
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantaisie
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82 Chs

Messy Dealings

I contemplated finding the ass. But we had left work undone. It was 5 pm now, which gave me two hours to hunt and prepare things. I ran my plan by Plight, we went and took the lumber to the cave, the bag of holding made that considerably easier.

Once there, we stacked it in the entryway. I then set off on the hunt with Plight's company. The dogs were a big help once more, locating a deer and a boar. Having killed both, I field dressed then selected the right cuts of meat for the sashimi. I wrapped those tightly and put it into the back of holding. This would keep them fresh. I also stored the rest of the meat for Plight.

Next, I began hunting for wild vegetables and herbs. I sent Plight to get butter for me once I'd gotten enough ingredients together. I'd restarted the fire from lunch to cook.

I only decided to make three sauces. They were the easiest. One was garlic butter, ponzu sauce, and the au jus, which I got by searing some of the meat in butter to make a stew in my cooking kit. With the stew going, I fished some.

I caught a trout and a tilapia. I dispatched them, gutted them, cleaned them, and put them away. I told Plight, who was keeping me company, that I was going to bathe in the river, if he could mind the stew by stirring occasionally, I'd appreciate it.

Since he'd agreed, I took my regular pack with me down the river a ways and, once out of Plight's sight, stripped, and got in the water with my soap.

The dogs were watching me and the surroundings. Which was comforting. I don't know why I never bothered to have dogs before, just look how smart and handy these ones were being. And that brute beat them. Had to have, cause they are afraid of him.

Having scrubbed my body, hair, and mouth clean, I climbed from the icy water and began drying myself off. Then, I hesitated. Should I dress in a dress because I am seeing Mills for dinner, or should I dress in a shirt and pants?

Mills never complimented me, either way. I decided on wearing another dress. One that hinted at my elevated status in life and represented I am not someone to trifle with. Though, the elf may well assume I stole it, too. I think I should rob him. Wouldn't that be fun?

The dress I put on was a navy blue, long sleeved, off the shoulder dress. It stopped at my upper thigh, so I paired it with black leggings that matched the frill on the sleeves. The dress cupped my breasts, bringing a bit of attention there. In between my breasts and up my right hip was embroidered with golden thread. I put on a matching black choker that also had gold embroidery, it included a stunning blue diamond, though most would assume it's a sapphire. I paired it bright blue earrings that matched the diamond. For my feet, I put on a pair of boots, not worrying about the clash in style. Finally, I pinned my hair up in a manner popular with nobility in the capital.

Once I was finished dressing, I returned to Plight and put out the fire. He was going to stay in the Tavern and wait for the elf to show up, while I shared the meal with Mills. I made a mental not to send some meat with him before we went to bed.

Returning to town, I turned quite a few heads, more so when they caught smell of my stew. It was a back up in case Mills found sashimi wasn't to his liking. Plus, I am not overly fond of it. I much prefer just cooking it. As it turned out, we'd returned just as they were about to close up the gates for the night.

Thinking it over, before we got to the square, I asked Plight to put the dogs up in a room at the Inn first. I told the dogs and sent them with bones and smoked meat. We'd had a busy day so they didn't get many snacks. They'd only had breakfast and lunch so far.

With that worry handled, I went to Mills. He was closing up his stall still. I noted that strange old woman was staring at me intently. So, I approached her and offered her some stew. She brought out her own bowl, from no where, as she accepted. It'd just appeared.

I'd not expected her to. It must smell quite tempting. I noticed Mills looking over as he finished up. I flashed him a smile.

The old woman decided she'd like to have a chat with me when I'm not busy. I accepted because there is no harm in chatting. I then approached Mills. I'd like him to think it's only what I've got in the pot that I've brought. I would also tell him I had unpleasant business to attend to after.

"Where do you wish to eat?" I asked.

"On top of Kaz's Bakery. It gives you a lovely view of the town." Mills replied.

"Very well," I nod, "Just so that you know I'm dealing with that elf at 8. He is suspected to be around the tavern, and the tavern clear of guards."

His task of closing up complete, he directed me towards Kaz's Bakery. "Well, that's quite alright we can make it a fast dinner." He said.

He lead us to the back of the bakery and up a small flight of stairs. "I made three different sauces for you to try out. If I'd bothered to shop, I could have made a sweet one." I told him.

"That sounds intriguing." Mills said. "So if I shouldn't be expecting any sweet sauce, what should I be expecting?"

"A noble favorite, au jus, a savory one, and a citrus-like one. I didn't have the time or knowledge to make soy sauce, nor can I make some of the others that are used with sashimi. I made stew in case it wasn't any good." I explained.

"We'll have to give it a shot before we decide if it is good or bad." Mills replied.

