
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
82 Chs

Youth's Folly

*Sarial's POV*

After Dean's, we headed straight to my home. The Hearthry estates. The doorman greeted me, and scolded me lightly for the stunt I'd pulled, then stopped talking, surprised, by Tyra. I laughed lightly about the expression, asked where everyone is. The twins and Bit were in the library, which doubled as the music room. Mother was with them. Jasper was training with Uncle, and Dad was in his office.

"Before we go see my dad, can I bribe you to tell the family chef how to make noodles? I seriously want to try it." I ask Tyra.

"Sure. No fur off my skin to do so." Tyra shrugged.

So, I took her to the kitchen where the chef was busy. I left Plight and Sienna in the dining hall.

"Chef, do you have a moment to spare for a recipe?" I ask.

Chef Raynor turned with a heavy sigh, "What do you wish to learn this time, Miss Sarial?"

"For you to learn to make noodles." I reply.

"Noo- what?" He frowned at the unexpected answer.

"I brought her to tell you how to make noodles." I repeated myself.

He looked decidedly offended. "Very well. How do you make this 'noodle'?"

"Hate the attitude, to be honest." Tyra told him and looked at me. "But I will write the recipe down."

She did so while the chef looked over her shoulder. An easy feat as she is 5'6". Very small for an adult Leonin. After she wrote it and the directions on storing and serving, she handed him the paper without a word.

Chef Raynor looked the recipe over, then said, "Yes, this should be pretty simple to make. I'll serve it for your dinner."

"Excellent. Thank you." I said over my shoulder, leading Tyra out.

We collected Plight and Sienna from the dining room and headed for Dad's office.

Tyra asked, "Who is your family, exactly?"

I didn't feel like answering what would soon be clear. "Remember. Nothing about my condition." I warned them.

As we got to the large shining double doors, the left one gold the right one silver, with lion head doorknobs, I asked the doorman, whose responsibility it to keep these doors, if Dad had anyone with him, and since he didn't, the doorman let us in.

"Hi Dad," I greeted, getting an odd look from Tyra.

"Hello dear, what do we owe such a sudden visit to?" Dad said.

"We were in East Haven. I have ninety-five citizens now. We killed the guards in East Haven as well as some thugs because they were working together." I said. "I let the Desquin's know already."

"My, my, you have been busy." Dad said.

"Well, technically, my companions killed a majority of them. I just strategized. And played bait." I shrugged.

"Played bait? That does not sound like you. Are you ill." Dad said.

"I am not ill." I replied, "Oh, and Tyra gave away a recipe that can apparently feed a lot of people from minimal ingredients." I looked at Tyra. "Tyra, Sienna, this is my Dad, James Hearthry. Dad, Sienna is Alexander's daughter." I looked back at him, "Alexander is likely my bag friend."

"That's a lot of news all at once, but have you been to see Bibs?" Dad asked.

"Yes, four days ago." I nodded.

"Bag what?" Tyra said, frowning.

"Bag friend. He came out of my bag and scared a demon away." I tell her.

Her 'what the shit' expression took a moment to clear, "Interesting. Your 'bag friend's'.. species are known for dragging adventurers into their bag's of holding and leaving trinkets behind."

"Then you know what it is?" I asked.

She shrugged, "A bag man. There is no known way to combat them, aside from not having a bag of holding. Interestingly, there was a snippet that stated you're unlikely to draw one to you if you do not commit crimes."

"Hah. Too late." I said.

"Did you read anything that speaks about purposely luring one?" Sienna asked.

"No. I don't think there has been anyone who has ever sought to do so..." Tyra frowned again, flicking one ear back, "Aside from you lot, I'll think on it and get back to you."

I looked at her uncomfy expression for a moment, then said, "It's fine. I don't think it's dangerous."

"You don't think it's dangerous. You have an unknown creature hanging around you." Dad said.

"He hasn't done anything to make me think he's dangerous. Being unknown doesn't expressly mean its dangerous..... But I will agree I do need to consider adjusting my opinion on the subject of danger." I replied.

"What do you mean by readjusting your sense of danger?" Dad asked.

I glanced at my companions uncomfortably. I thought over what the best scenario is in this moment. I wasn't sure. And I didn't have the time to think it over. "You want me to say now, or do you want Mom with us?" I ask, looking at him.

"Well, if it's some form of big news, we should get your Mother. At least you didn't use a letter this time." Dad said, he then contacted Mom.

"Do you all want to head to the library?" I asked my companions.

