
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Chapter 6 Wynne was abandoned by parents

Wynne got home the next day in the morning. Her parents were very kind to her and prepared a table of her favorite foods for her. They had never been so attentive before, and Wynne was a little alarmed. She asked cautionsly, "Mom, what is wrong with you? Can i help?"

Her parents, who usually sat at the table with her, were both sitting opposite and seemed afraid to come near her. Her mother looked torn and then took a deep breath. "Wynne, last night i talked much with your dad, now the reptile spirit was parasitic on you, if it attacks, you will be out of control, your father and I just rented a house for you in the south of the city, could you move there for a period of time?"

Wynne was shocked to Listen. What they meant was about to kick her out?

Tears fell from her eyes silently, even her parents wanted to drive her away when she became the witch. But she knew her parents were right. Her grandmother, being a witch alone for all these years, her grandfather was the worst person to die, and now Dooley was parasitice on her. God knew someday when she would die if she couldn't find food for the black snake. Wynne felt really bad luck for all what happened on her since she had returned to Mayfair town.

In the afternoon, Wynne reluctantly moved. The thought of having to live alone for the whole summer vacation made her feel like crying again.

Absolutley, Wynne was a shy and a little coward girl who had never lived alone in 18 years.

Wynne just made up the bed in new house, Dooley came out of her, lazily lying on the bed with one hand holding the TV remote control to change the channel, while saying to her: "A little dust on the TV screen, go to wipe."

She was out of her mind, dropped the rag and shouted at him: "What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not your maid or your slave. How can a black snake tell me what to do?"

It's bad enough being kicked out by her parents, and being treated like this by a snake. The more she thought about it, the more grievance she felt. Finally, she could not help sitting on the ground and crying.

Dooley had no idea that one of his words would make her so crazy. His eyes were blank and he didn't respond for a moment. Soon his eyes narrowed, his pupils constricted, and a sneer spilled from the corners of his mouth; All of sudden, Wynne saw a stout black snake tail sticking out of the quilt. "Are you shouting at me? " With Dooley cold asking to Wynner, his snake tail on the bed had sinister pendulum to pendulum which made her nervous. At this time Wynne really wanted to give herself a slap, how could she had forgotten Dooley was the spirit of snake?

"Well, it's just death. She's tired of living like this" Wynne raised her head and closed her eyes.

While she was trembling with tension and waiting for death, a cold hand slipped into her clothes and stroked her tense body.

"Why so brave all of a sudden, ah?" She heard his chuckling voice and speaking playfully, and then his whole person turned over and oppressed her.

Wynne immediately stretched out her hand pushing and began to struggle badly.

Seeing that, he grabbed her hands and held them over her head.

"Bad girl~" He whispered in her ear. The next moment, she heard the sound of clothes torn, and she felt a chill through her body.

Her cool fingers brushed her cheeks, her neck, and her charming and delicate collarbones. Her perfect, soft body had always fascinated him since he met her in first sight.

"Your body is much more honest than your words." He whispered in her ear, and softly licked and sucked her earlobe with his tongue.

She lost control of her body, and in an instant, resistance turned into pandering.

His eyes grew darker and he could not help kissing her lips, her neck, her collarbone, her plump breasts. He could not bear it any longer and pressed closer together, into the deepest of her body, and became one into her.

He kept bumping into her violently, and after an unknown period of time, she felt a rush of extreme happiness from the deepest part of her body, as if she saw the explosion of fireworks in the night sky...

She didn't know how many times he made, but she felt that at last her body was not like her own, like a fallen leaf swaying in the wind, tired until she fell asleep.

The next time when she became conscious, it was dark outside.

She was the only one in the bed. Inexplicable loneliness and despair, like the night in this house, suddenly surrounded her.

Looking at the torn clothes on the ground, Wynne lost in thought.

"Was she destined to stay with the snake forever? Is this her fate? Was she cursed to be a witch?

No, there was got to be a way, someone, who to get her out of the black snake."

She was trying to google everything about witch and witchcraft, and found out some similar events had happened in another town where was near the town Mayfair.

She also remembered that it was George Blair's hometown, She called many friends and finally got his number.

She called him and made an appointment.