"I should hope so." I said as I took out the cuts of meat I had selected, followed by a chopping board and a knife I use for cooking only. I set out my cloak to not get the roof messy. I set up a make shift table from my cooking kit and took out four plates. I also set out the sauces I'd made. Once I'd set up sufficiently, I took out two sets of utensils called chopsticks. Then, I took the boar meat and sliced several slices and placed it on a plate. I repeated this with the deer, tilapia and trout. "There we are. I'll demonstrate how to use the sticks." I picked up a set of chopsticks, used them to take a slice of trout, dipped it in the ponzu sauce and popped it into my mouth. The ponzu sauce was best with fish when I'd tried it before.

Mills was struggling with the chopsticks quite a bit. I remembered when Denoir tried to humiliate me at an event with the use of them. Thankfully, Father had forewarned me about them. I helped adjust how he held them, which gave him slightly more success. Boldly, I took to offering him different selections of meats in different sauces.

I rather enjoyed feeding him with the chopsticks. "Would you like to keep those chopsticks and practice?" I asked.

"I had intended to ask to do so... yes. I'd like to be more adept the next time we use these." He commented.

"Ponzu pairs with fish so well, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Indeed it does. I'm enjoying the spice to it." Mills said.

"You like spicy?" I asked, surprised.

"To a certain extent." He nodded.

"None of my family likes spicy anything. Uncle punched a hole in the wall one time after trying something spicy." I told him, grinning.

"Goodness. How spicy was it?" Mills asked.

"Hmm. Have you tried a serrano pepper before?" I asked.

"I can't say I have." Mills said.

"Jalapeño?" I tilted my head asking.

"I have tried Jalapeño." He nodded. "I liked that quite a bit."

"Serrano peppers are four times as spicy as Jalapeño. I was munching them like candy with some steak and Uncle came in. Father told him not to, but he popped one in his mouth.... fire figuratively erupted." I laughed. "What Uncle didn't know was that my mouth was also burning like crazy. I was just determined to get through it. My stomach hurt for two days after."

"Then I do believe I will pass on the particular pepper." Mills said.

"Just don't use my face as a gauge for whether or not something is safe or good to eat." I replied.

"Did you practice such a poker face?" Mills asked.

"Do you know what all strange things nobles eat or drink? Denoir would have been excessively pleased if I was so rude as to show any displeasure at what I have placed in my mouth at events. Regardless of which noble I was attending, he tried to humiliate me." I informed him. "Of course I schooled myself to not show anything."

"That is a good skill to practice indeed." Mills said. "Its always good to keep your opponents guessing even if it is just a dinner."

"Is this what your doing? I'm a terrible guesser. I always assume the worst case." I look at him while saying.

"And what, pray tell, would you be guessing at? Is it my favorite color? Because that would be yellow." Mills commented.

I remain quiet for a moment. Thinking over what he just told me. Matching the color preference to the households. Then applying it to what I know of Mills, then I mull over which rumors and facts on the nobility I knew of. "Not many like yellow. It's a loud color that many cannot pull off."

"Not many can pull off that color. There is a particular family who shames it quite a bit." Mills said.

"The Elmire's are honestly worse than the Denoir's. The Solon's have joined hands in back rooms with them. Rubel doesn't know, Zinter doesn't care." I tell him.

"Then they are all the more the fool for dancing with snakes." Mills commented.

I tried to suppress a sudden yawn. The day was catching up to me. "Are you baiting me?" I asked in a soft voice. "I told you I wouldn't pry, that I'd like your trust."

"And what if I want you to pry? What if I want you to say it?" Mills asked.

"So, you want me to guess who you are? I've met all the nobility in the capital with the exception of three direct noble's sons, and two of them are my dad's age, one noble's bastard, and two noble's pets. I'd say you aren't a pet, because you haven't tried to get me to take care of you. Does this track?" I looked at him blankly.

"So far so good." Mills replied.

I tilted my head and said, "Why did you decide you want this?"

"Because if I say it, it kind of defeats the purpose." Mills said.

"That's silly. You're the one I admire, aren't you?" I ask.

"I certainly hope I am someone you admire. But that is not saying my name." he said.

I pinched his earlobe and said. "Since you bear no resemblance to Arven Crest, I really have to assume you resemble you're mother. Because you don't look like the fat and balding William, Nathan. You play a dangerous game."

He chuckled a little, also reacting to the pinch, and said, "I've played many dangerous games in my life. But none so rewarding as courting you."

I blushed and said, "How do you find that rewarding?"

"Because you give me truly interesting conversations." he said.

"I just blabber endlessly about whatever comes to mind." I replied. "Did you know me before I told you my name?"

"No, I had no idea who you were." he replied.

