
The Soldier man's daughter

A young soldier's daughter trying to live off a military life and at the same time be herself but she can't escape who she is meant to be..... A Soldier man's daughter.

Osagie_Favour · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Love or lust?

At 11:30pm, Fredrick was no where to be found and Roselyn felt scared to death.

"He isn't here Kal. What do I do? Should I report him to their boss or tell doctor? If I report him, I will also get punished by him again... How about I work alone? But it's risky... Shh... Someone is coming." She hung up the call as Fredrick came in on full camouflage. His rifle was In place. His hilux vehicle orderly packed, boots; well laced boots.

"You are late."

"Never been this late before. You know?"

"When do you expect me to finish my work?"

"Whenever you like because by 5am in the morning, I will be out. Meaning off-guard duty."

She stepped into the ward on lane 72, everywhere was dark and quiet as she tiptoed towards the light switch.

"Shh... They must be asleep."

"Don't shh me! I know that."

She switched on the light and found Sir Bruise, an injured CIA dead on his bed, already cold-bloodedly murdered with a knife on his fore head. Roselyn screamed on top of her voice as Fredrick tried to shut her up by covering her mouth.

"Sh...h the murderer might still be around, it must be the bandits. Let's check for survivors." He suggested calmly still holding her tight towards himself. They walked out of the first room and saw more in the other rooms; some beheaded, some raped and suffocated. Slowly and quietly Fredrick held Roselyn by her hand and led her, still holding his rifle on the other hand.

"No survivors! They are all dead!" She screamed.

"The murderers will still be here so be quiet."

"No! Why didn't they Just come out and kill us too? They are all gone!" She screamed again more loudly.

"Girls know nothing about war." He whispered to himself. "Let's get out of here!" He warned.

"No! Let me die too cause I can't stand what I have just seen." She pulled her hand from his and stared at him in the eyes with tears so very much that it wet her cheeks.

"You wanna die too huh? I will teach you how soldiers face it in war!" He shouted back, frustrated. He slowly pulled his gun with lefthand, filled it with bullets and pointed it towards her without any expression or emotion. Roselyn set her lips apart confused, shocked and surprised.

"You are really gonna kill me? "

"Yeah! It's your wish." He replied bluntly.

"Go on. Do it! I am ready!" She shouted back as Fredrick stood, clutched his gun tightly and pointed it straight and fiercely at her. Aiming right. After few minutes he lowered his gun and placed it on his belt.

"I can't do it Rose."

"Do it Fred! Do it! Am not afraid."

"I can't kill you! I am not a monster."

"You aren't but do it Fred."



"I said no."

"Then I will do it myself."

"No way." He grabbed her by her head and placed her head close to his chest. "I will never do it Rose. I can't I just can't cause I am in love. And I know what it is to loose a love one. I love my sister so much."

"Your sister? You never told me you had a sister."

"Shh.. What did you expect to hear? You?" He smirked and held her close, hugging her this time.

"You are like a sister to me Rose. A younger sister." He wiped her tears and lifted her up, carrying her because she seemed to shaky to walk on her own.

"I can walk." She managed to mutter.

"No you can't, you just can't understand or get over what you saw. Now let's get out of here before the bandits return or we will be next." He whispered to her ears. He walked towards the hilux, dropped her at the front side and took his time to move round the vehicle with his gun to make sure that they weren't followed, trailed or tracked.

"It's gonna be okay Rossy." He assured her but she only nodded still clutching one of his arm.

They got to her ward, some of the nurses and doctors were still awake, moving around Lane 1 to Lane 15. As they all spotted Fredrick in the hilux, some assumed he came to make trouble, some assumed he came to visit some injured patients, some assumed he came to hang around the female doctors, nurses or soldier women. Some assumed he was on duty, some assumed he was looking for Cuddle while a few assumed he was looking for Roselyn.

He came down from the hilux, adjusted his belt and cap, smiled and headed to the other side of the car and opened the door for Roselyn and this even drew more attention.

"Roselyn. Step outside from the car." He ordered calmly in his usual boyish attitude that swept ladies off their feet. He had a nice voice and accent. Spoke pure English.

"Roselyn it's okay."

"It's not. What am I living for? What!" She increased her wryly voice.

"It's not like that."

"You know nothing about me and my background. If I was dead, my parents would have quit worrying I was here."

"But they will cry out their eyes." He replied. She turned her face from him to conceal the truth that she was really afraid of death.

"Death was this close Fred." She managed to say after a bitter sob. 'FRED' that felt nice to Fredrick.

"So what do you want to do?"


"I won't let you."


"I told you before, I love you." He managed to say shyly as everyone was quiet and attentive.

"You!" She Smirked. "I better be dead than be loved by you."

"I never meant love that way. I meant you are like my younger sist Rose." He added swiftly. "Don't forget to mention that part, that is you are like my younger sist." He replied, held her by the hand and led her down the hilux. Within the twinkle of an eye, the whole special force appeared there in hilux.

"Hey you doctor take care of her, she is in shock and don't listen to whatever happened or anything she has to say about killing herself." Said Fredrick tiredly.

"Fred. Hope you aren't hurt? I got your message and before I could send back ups, you two were gone so we had to search the entire place up to this ward. Great we found you!" Said Cuddle.

"Yeah. Good news." He replied Cuddle unimpressively. "Cuddle tell the doctor to keep an eye on her. I have to see our boss or the head of the CIA and FBI. It's not right to put one man-army on duty with a naive nurse." Said Fredrick as he entered the hilux and drove away

"Wait Fred! Don't say anything stupid to annoy the authorities." said Cuddle.