
The Snow Demon's Revenge

He always carried an all-white sword with a all-white sheath. When assassinating people he was never seen, wherever he went to fight he would leave a layer of blood red snow behind him. He is the Snow Demon... but he was betrayed.

19x3 · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Withered Wreath

The dagger flying at him has a black handle with gold engraving going down it like tree roots or veins.

SLASH! The dagger lands in front of him but there's a string attached to it and the string cuts the horse in half and leaves a long cut alongside his back, painting all the plain white snow red.

Naruhito spreads out his mana to sense where the attackers are.

Naruhito spreads his mana to his feet and jumps up, he then grabs his sword that's been storing automatically storing mana and gathers it on the blade then releases it causing a huge strike to carve the earth as if an blood-crazed slashed the earth where his enemies were turning them into nothing but a cloud of blood.

Naruhito spreads out his mana again to sense for any living beings and senses none so he then retracts his mana and sheaths his sword to begin accumulating more mana.

"Hmm... that was weird. They didn't resist or do anything to try and evade or block my attack... it was like they were just trying to buy time for something."

Naruhito gathers his mana into his feet to increase his speed 4x

Naruhito is around 30 feet from from the village and he sees a very big pillar of black smoke pillaring up, and he also smells iron in the air as if a massacre had just happened.

He rushes into the village and is met with the pungent smell of burning flush and wood.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

He spreads his mana out and senses that there's two survivors, one is a small child who is slightly injured and the other is a old man protecting the child with their body.

He rushes over to the location of where they are.

"Hey! What happened here?!"

The unnamned man doesn't respond but instead hands him the child.

The man coughs blood then says, "T-take this child and k-keep them safe"

A Black Scythe falls from the sky and stabs the man in his gut.

Naruhito runs to his horse to get out of the village but a beam of light comes out from the top of the Scythe before the blade comes out and covers the village in a sphere that turns the sky blood red.

The Scythe turns into a katana with a bloodied edge and a black and purple handle.

A man in a black cloak with a triangle with 6 stars in it falls at super speeds to the ground, grabs the katana and then, slashes at Naruhito throwing the blood of the unnamed man and leaving a huge gash in the ground.

Naruhito takes out his sword and blocks the attack but it leaves a black mark on the sword that the sword absorbs.

His hands are shaking from the block.

"What the hell are you doing?!"


"Since you won't speak I won't let you live any longer.", Naruhito says.

He puts down the small child and then rushes at the at the man in the cloak and goes for a slash at the throat but the cloaked man blocks it with his sword and other hand supporting the other side.

Naruhito kicks him all the way to the other side of the Village leaving a wound on the earth as if a meteor touched the top of the earth at very high speeds.

The cloaked man has two broken arms from the kick but a clock appears infront of him and rewinds his body to before he was kicked.

The cloaked man whispers something under his breath and a wreath surrounds the village inside the dome and a huge pressure is put on Naruhito and a grim reaper appears with a Scythe and puts it at his neck than pulls back but Naruhito ducks it.

He gathers mana into his palm and smashes it onto the ground blowing everything in a 2 meter radius into dust.

He unsheathes his sword and slashes at the cloaked man with mana around his sword sending out a long ranged strike.

The cloaked man takes the strike and gets cut in half but instantly regenerates and jumps forward to Naruhito, almost like teleporting and slashes his sword at his neck.

Chapter two end. Sorry for not posting in two months, forgot about this entirely and to make it up somewhat I made this chapter extra long.

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