I finally stopped staring at him and offered him another bite of food. "Good. Because being the Denoir's enemy is an opinion of the Denoirs. It has little to do with us aside from William trying to harass or embarrass me before the nobility. Which hasn't ever worked." I told him.

"I'm glad my father has been so unsuccessful." He replied.

"It's honestly good that he kept trying. Otherwise, I'd have no idea how to handle Lana, Ash, Jack and Fish. Jack is very like the 2nd Denoir son. All impotent threats and intimidation." I shrugged. Oddly, I didn't care that he's Nathan Denoir. To me, he was still just Mills. "How shall I call you? Shall it differ in private?"

"It shouldn't need to change, I'm more Mills than Nathan, now." He replied.

"You know my family and I aren't good people, right? I have their twisted morals. Hence why I will cut the elf's tongue out for lying." I said then booped his nose.

"Your family serves itself. That doesn't make them bad or good just self reliant. Have I heard things about them going a little overboard? Sure, but never involving those outside the problem." he replied.

"We don't see it as overboard. And I am the gentlest of them. Even Bit is cutthroat." I informed him. "Him and Seralyn could take over the entire world if they wanted to."

"Well now, wouldn't that be a sight to see. Your family could have taken the capital long ago, but they don't. They stay merchants and do other odd jobs. I can only assume because it's a headache to run a kingdom." he stated.

"A fair assessment. Father doesn't want to do it. He also doesn't desire a title. What are you going to be up to, while I handle that elf?" I ask.

"I will be heading home for the night, I believe. I fully expect you to be able to handle a little rich elf with a soon to be not so loose tongue." He says, then boops my nose.

"You may take the stew home. It makes a marvelous breakfast." I smile at him. "Are you sure I am someone you should trust?"

"Are you sure I am to be trusted? I've dealt with betrayal before, I feel I have an eye for it now." He said.

"It's not my gamble, Mills. It's yours. If I die of betrayal by you, I won't stay dead, and then James, my father, will be dealing with you, and anyone connected to you. Same goes for what I wish to achieve. If I fail, everyone here will suffer for it." I tell him.

"Your father is a terrifying man, this I know. But I have never had a reason to fear him. Nor do I hope to ever have one." With a soft smile, he began cleaning up.

"Mills, I'm sorry about what occured. I was too little to be of help when that happened. I only turned 16 last month." I told him. "I heard bout it in the slums."

"It's alright. I was far to young for such grand ambitions, with far fewer supporters. Life is a long journey with many lessons to learn." he said.

I put the stuff away that needed to be. Leaving the stew out, and him a set of chopsticks. I then treated him in a manner I've treated each of my family, and Plight. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a snuggle.

He gave me a gentle squeeze, then let me go, and wished me luck with the elf. I gave him a smile and asked for a time or place he'd like me to be tomorrow for the meeting. He gave that information and we left the roof, the stew stayed with him. I told him that I like his kisses. He planted a kiss on me, laughing and saying that I'm cute. I was rather pleased with the kiss, myself.

He went home as I went to the Tavern. I entered and found Plight. He was watching the elven pricks. I took out my dagger and attached it to a belt on my hips. I'd joined him and told him I was giving them one chance to apologize. If they do so, I'll let them go with some pain. If they don't I am cutting his tongue out, and I will not let Plight stop me.

I explained to him the purpose behind this act. I would show everyone that I'm not to be trifled with, but that I'm fair and stand up for people. This is shown with how I stopped Jack and Fish when they bothered Mills that time.

Once he nodded his understanding, I turned and approached the Elf from behind. His friend saw me and didn't recognize me, why would they? But, I spun the offending elf around to face me.

"I heard about the tale you spun involving our transaction. You can apologize or face the consequence." I told him.

"And what transaction might that have been?" He asks.

"You've accused me of stealing the blink dogs. I paid you for them. You lied and said I stole them." I reminded him.

"I haven't lied." He answered. "You've no proof that you bought them."

"They are no longer yours. Get that out of your head. Shall I assume you seek the consequence?" I said.

"Consequences." He said haughtily, "As if you could so impose upon me such a thing."

I glanced at Plight, then nodded and said "Well, I gave you a chance."

He started to say something, but I grabbed his tongue and pulled it out his mouth. Then, I yanked my dagger and ran my blade across it, severing it entirely. His friend shouted for guards, as I released the elf. "Lying tongues are best removed." I told them.

The second elf opened his mouth to shout again, so I crammed the tongue into his mouth, as deeply as I could. He choked, and sputtered, as I withdrew my fingers. Then he turned deathly pale, and he hurled. He'd swallowed it.

"I'm done with you both. Go ahead and report me again. I promise you, I'll walk." I told them, as they panicked. I sheathed my dagger, approached the tavern keeper and placed 15 gold on the counter. "Two rounds of drink for the disturbance of your patrons, Sir. And some extra, for emotional support."

