
Prologue 2

2072, a high rise Condominium building...

Gerald was speed running school ever since that faithful day. He's completed his first PhD in the age of 6. His thesis that time was considered revolutionary in terms of engineering.

At this moment, Gerald can be seen working on something as he tinkered with what looked like a battle suit from one's perspective on his personal laboratory in their condominium unit. They transferred here from their old home as his father and his mother deemed that this would be the best action, giving them the absolute privacy by buying the whole condominium and turning it to multi storey laboratories equipped with all sorts of advanced state of the art machineries.

It's been 7 years since he gave his father the "Site Lockdown". Instead of giving it to the company he's working for, his father didn't do anything instead he gave the thing back to Gerald. This action made his father lose his job completely as he was deemed to be a freeloader for giving the company no benefits.

But the father didn't mind it at all as he started his own company he named Sword of Damocles after a long conversation with his wife, the mother of Gerald. A company who focused on military equipment. He invested everything he had saved up for himself to this company who the people of their neighborhood deemed useless.

But he didn't even give their neighbors a flying fuck as he, Gerald, and his wife named Samantha created the trio which became legends in the field of military equipment.

Gerald took care of the equipment while he and Samantha dealt with the patents and all those things needed. Their very first product was a stun grenade. This stun grenade was a bit special, as once thrown it will immediately activate and paralyze the targets on a 5 meter distance around it.

But this marked the start of their falling out as well, as his father slowly lose his fatherly figure and was instead being eaten alive by his new found wealth and power. His mother however, was always there for him, always looking after him.

The product became revolutionary, the law enforcement actively used this to combat villains and vigilantes alike. Before, they're helpless against these people but once the stun grenade was released, they can finally fulfill their roles as defendersof the society

It was effective against all manners of people, superhuman or normal. It doesn't discriminate and will stun anyone inside the range of explosion.

But this wasn't without any opposition. People questioned how safe was it to be used against normal people as the superhumans can be seen convulsing and having saliva drip all over their bubbling mouth when it was used against them.

Then there's also the League of Heroes who was pissed at the company created by the family of Gerald. They seen it as people trying to steal their job and limelight as they did illegal things to try and defame the company.

But what really set the company from the others are their active recruitment of normal individuals. People with no superpower as these superpowers are becoming more and more common on individuals.

The Sword of Damocles became a world renowned brand of military equipment as they're hailed the richest company both in liquid assets and net worth from the year 2067 up to present.

At this moment, his father came inside to check up on his son. He saw was that his son are playing on a part of a battle suit which made him gently nod.

"Hmm, what's this young man?" asked the father as he sat beside his Gerald who just looked at him and immediately shifted his attention back to the chest plate he's tinkering.

"Tell me Gerald, this looks like a source of profit. Can this be mass produc-" the words of the father was cut off as Gerald slammed the wrench on the metal tabel creating the loud soud of a bang.

"Father will you shut up! Ever since I showed you "Site Lockdown" you stopped viewing me as your son. But instead, you viewed me as a gold mine!" shouted Gerald as he stood up in anger.

"Watch your tone young man! I'm your father! You should respect me!" the father also stood up as he slapped the face of his son hard which threw Gerald to the side.

"Without me, you wouldn't be born at this world! Everything you're doing was a way to repay me for bringing you to this world! You fucker!" the father walked slowly and stomped on the back of Gerald who's lower lip was bleeding with an obvious red mark on his cheek.

"Marcus! What are you doing to our son?!" shouted Samantha as she saw his husband's foot on top of his son's body as he ran to help is son stand up.

"Discipline that piece of shit! He doesn't respect me! Make him understand that without me he won't be born!" shouted Marcus as he spat out a mouthful of saliva directed to his son and silently left.

"Stop that Marcus! That's your son!" growled Samantha as she pounced towards Marcus and hit him in the chest.

"Fuck off bitch! You think you'll even be able to wear your clothing without me? Without me, you're nothing!" Marcus lashed out towards Samantha as he also slapped her in the face which also thrown her to the ground.

Samantha started to cry as she held her aching cheek and looking at her husband with anger.

"Ever since you knew about the capabilities of our son you changed! You're not the Marcus I loved! You're not the Marcus I know!" shouted Samantha as she tried to stood up to hit Marcus.

This statement triggered a switch deep inside Marcus as he slowly walked towards Samantha with intention to hurt her badly.

"You bitch! Spouting nonsense!" shouted Marcus as he threw a punch towards Samantha's face.

But before the punch connected, the voice of a teenager was heard which caught the attention of the two. They turned their heads to the source of the voice as they saw their son with his bleeding lower lip and reddish cheek.

"Gerald!" Samantha immediately rushed to her son as she held him and looked for any injury on him besides the bleeding lower lip.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" asked Samantha with concern as she cupped her son's cheeks.

"I'm fine mom, it's just a scratch." answered Gerald as he broke a smile for his mother.

"You! Give me the blueprint for that armor or whatever it is or else your mom will experience pain." said Marcus as he fixed his suit and brushed the dirt from it.

"Gerald, don't, you mustn't give the blueprint to him ever. Mom will be fine okay!" said Samantha as she started to cry in front if her son. She can't let his devil of s husband to further exploit her son. She only agreed years ago as she thought of the great possibilities her son can achieve with his intelligence but never in her wildest dream that her beloved son would only be used by the man she treated as her husband.