Tyra looked at Dad and said, "Do you think your brother would like that fight?"

"My brother would always like a fight." Dad said.

"You met Uncle?" I asked.

"Yesterday, before I met you, I met him, Seralyn and Daelyn." Tyra answered. Her whispers were a little tense, showing stress.

"Yes apparently your siblings were getting into another argument with minstrels on the street." Dad said.

"No, Seralyn accidentally bumped one of the musician's because he jerked his arm a bit far, and Daelyn defended her and out classed the performer." Tyra said, frowning.

He looked at her and said, "And how do you know that wasn't entirely planned by the twins? Because trust me, they do that."

"I suppose I don't know. I based that on the moments anxiety Daelyn showed when the musician got aggressive." Tyra shrugged.

Dad leaned back, with his arms raised, "It's true. He is still a child, it may have not been a show, but know what that child shows may not always be the case."

"Noted." Tyra said, thoughtfully. Her expression very neutral now.

I tell Plight and Sienna how to get to the library, then I tell Tyra how to get to Uncle, which was simple. Just step out of the office and ask the doorman to let her in. Mom came in as they went out.

"I'm surprised she defended Daelyn." I said when the door was closed. Mom hugged me, and I returned the affection.

"Oh? Why are you surprised?" Dad asked.

"Because Tyra is... very uncomfortable with people." I say. "Bossy, untrusting and unyielding."

"That seems rather accurate, yes." Dad said.

"Anyways, I'm pregnant. Tyra told me so, and Sienna used Identify to confirm it." I tell them.

"You're pregnant." Mom repeated.

"Yes." I nodded, "I was irresponsible."

"Was it by your choice?" Dad asked.

"Were it not, he'd be dead." I answered.

"Good response." Dad said.

"I'll admit I panicked a little. I do know there are methods available to... end the condition... I had that conversation with him." I told them.

"Yes, you had told me you didn't desire children due to the .. Kalashtar's nightmares." Dad said.

"I would certainly have preferred them to not be a Kalashtar.. but I do think I'll be able to help them. I'm aware of the responsibility that comes with the decision." I reply.

"Was he passive about this decision?" Mom asked.

"No. He had made it clear he'd like to raise the child." I answered.

"Well, at least he is taking responsibility. I won't have to kill him." Dad said.

I laugh lightly. "I know you would have. I have an odd question.."

"Oh? And what is this odd question you'd like to ask us?" Dad said.

"It's entirely off topic," I warn him.

He sighed, "And in what way had your mind flipped this time?"

"Do either of you know how it can be possible to heal an undead creature, like a vampire, by means other than feeding it or potions?" I asked.

"Does this have something to do with your particularly pale friend?" Dad asked.

"And Tyra." I answered.

"No, I can't say I know of a way to heal them by magic other than potions." Dad said. "No magic has been known to heal an undead like that."

"Tyra healed him." I replied. "She pointed out there were no witnesses available when we badgered her bout it."

"She threatened you when you asked for information? That means it's either something worth hiding, or very valuable." Dad said.

"She only threatened us after I pushed her to tell us when she declined to do so." I said, confused. "She insisted it wasn't a threat because she was being passive. It's why it surprised me she defended Daelyn. But, she also fought in my stead. So maybe I shouldn't have been surprised."

"Well, would you like to go into details on how she fought for you?" Dad said.

"She fought similar to Uncle, using her weight behind her great axe. She didn't use any magic that any of us could pick up on." I answered.

"There's certainly something beyond physical strength." Dad commented.

"Right. She attributed the healing and her knowing about my pregnancy on magic items, saying 'Magic items are very handy. I have one that accesses vulnerabilities of enemies. Healing items are plentiful'." I remembered.

"Then she is obviously trying to hide something." Dad said.

I shrugged. "Yes. I spooked her earlier." I grinned.

"Maybe you shouldn't." Mom said, amused.

"Fascinating as this all is, and trust me I am interested in how she has these powers, but I am more interested in your plans." Dad said.

"Which of them? I have many at the moment." I say.

"Your plans for your future. Of your baby." He said.

"I'll be managing the town more directly than I intended. I'm also going to be working towards faster results. For the baby, I asked Plight to be their godfather. Which may have been cruel." I replied.

"How would it have been cruel to him?" He asked.

"He'll live to watch them grow old and die." I answered.

"True." Dad said. "That also means he'll be there for anything and everything."

"Yes. I trust him to be." I said.

" I certainly hope you trust him if he is to be their godfather. Especially if he is to be a Hearthry godfather." He said.

"I hired Dean to help me manage people." I told him.

"Oh that poor boy. Last I remember he was still quite infatuated with you." Dad said.

"His feelings are his problem." I replied. "Besides, there is a pretty and mistrustful girl that he'll take an interest in soon enough."

"Have something planned do we?" He asked.

"Not precisely. Eluvian will catch his eye. And that will keep him occupied." I shrugged.

"I suppose it would, yes. I just hope you aren't inciting a lover's spat." He said.

"That would be an odd hill to die on for either. I am not tolerant, I've been clear with Dean." I said.

"Jealousy is never logical. Nor does it see reason." Dad stated.

"If it becomes an issue, I will deal with it then. In the mean time, he is a tool I can use to ease the weariness and suspension of Eluvian." I said.

"Have you told Mills you are bringing him in?" He asked.

"Yes. And he is aware that Dean has feelings for me, and that it strained our previous friendship significantly." I replied.

"Huh. Dean's fear was made reality." Mom says, amused.

When Mills had been about to be betrayed, I'd tried to get to him through father, and Dean, to help him. Dad refused for my safety. Dean refused because he didn't want to hand me over to a noble. This was what Mother referred to. Mills was sixteen and I was eleven at that time.

"Well, now the question becomes.. who is telling Dirthin?" Dad said.

"I'll tell him." I said, also a little amused.

"You're probably the safest to tell him, because I don't think he'd punch you right now." Dad said.

"I don't think I'm the one who needs to be concerned with that, no." I said.

"Just make sure you don't tell him mid spar. He may try and involve you when you aren't ready." Dad said.

"Considering Plight wanted to read books about pregnancy and babies... How long ago to you think Bit and the twins figured it out?" I asked.

"Considering he would have no idea where those books are and would have to ask them.. Probably pretty quickly." Dad said.

"Hm. I'm gonna head to Uncle's room. I'll be careful." I tell them. With that I head out of his office and into Uncle's room, once the door was opened for me.

I got to see Uncle and Tyra fighting, her with a great axe and Uncle with his great sword. She was staying alert, and showed serious capability. But she really was like a mini Uncle. Much like that huge bear would've dwarfed Uncle, she was dwarfed by him.

I skirted their fight, heading for Jasper and being patient. Once I saw Tyra's lower back I was shocked, she had a massive horizontal scar fully across her lower back. Two gouges with the rest of the skin revealed between them along with a solid inch and half on either side. Looked like the result you'd expect from using a grater on a potato and leaving it to reform its skin.

"Oh, that makes sense now." I commented, thinking of how mistrusting she is and cautious. and her willingness to harm to not be questioned. I couldn't blame her, but I felt bad for whatever life she must have led.

After I reached Jasper, I got his attention, briefly, and started giving him a cuddle. We watched Uncle's fight together like that. I started to feel quite sluggish, like if my world was slowing.

I noted that Tyra appeared to be bothered by something, Uncle appeared to be enjoying fighting her. After a short time more, their weapons locked together and she turned, and ducked, pressing her back against his front wresting his blade from him. She then, unbelievably, went to try and toss Uncle, dropping her weapon with his, Uncle tried to swipe her legs out from under her, but ended up just lifting her in barely two seconds.

She had an expression like a child sneaking into cookies past bedtime and she said, "You were a lot faster to put an end to that than I'd expected.."

I couldn't help it. I turned my brother loose, doubling over with laughter. I couldn't believe her. Cool as the breeze off the icy mountains basically saying 'you foiled my plans' in the most blasé tone I'd ever heard anyone use against Uncle.

After that, things were pretty slow. I informed my Uncle and brother of my pregnancy, had to talk Uncle out of maiming Mills. He was upset that my plans would have to change. Once he'd agreed, he congratulated me. I'm just glad I wasn't showing the fear I'd shown yesterday.

Tyra was proving to be able to make Uncle laugh pretty easily. She also ended up telling Jasper, Uncle and I about how she got that scar. She'd said it didn't matter for us to know because we'd already seen it. My heart ached for her.

We'd gone to the library next, she'd covered the scar. I don't think it's something she prefers to show. We spent quite a while in the library, reading up on various things. I took to reading history books related to building Valor's crest.

I honestly had no desire to grow the town that significantly, but I'd do so by quite a bit. I ended up getting some books to write a letter in Dwarvish, stating what I needed the dwarves to begin on, and my Town's new numbers. As well as it's name. Hearthstone Town. Then, I kicked myself mentally. I'd meant to get ahold of crop seeds and cattle on the way here. No matter, there is always tomorrow.

I'd mentioned it aloud to Sienna and Plight, Sienna said she'd remember, but where would we get them? So I told her of the various places I could get them. She'd listened well. As it turned out, she had no concept of money whatsoever. She could count, understood the Mundane saw value in copper, silver and gold, but that was it. She never had to use currency before.

Soon enough, it was dinner time, a servant had been around to ask me if my companions were joining the meal, I invited Tyra to, Plight and Sienna declined. Sienna, wanting to stay in the library with Plight. That was fine. I hoped Alexion would feed the dogs well. I kinda missed them.

The noodles were very interesting. The soup base paired well. Tyra gave us tips on how to eat it, after seeing our hesitancy. Mom and Tyra discussed clans, and a person called Tetenius. Tyra looked so uncomfortable with us all. She didn't seem to mind chatting though.

After dinner, we played a word game together, with the exception of Tyra who'd declined to play and seemed to have left. During the game I got extremely tired to the point I'd ended up just falling asleep. Why the hell was I so tired? Must be an adjustment period or something.

In the middle of the night, around three in the morning, Plight woke me suddenly. Disoriented, it took me a moment to understand what he was saying. "What?" I asked.

"Tyra needs help. She says the Shadowfell will be released here. Apparently only you family can stop it." Plight explained.

I start getting up, "Where is Tyra?" I ask.

*Mentally in your household. Physically in another.* Tyra's voice says in my mind.

I blink, irrationally irritated. "So you can do mental stuff. Cool. But that doesn't answer me." I snippily reply.

*I am up to mischief in the Denoir household.* Tyra comments.

"Oh." I say. "I'll wake Father." I have Plight wait outside as I head to my parents room. I slip inside quietly, "Dad, Tyra needs help with something about the Shadowfell." I whispered after he'd patted my hand to let me know he'd woke.

"Alright. Step out, I'll be there in a second." Dad said.

I obeyed, of course. Dad was trying to not disturb Mom at the moment. I rub my eyes and face, wearily. What an interesting little cat I've brought home. I don't feel her in my mind, how does she do that? Also, what the hell led her to being in the Denoir household? I'll need to ask her.

As I considered that, Dad stepped out of his room, "Alright. Details." He asked.

"Plight woke me saying Tyra needs help at the Denoir household because the Shadowfell will be released from there." I tell him. "Something about only our family, likely you and Uncle, are capable of preventing it. I don't know much, sorry."

"I am going to gather some people, make sure no one enters the home." Dad tells me. He started to walk away, but paused and said, "I will need information on how this is happening later... Ritual room. What information can you give me on this Ritual room." A long pause, then Dad replied, "Oh, we have someone with plenty of experience about going to places he shouldn't be." Another pause, then, "Lacking knowledge is nothing to be ashamed of. It's the lack of desire to better your knowledge, that is what I find deplorable." Pause, she's talking to him, I assume. "No, that should be about all. We've had plans for the Denoir household for a while now, we'd just hoped we wouldn't have to use them." After another pause, he gives a sarcastic almost laugh, "Hoh. That's going to be fun to explain. Yes, leave the old fat one alive for now. Make sure he stays in his room." She replied, "For how long after death can you revive someone?" Dad asked, she replied, "Then it would be for the best that they are alive for their court date. But it would be good to make sure they cannot escape. A lack of legs usually helps with that." Dad recommended. Tyra spoke once more. "Once the connection has been severed in such an extreme manner, there should be no way in which it can be reconnected without being reestablished with such terms." Dad said, then paused. "It's a good start, we will be there soon." He said. With that he went to his office.

I began walking about to keep myself alert. I wasn't ready to be awake yet. A few minutes later, and Uncle's up now. He greets me, and walks into Dad's office. All business. Few minutes later and Dad heads for his room. For Mom. He'll be gone a while, then.

Worried as I was becoming about the situation, it must be serious after all, Dad seemed calm. Like he'd expected this to happen. Surely not. Right?

Mom and Dad came out of his room, Dad gave her an affectionate kiss and left with Uncle, as he exited Dad's office. Mom came over and wrapped her arms around me, in a sleepy manner. Her body was very warm from having been sleeping.

We sat in the foyer for a while, snuggling. I don't know why. That's just where we'd sat I guess. Plight and Sienna were nearby.

Around five in the morning, Tyra had asked me, mentally, *May I be let inside?*

I let her in. I know what Dad said, but it's just Tyra. She was a little scrapped up and had a little Leonin child of around two or three on her hip, as well as some crates of animal's. A wyvern, a pegasus foal and three puppies that possessed two heads, Death Dogs, Tyra had said.

"I'd like to release them." Tyra said.

"You can use the office to get close to their natural homes." Mom shrugged. She then helped Tyra do that, after Tyra put the kid down.

I kept the pegasus foal. It would be an interesting friend, I think. And convenient when it grew old enough.

"So, you have a child?" I asked Tyra.

"No. He's a dragonling. His name is Sky Piercer. He didn't wish to be returned to his parents, so I said he can stay with me. He'll be called Sky Silvershale in this form." Tyra answered.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"That's a long story," Tyra began. She saw Mom's look and continued, "The Sorceress in my clan, along with Arena, contacted me while I was with Dirthin, telling me to help what was being done in the Denoir household along, only without telling me who I was to help, and saying it would benefit my clan. I investigated the Southern gate which led me to the Denoir household. Where I slaughtered them all, except servants and workers. James had me revive the nobles, so I left them naked and maimed in a cell until they were arrested."

"That's a lot. Why?" I ask.

"I hate the Sorceress. She's a bi- bad woman who makes my life irritating. I wanted to put an end to what she wanted to happen." Tyra admitted.

"Good enough reason." I shrugged.

"I've been told to keep you here and protect you all until they return." Tyra says. "You're not to step outside. Per order that I received."

My mouth popped open, "But I still need to buy seeds and organize things for my town. How can I do that from here?"

"I can get the seeds," Sienna suggested.

"No need." Tyra said. She pulled several small sacks from her bag, all filled with seeds. As well as a proof of purchase for livestock.

Shocked, but touched, I threw my arm around her and thanked her. "Now, we just need to get them to the town and lay out the area they'd be planted in. Except, I'm stuck home."

"I can take the seeds and such to your town." Sienna offered. "It wouldn't take long to get there as both Bellam and I do not sleep."

Tyra asked "Do you have a spare pocket watch, or a little compact mirror?"

I fetched one of each, and watched as Tyra took out a device. Taking one of the thin fractures glass pieces out and laying it into the compact mirror and speaking words to bind it to the compact mirror.

Once it took effect, Tyra explained, "This can be used to contact my communication device, regardless of the distance. We can use this to chat back and forth."

I said, "Sienna should have it. Can you make one more, for Mills?"

"Yes," Tyra said. And made it. Handing them both over to Sienna.

Plight decided to go with Sienna, due to this, I fetched my bag of holding and told them to try out songs that would be special to Alexander at Bibs' home with him. Then, I took them to the library where I took out some of my items that I needed to keep on me. I told them about the other things in it, should they need it.

Then, I wrote a letter to Eluvian, another to Dean, another to Emel. That seemed to be all I needed to do. I had been significantly delayed due to some legal business in the Capital, the Denoir's had been arrested for several charges. It would take some time for myself to return, but via Sienna, I could be reached if necessary.

Then, I lay out plans for the crops area, as well as herb gardening, and where to house the animals. That was all they really needed my input for. I asked Sienna and Plight to tell Mills his family had been arrested.

I started making plans for altering that room in the cave, next. I sketched out the plans I created for the room, as I went. I needed someone to begin to extend it, the desk and book shelves can stay in that room, but it'd need to be extended past there, into a lounge type of room, attach a hallway and bathroom to that main room. My room will definitely have that super comfy bed in it. I'll attach a nursery to my room. I'll need at least ten other rooms, each for my party companions and my family members, should they choose to stay with me a while. Those rooms should all have bathrooms available attached to them.

I'd see about engineering the sort of bathroom that Sienna's magic rooms make. I wasn't sure about making Mills his own room, cause he had his own place to live. This thought made me realize... I've never been to his house. Huh. Oh well. It's hardly important.

After some thought, I decided to scrap what I'd drawn out, and redo it. I sketched it to be wings off the main room. One wing will be for my family, the next for my newly budding family, and the other will be for my friends. Then again, if I so decide to, I should bring in specific people I grow to trust as servants. They should have their own space, as well.

So, four wings in total, with the large lounge room, and a bathroom attached to it. This would suffice. Sienna suggested she could work on this, if I was anxious about who would be allowed in that room. I was. I told her to have Mills contact me via the device as soon as she could.

I gave them both hugs before they left to handle things in my stead. I'd miss Plight, truly.