He blinked, gathered himself, and announced to his patrons that there're free drinks. "Come back by when things have calmed down."

"I'll come back tomorrow." I tell him, and return to Plight.

He'd healed the elf's bleeding and told him to, "Stop gurgling."

"Let's go, I've a letter to send off." I tell Plight as I left. He followed me. "Ew. He bled on me."

"We'll have to get that cleaned up, then. I'm sure Inari can get that out." Plight replied.

We'd gone to the Inn, anyways. I'd asked for Inari to join me in my room to pick up some things for mending and washing. She'd happily agreed to come with me. I told Plight I'd visit his room shortly.

I changed my clothes with Inari in the room, cleaned the blood from my skin, and paid her. I also gave her a simple gold bracelet. She quite liked it and told me she'd help me anytime. She also said she'd check if Plight had clothes to mend or wash, too.

After thanking her, we walked down to Plight's room. She knocked and Plight answered. She asked for his dirty or ripped things and he gave them her. I entered his room after. She promised to return them in the morning.

After she left, I sat heavily on his bed. "Men are complicated..." I told Plight, while looking at the dogs.

"I suppose they can be, yeah. I find everyone is, though." Plight said.

"Mills wanted me to say who he really is. Despite being in hiding. Oh, right. I need to write to Father." I told him. I took my writing things out. "Mills, it turns out, is someone I've admired for a long time."

"Oh? I doubt I'll know him, but whats the name?" Plight asked.

"Nathan Denoir." I said quietly.

"Well I do recognize the Denoir part, and I seem to recall you don't like them very much." he replied.

"I don't like any Denoir, with Nathan as an exception. Nathan doesn't have his families values. He got unofficially disowned and thrown out of the family for being too kind and soft on servants, slaves and common folk. His ideals are what spurred my own." I told him, blushing.

"And here he is in the flesh. What will you do?" Plight asked.

"Haah. Write to my dad? I'd already figured he was a noble, or at least a high born bastard. I hadn't suspected he'd be Nathan. I've always wanted to boost him and raise him to where he should be so his dream could be fulfilled. As for our courtship. I think I need my Father's opinion. If Dad is ok with it... I think I'd be willing to marry him, if he asked. Right now, he won't even say where he wants the relationship to go." I ranted a little, as I wrote to my Father.


I gave the elf a chance to apologize. He doubled down.

I cut off his tongue.

His friend began to shout for guards, so I shoved the tongue down his throat to shut him up.

The man I mentioned before, who is courting me, says I am cute. He goes by Mills. He runs a small game and herbs stall in Dueling Rivers. He's Nathan Denoir, who is in hiding. I like him.. and his kisses.

-Sarial Hearthry.]

I set the letter, along with the rest I'd hung onto, on a transfer scroll and sent them to my Father.

"I've informed Father about Mills now. The transfer scroll is handy." I told Plight.

"So we'll be seeing them soon." Plight said.

"If they use a door, very. If they travel by cart, in a day or two." I tell him.

"In a day or two by cart?" He asked surprised.

"Yes. Dad and Uncle have magic carts that go on their own. They're very fast. Plus, if we go by East Haven, we could be at the capital in three and a half days." I tell him.

"Huh. I never thought about that." Plight commented.

I yawned. Then said, "I'm really in a state of shock, you know? It's hard for me to acknowledge how correct rumors were about Mills. In a noble's attire, I bet he looks like Prince Charming from fairy tails. He called me cute." As I say the last bit, I grin with pinkened cheeks, much like a cat with a bowl of cream.

"Well, I suggest getting him to.. confirm what he wants." Plight said.

"I tried to," I pouted at Plight, "he didn't answer in a direct manner."

"Well, maybe now that you know exactly who he is, maybe he will." Plight suggested.

"Perhaps. I'd like him to. I don't like being toyed with." I replied.

"So no ball and string?" Plight quipped.

I stared at him for a moment in surprise, then I burst into laughter. "How dare!" I say between fits of laughter. Plight was laughing, too.

Once we'd sobered a bit, I pointed out that my parents might not like to find me in a man's room when they arrive, if they arrive soon, plus, I was very tired. He'd agreed with me that I should go to bed. I gave him a hug, put up my writing things, and returned to my room.

Fawn followed me, with Chaser cuddling to Plight, and Theo sleeping on his back in the floor. I was glad the dogs liked Plight, too. They seemed decent judges of character.

Once in my room, I put my bags down. I noticed the flap to my bag of holding moved. Odd. I opened it, nothing seemed to happen. Once I'd closed it back up, I gave Fawn some scratches. I climbed into bed then, got comfy, and Fawn joined me. We shared the bed, sleeping soundly this night.