to touch me." She shouted to herself.

"You are wrong Rose. Calm down." He tried to touch her and she refused his touch.

"I was a virgin and got married a virgin but you! You used me!"

"I guess I should be saying that to you. I only wanted us to date, to get to know each other more but no! You wanted engagement and I gave it to you. To be truthful Rose, I never wanted a child yet. I never meant for you to give birth." He said almost in a whisper as he bit his lips bitterly.

"And all those years you kept quiet! You said nothing when we were getting married."

"I didn't know what to say. I was sure I will sound stupid but I was under pressure Rose." He said bitterly.

"So Beauty was or is a mistake in this picture now?" She alarmed.

"Rose let me explain."

"No! Enough!" Fredrick had never seen her like this before. "I was happy with my life before Fred." She murmured bitterly and wept.

"I just felt I have got to say the truth now or never."

"How I wish I never met you Fred. You ruined me like you do with others."

"That's not true. I want to start again, me, you and our daughter Beauty. I want to make it up to you two for all the pretends in the past due to pressure."

"Make it up? Pressure? You are not worthy of being a man or being my husband."

"Rose please let's bury the hatchet and start afresh."

"When I now realised who you truly are? When I now realise your intentions? You are a pretender and more of a coward than Cuddle."

"Roselyn!!" He slapped her and Beauty who had been watching quietly on the couch began to cry.

"I want a divorce Fred! Fred do you hear me! I want a divorce."

Those were her last words when she stormed out of the house, back to her parents house whom Fredrick had transformed their lives too. Fredrick regretted that day. He called Cuddle over and told Cuddle how she flare up and left Beauty with him. He feared that the day would come and now it came, it didn't frighten him much. He remembered Cuddle's words then; 'But you are getting it all wrong. You will see her again, you will get to know her family but if you get married to her quickly, everyone will think you are after the game and after the game(Beauty), you two might divorce.'