"You bitch!" shouted Marcus as he walked towards Samantha intending to kick her but before he can do so Gerald walked forward. He walked in front of his mother as he looked at Marcus with anger and disgust.

"Oh so you'll going to fight your father. Bring it on young man! Come to father so he'll discipline his unfilial sperm!" said Marcus as he smirked and continued to walk to Gerald.

"Gerald..." Samantha held the hand of his son to try and prevent him but Gerald just smiled sadly at her mother as he tapped on his bracelet.

"I won't let you hurt mom! I will never be used by you again!" shouted Gerald as he catched black gloves with both his hand as he opened the laboratory defense mechanisms panel and armed the sentry turrets with high speed rubber bullets. His body reeks the determination to kill someone as his face crunched showing absolute anger in each centimeter.

"What? What's this?" shouted Marcus in confusion as he looked at the sentry guns which suddenly popped out of nowhere. He didn't remembered installing sentry turrets on this laboratory as the security of this condominium unit was already top notch with people armed wtih high powered rifles and numerous things designed to combat superhumans. That's without adding the fact that each guard was a war veteran and has a "superpower" of their own called "combat experience" and the extensive surveillance on the whole building and street they're in.

Marcus immediately tapped the distress button on his watch which immediately notified the soldiers patrolling the whole building of his predicament.

But before he can proceed next to actions, high speed rubber bullets suddenly hit him on all sides as the barrage came from the sentry turrets manually operated by Gerald.

"Yo-yo sto- th-arghhh!" shouted Marcus as he fell down on the floor as he eventually lost his consciousness due to pain.

At this moment, squads of soldiers was seen barging inside the laboratory only to see their employer's unconscious body. They looked at the turrets popping out of the roof, the ground, and the walls in realization.

They raised their weapons on to the kid but they immediately realized that he's the genius they're tasked to also protect.

Right now, they're on a predicament on what to do. They're employed to protect the Marcus and his family. Now, they didn't know who to follow.

But suddenly, Gerald took off the gloves and set it on the metal tabke where the chest plate of currently resting and helped his mother to stand up.

After this, he guided his mother to sit on a nearby chair before walking towards the squads of continuously pouring guards in complete combat equipment. He looked at them as if he's a god, someone higher than them. Someone who they can never hope to become.

"What are you doing? Take him away." ordered Gerald which confused the guards even more. But nonetheless, they're under their payroll so they'll comply.

"Yes your excellency!"

And just like this the ownership of the Sword of Damocles changed hands and Samantha became the sole owner and chairman by default. Gerald on the other hand, felt powerless, he's too weak to even protect his mother as he actively trained both his body and mind without forgetting to complete his battle suit and actively improving it. Ironically, Gerald really had a hard time communicating with everyone other than his mom and when he's angry or feeling extreme emotions.

He has almost graduated on the field of Quantum Physics and was doing his PhD in this field while at the same time playing with the human brain as he was enhancing his understanding of the human nrain because the Neurology he took a couple of months ago didn't even answered his questions one bit.

He has furthered himself in all fields, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and many more. He's created the world's first Quantum Computer which he named "The Eye in the Sky". Here, he inserted his own sentient artificial intelligence which has a codename of "Zero".

All of this technology was only for Gerald and Samantha to use privately. Samantha dissuaded Gerald when he brought up the prospects of releasing either Zero or the Quantum Technology to the market.

She argued that such technologies are revolutionary. So if someone just released a complete version of one of the two, then the governments around the world will literally fight for such a thing to become theirs. When that happens, Gerald will be arrested and kept on a facility where he'll just create technologies for the government who captured him. She made him understand that the previous actions of Marcus will only be considered as child's play as Gerald will surely be kept like a technology printing machine.

This dissuading formed Gerald's lack of trust to anyone other than his mother as he further focused on improving his battle suit.

He called his suit "Invicta" which was getting improved each time he thought of new technologies.

His father, Marcus was sent to prison for women and child abuse, and assault. He was sentenced a quite a long time in prison thta it's considered to be lifetime as the scandal shook the world and smeared the reputation of the company.

But under Gerald's mother leadership the company became better, wealthier and more powerful as his mother expanded on other business fields and has severed the over reliance on Gerald's technologies by actively recruiting the laid off researchers from other companies and setting out the bait of good research environment and funding on other employed researchers.

As of the last quarter of the year 2072, just a couple of months after Samantha took the reigns, the now Sparrow Group, the group of companies named after the surname of the family leading it was predicted to surpass the wealth of the family leading RoofMart altogether.

This gave Gerald the carefree teenager life he deserved without any of the unnecessary forceful invention he had to do. Although, he's socially awkward even with his handsome looks, there wasn't a girl trying to ask him out which is logical.

Why would he even date someone who's possibly twice as old as he is? Or possibly, why would a girl ask a barely teenager boy out? That's almost pedophilia.

All of that happened in just a span of 1 year and Gerald was doing PhD for quantum physics, and what does needs to do right now?

He needs to learn how to become a man obviously...


The story is bound to have plot holes! But I'll try to minimize it as much as possible. Also, I'm only writing this for fun to try and find new ways of writing stories.

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts