
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantaisie
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82 Chs

Copper Adventurer Goblins

In the morning after breakfast and feeding the dogs, we set out through the East gate to investigate the areas that are supposed to be filled with goblins. I snagged the cart we'd put at the lumberyard on the way. It wasn't far before we reached a small camping location that had been for merchants but was taken over by goblins.

I climbed a tree to figure out the layout. A ramshackle fence lined the sides of the camp. the dirt road bisects the camp. To the right is three dingy tents. Behind the tents is lined with thick trees. To the left a firepit next to the road and left of that is lined with bushes before the fence, crates, barrels broken cart bits and an old dead gnawed horse. There were four goblins visible, milling about.

I didn't want any escapees, so I had the dogs go to the other side of the bridge, which was also in a state of disrepair. Once I saw them take position, I climbed down and told Plight the layout.

With the both of us having the layout, I set up in the tree and took aim, Plight had insisted on me keeping my distance. He didn't want to see me outmatched like yesterday. I fired at two of the goblins using action surge, killing them as Plight strode into the camp and deftly struck a goblin down. The last attempted to flee and the dogs mauled it. Poor thing.

I climbed down, joining Plight, there is supposed to be a cave that Arthur's seen a large group of goblins go in and out of. With the number of adventurers available you'd think they'd have taken care of them. They haven't, but we'll try to.

We searched the camp and loaded the trade goods available into the cart, along with the goblins' weapons. We then carefully brought the cart across the bridge. As light as I am my foot fell through a rotted board, so we were fortunate to make it across.

The wound wasn't terrible, it'd scraped and left splinters in my calf, so I disinfected the scrape and wrapped it. Refusing Plight's healing, we could need it later.

Hiding the cart next to the cave entrance, I remembered my handicap when it comes to fighting in the dark. I can't see in the dark. Contemplating using a torch or not my mind clicked a bit of knowledge together. Never mind, I'd told Plight, I can be a light source. It's not very bright but it'll do.

"You can?" Plight asked, surprised.

I nodded, "It just popped into my head how to do it. It's that weird knowledge I got from the old woman that time." I used my psionic talent to make myself into a beacon. I lit up with a soft blue light that, even being in the sun, lit up the area.

"Neat." He commented as I turned off the light effect. I'll use it as I need it. I also made a mental note to check out what other things have been opened to me.

We entered the cave. To the right was a wide open path, to the left was a narrow path. There were no solid markings to show which way was more traveled. Nor could we hear anything out of the ordinary. Though, I did notice Plight becoming less comfortable.

We couldn't decide which way to go, so I left it to a coin flip. The sooner we clean this place up, the better for Plight. The crown side to the left the symbol for the royal family to the right. It was 'tails'- the symbol- so we went right, leaving the dogs to guard the entrance.

Following the path, it opened to the right into a small room with sounds of trickling water. To the left the path continued. I used the beacon ability and stepping into the cave, leaving Plight to watch for enemies.

The room was covered in filth, torn cloth strewn about and a foul odor coming from it. This is their sleeping area, clearly. Looking around, I saw nothing of interest and went back to Plight. When we were done clearing out this cave, I was going to BURN that room.

We followed the path down, and it opened again to the right to another small room, branching to the left where we saw another small room. Entering the room on the right I found trade goods from all sorts of places, including some from the Lucky Stone.

What the serious fuck. Has Father lost some things? I take a peek inside, nothing overly valuable. Just cloth and food stuffs-which had spoiled. I did find, however, in a few of the other crates some decent silk bolts. Wonderful.

Exiting, we made our way to the final room. This one was unlike the other two, square in shape. Dug out by a person. It was filled with bookshelves, and books, though in poor repair. There was also an odd puzzle door on the far wall. Interested, I start studying it.

I found I couldn't read the language, but I also knew, once I was stronger I could use an ability to read it. Interesting, I mused. We'd both noticed there weren't many sings of goblins having been in this room, so we went back out into the main part where the entrance is, then down the left tunnel where we'd left the dogs.

I'd shut off beacon again. To the left was an opening, with goblins inside. Before we entered the room, I looked towards the entrance. Fawn was watching out direct, the other two watching the entrance. Perfect, I mentally told him to bark if anything comes from the rest of the tunnel. He nodded his understanding.

Smart dogs, I think again with a smile. I then signal Plight to enter the room with me. Once we do so, I have a clear view of what's going on. Three goblins are tormenting a different goblin that's caged. The tormented goblin, looks unbothered, but reacts when we step in, and gives a wide grin, looking at us.

As I look at that goblin, and ready my bow, I use beacon, brightening the room and alarming the three. I gasp once I can see the goblin clearly. His normally slicked back hair is a little grimy and strands are loose, his signature red vest is dirty, and he looks a little roughed up. But I know him from Mother. As I loose an arrow into one of his captives, I exclaim in alarm, "Bibs!"

Plight moves in and takes out one of the others, and Bibs manages to reach through the cage bars and choke the final one out. I start to approach, but I note that the goblins didn't have the keys on them, or Bibs would grab it. He can reach them. So I look around the room. Broken bits of wood all over, and two more empty cages, turning I spot the keys on the wall on a hook. Eye level for a goblin.

Snagging them, I brought them over. With a happy smile and giggle, I crouch and say, "Which is yours, Bibs, do you know?"

"We'll come back to the whole you knowing my name thing, yes, it's that one in the middle." Bibs said pointing it out.

I unlocked it for him, letting him out, "Kershka in trouble?"

After staring at me for a moment he points at me and says "Snow's daughter. Yes, he is. Good bye." He then poofed, probably on his way to Kershka. They're close to inseparable.

"I was expecting him to be taller." Plight responded.

I laughed and said "Well, let's finish this place."

With that, we leave the room and proceed down the hallway. We actually came across stairs that we descended. When we reached the bottom we found a massive cavern. Inside there were thirteen goblins, a goblin boss sitting on a throne, and a bugbear. To the right of the throne were crates and barrels, and towards us were several cages spanning from goliath size to goblin size. To the left of the throne was stalagmite. To the left of us was a pond with water trickling down the side of the cave.

Acknowledging that, we see Bibs appear, momentarily, before a large hole in the floor, then he steps off the edge into it, with a smile and salute.

Noting we hadn't been seen by others, only Bibs, I mentally reached out to Plight to form a Mind Link. As I did so, blinding pain shot through my skull. I cried out from the agony of it, grabbing my head.

Plight's hand went to my shoulder briefly, then he pulled out his hammer as the Goblin Boss shouted in their language and all the goblins advanced on us. Six shot arrows while the other 7 were running at us. Plight pulverized one goblin as it reached us, I fired my arrow with an Arcane Shot, bursting arrow, taking out three of the 13 goblins at once. An arrow then grazed my arm, followed by another arrow being planted into Plight. The goblin boss shouted something else at that point, and the goblins spaced out. Followed by a multitude of attacks, most we avoided, a few slashing us here, or nicking us there. Then Plight hammered another, and I fired my last Arcane shot at the boss and bug bear.

Unfortunately, that didn't kill them. Enraged, the goblin boss shouted something and all the ranged attackers, followed by the boss and bugbear charged us. This is when they actually started hurting.

We took out two more before being utterly beat on once more. What particularly seemed to hurt was the bugbears Morningstar that Plight took to his chest. Plight missed his next attack, and I shot the bugbear through its eye, dropping it dead. Several attacks later, and Plight missed with his hammer again. As I fired another arrow at a different target, one of the goblins sliced an artery on Plight.

As rough as he was looking, I ordered him to back up. He ignored that and healed me, burning himself, and telling me to call the dogs. I did so mentally, shooting another goblin.

Another round of pounding us, and Plight took out another goblin, the dogs jumped in then, and he backed up. I missed my next shot, aiming for the boss, he'd moved super fast somehow. Fawn missed the leg he chomped at, Chaser bit into one of the goblins necks, and Theo bit at ones backside. I kept their attention on me, getting a little beat up in the process. Plight healed me again, much to my annoyance, and I shot another goblin in the head. The boss got me good with his next swing, getting my stomach, then my thigh. my next arrow took out the final goblin and the dogs mauled the boss to death.

With all that done, I turned to Plight, he healed me again, as I took my herb kit out. I made some medicinal salves and pressed them into our wounds. Feeling much better, briefly, we took a step into the cavern.

From the hole, a large creature was emerging. I couldn't see it very well initially... then I could make out each of it's massive eight legs. If I hadn't known any better I'd've bet money that we'd discovered Lolth's layer, the spider goddess of the Drow. But we hadn't. And this spider was hungry.

It came for us. I felt my newly found psionic power strengthen my attack as I fired into the spider, it reared, and Plight plunged his hammer into it's sternum. The dogs then got ahold of it, and it crashed down, dead.

"That was huge." I shivered. Plight agreed.

From the hole, another rather bigger than us creature was climbing out of the hole now. However, even with the dim light I was shedding, I could tell that its Bibs riding his goliath best friend Kershka.

"And that'd be Kershka, Plight. Don't be intimidated. He'd a kitten unless you fuck with his friends." I grin.

"Noted." Plight said a little shakily.

I looked at him concerned, "Feeling ok?"

"I'm feeling better, a little beaten, but not broken." Plight said.

Which reminded me, "So how the hell did you hurt me?" I glared at him, "I tried to Mind Link to you and it felt like a hot spike through my skull."

"I-I don't know. I didn't do anything. I didn't even know you tried to make a connection." Plight replied.

I narrowed my eyes thinking. We didn't really keep anything on us from the goblins yesterday.. Oh wait. "... Was it the pendant?"

"It's possible. Let me take it off." Plight said, and did so.

I laughed nervously and said, "Heh. If it is it's effective. I'm nervous to try to Mind Link to you." I then, do make the attempt. Feeling the Mind Link firmly take root and no pain. "Yes. It's the pendant... "

"Should I just... throw this away?" Plight asked.

"We can give it to Tilton. He doesn't like anything that speaks to him mentally." I replied.

"That sounds like a great idea. We'll give it to him and.. maybe he'll be happy about it." Plight said.

I giggled. "If what Mother's told me is right, he'll like it, but not show it. He's more of a cat then Mom, sometimes. You two ok? I have herbs for healing."

"No, no. That's quite alright." Bibs said.

Kershka went to the spider, patted it sadly, then approached us.

"Hi, Kershka. I'm Sarial, I'm very happy to meet you." I greeted him.

"Hi, Sarial." He said sadly with a pat to my head.

"Do you need a hug?" I asked him. He gave a little nod, so I wrapped my arms around his middle as best I could and gave him an affectionate squeeze. Kershka patted my back comfortingly as I did so.

"Tilton's worried bout you both." I tell them. I grinned at Bibs and included, "I also denied him two lectures with logic."

Bibs laughed. "I think someone's after my record."

Kershka said, "Tilton loves to lecture."

"I'm technically a run away, currently." I told them.

"Kershka is, too." Kershka said.

I giggled and said "Kershka knows my mom. Snow Den, the Pale Cat."

When I tell him this, his face lit up with an enormous grin. Bibs immediately began to scramble away. Kershka then picked me up and tossed me up in the air, "Snow!" He shouted joyously, and caught me. He lightly squeezed me in a hug, then set me on my feet. I giggled and laughed like a child.

Plight had a relieved look on his face when I looked at him. I smiled at him, then looked at Bibs, "We were looking for you, incidentally."

"And what might I be of assistance with?" Bibs asked, scrambling back to his spot.

"Well, I suppose Tilton technically helped with that. I was gonna ask about Mills. He kissed me and I was conflicted over it. But Tilton essentially said he's a good guy." I shrugged.

"Have you told your mother?" Bibs asked. I couldn't read his tone.

"I sent a letter. She hasn't cast Sending to me yet. Only to Tilton. And Tilton resembled a cat with cream when I asked him about Mills, so she'll probably know soon. I would much rather ask Father for advice, though. Mom's a little.... over protective." I replied. "My family will probably be visiting town soon as a result."

"Good, I won't have to go out to the capital to see them. They'll be on their way here. Makes it real easy." Bibs commented.

I smiled and said "If you'd made it to the capital, I wouldn't have been able to escape."

"We're not gonna tell your mother that." Bibs said.

"Recommended. She's very shoot the messenger." I grinned.

"Well, would you mind helping us get these boxes up there? We were delivering things when this all went down." Bibs said, moving on.

"Sure. We can do that. I have a cart we made up there, too." I agreed.

"Well, that'll just make it all the easier." Bibs said.

"Is it all that," I asked pointing, "Or is it a bit in the other rooms?"

"What remains of our cargo is right there." Bibs pointed.

With that I got to work, waving Plight to come help. We walked the crates of things upstairs, I went and grabbed the cart, tossed the spare weapons into it, then went for more.

While going for the last bit, I looked about in the large, expansive cavern. Noting a hidden door in the back. I made a mental note to check that out when we were done helping Bibs. Plight and I then added the last of the goods into the cart.

"Thanks for the help, we've got to finish delivering these to Dueling Rivers, then you can meet me at my home, it's right next to the butcher's, and we can discuss a reward." Bibs said.

I felt hesitant to accept, but I inclined my head and said "Ok. We'll see you again soon."

"Indeed, we will see you again soon. Kershka, let's be on our way." Bibs said.

Kershka waved and said "Bye." Taking the cart of goods from the cave.

I slowly began contemplating what this cave can be. Then, excited by the potential this cavern offered, and by the fact I knew just where to obtain people who had a way with stone, I started back towards the cavern.

Noting that Plight was following me, I immediately started telling Plight my vision for the place. I would make a town here. This town can be a foundation for my ideal world where the sick and disadvantaged need not suffer. Plight seemed to share my enthusiasm.

"Will you help me, Plight?" I asked

"Of course I'll help you," Plight said, "I don't know anything about town building or planning or anything like that, but I will try."

With that, we just need to clean it up. The lower part was going to be pretty easy. Comparably anyways. First things first, I had Plight help me move all the goblin corpses to that smelly room. We also included the rotting horse to the burn pile. The task was daunting, and once completed, I set the smelly room on fire. The fire about choked me out. Plight had to help me outside of the cave just to catch my breath.

Our next task was to take apart the cages, Plight was a huge help with this process. We both worked up a considerable sweat by then, but this was just the beginning.

We hauled a majority of the cage pieces up to the entry, leaving some, because I was going to make a grate to cover that hole. It just made sense for now. But I'd work on that later. For now, I wanted to work on that bridge. We'd need it repaired before making a town.

The first step in repairing it would be to take apart the old one. It didn't take long, but I did manage to get a few splinters in the process. We next worked on lashing the metal parts of the cages together until it fit across the river with a foot and half overlapping the land on either side. We also sank this part into the ground a bit.

That done, we stopped for lunch. I made a small fire near the river and caught a fish to eat. Plight insisted he was fine for now, so I just fed myself and the dogs. I told Plight of the dinner I planned to prepare for Mills. Which had reminded me to keep track of time.

After lunch I told Plight we needed to stop by town for a few things. So, off we went. While in town I visited Tibin's shop, briefly, while Plight got our goblin cave quest signed and turned in.

I bought a pocket watch from him that can alarm at a specific time, a ring of mending and cleansing, a magic lock and several magic scrolls from him. The magic scrolls were Transfer scrolls and one scroll of Sending, my Mom's favorite long distance communication spell. It cost me around 400 gold for it all. The heftiest being the ring, since it could restore damaged goods to peak condition.

Pleased and with my purchase complete, we returned to the cave to continue its rejuvenation. The only problem with the ring was that it uses energy or health of its user to do its magic. Plight wouldn't like this, I'd wager.

The entrance was mostly fine as is, but I felt it needed a door. I was considering the options on how to finish the bridge when I returned to Plight and told him we'll go to the lumberyard and work on some carpentry. I had no way of measuring what we'd need, so I'd estimate it.

He reminded me first about meeting at Bibs' house. Reminded of that, I nodded and we headed over to where Bibs indicated. It was easy to tell, cause Kershka was sitting outside comfortably, carving some wood.

Once we approached, he greeted us warmly and let us in the house. Only Kershka opens the door. After a brief discussion where Bibs insisted on rewarding us, he made me a bag of holding, saying it's a must have for any adventurer, and for Plight, after an awkward conversation of what he is and about his possessed status, he made pendant of healing.

Which is what I suggested. It wouldn't work on Plight, himself, but Plight wouldn't need to burn himself to heal me. The pendant could be used to cast Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, and Mass Cure Wound. It would recharge a number of charges per day. And it started with ten to a maximum of twenty. Plight was extremely thankful for this.

Once that was done, we went to the lumberyard where the hard work began, there were several suitable logs we could use. We could expect around 4 planks per log. I noted we should try and get enough done to work on the entryway, too.

With Plight's help, the couple of hours we worked on the logs got them done. A guard came to check on the noise we'd been making. They'd insisted I take a break, so my face must have been very flushed from the exertion. I knew I was drenched in sweat already.

I offered them to direct the owner of the lumberyard to me and I'd pay them for the use of the wood and equipment. The guard shrugged it off, though. Stating that they'd abandoned the work and were avidly avoiding the place. Which for damn sure caught my attention again.

I decided we'd have to take a look around after the guard left. I had also asked about how things went last night with Fish bringing in Jack. Apparently, Fish over inflated the occurrence last night and Jack was actually jailed. For threats and disturbing the peace.

It's quite amusing to the guards, from the sounds of it. And they really did take Fish on as a guard. They are training him, teaching him the laws, and when to let things slide as they've found him to be very black and white.

As the guard filled me in, I'd noted Plight looking at me with a pensive expression. When the guard had gone, sure enough, Plight asked me about the situation. So I told him the story of what happened and how it was resolved.

He didn't look happy at all. I apologized for not telling him, just that to me it was a small annoying thing and I'd just not thought of it since I'd woke up. He smiled at me and told me he wasn't upset with me for not telling him, the situation just angered him because Jack had tried to catch me alone to bully or cause harm to me.

I gave him a tight hug and told him that I love my best friend-brother, too. He laughed and patted my back. In my heart I know I have a life long friend in Plight.

I started searching around the lumberyard in earnest, then. The main building was clear, safe, clean- aside from dust. Nothing was particularly odd or out of place about it, or the two cabins. Then, I got to the shed. I found the door was locked, even still, Fawn had come close, and lost it barking in alarm at the door and trying to keep me back from it.

The dogs had been calm since the fighting was over, laying about, playing and sleeping. Not now. Chaser and Theo were on alert and Fawn, as I'd said, was losing his shit about this door. I backed up from the door, his upset lessened Plight was at my side, concerned. As I backed away Fawn calmed some. I was sure that even Tilton had heard Fawn. We were close to town after all.

Banging began immediately after Fawn had quieted. I took a steadying breath, then crouched down. I pet the dogs and mentally explained to them, I need to open that door and deal with whatever is in there. It's my job as an adventurer..

Displeased, but accepting it, Fawn hunkered down and the dogs took positions around the door, growling low and ready. I looked at Plight, he had his hammer at the ready.

"Take the handle out with your hammer, then if it opens on its own move out of the way, I'll have my bow at the ready. It it doesn't open, then open it and move behind the door." I directed. He nodded acknowledgment and as I prepared my bow, he did as instructed.

The door'd been flung open by the creature, Plight jumped back, and I fired twice into it, using my action surge. The odor that wafted out and around it as it stumbled towards me, unperturbed by the arrows or the dogs biting at its legs, was horrendous. Plight slammed his hammer into it, and it returned to the dead state it reeked of.

As the full stench of it wafted out I began to cough and gag. I stumbled away, trying to escape the smell, but I couldn't handle it. I collapsed and retched the contents of stomach onto the ground. My eyes watered from the force of it.

I heard someone coming quickly towards us. and then gagging themself. With Plight's help, I got a little farther away from the stench and noted Mills had come. Why?

Once Mills regained his composure he said "I'd heard the dogs.. so I wanted to see what was going on."

"Nosy. Did you get a nasty lesson?" I teased, my voice a little strained.

"Yeah. I'd say so. But I am still gonna be nosy, so I guess not an effective one." Mills replied.

"A dead guy that didn't know to stay still was locked in the shed. It upset Fawn when I went to open it." I told him.

"So this dead guy was moving around when you got here? That's concerning." Mills stated.

"When we got here we were working on making tree trunks into lumber. The guards mentioned the people who worked here avoided the place, so I got nosy. We let it out and put it back down." I explained.

"Well, I'm glad you were able to put the poor guy back to rest. Though, I can say I am curious on what put him in this state in the first place. I am not aware of any necromancer's in the area. Maybe the guild will have more information?" Mills commented.

"Probably. Do you recognize them?" I asked.

Plight was in the process of burying him and took some identifying items off the body. He'd leaned him up briefly and Mills got a look at him.

"It's hard to tell really, but from the looks of it I'd say maybe it's Henry Reid from East Haven." Mills said.

"This axe that was on him has an H.R. on it." Plight told us, raising his voice to be heard.

"We'll have to tell Tilton about this." Mills commented.

"Oh, he'll be thrilled." I said sarcastically. "Then again...."

They looked at me confused.

"Well, my mom says he likes to deal with those involved. At the same time he will still be annoyed to be bothered." I shrugged. "I don't have any practice at handling someone as easily annoyed as Tilton."

"I've.. had a few run ins with him." Mills said.

"And he still commented positively on you? That's amazing." I teased him.

"Trust me, I was just as amazed as you that he spoke positively of me." Mills replied.

I said, "You're volunteering to be a part of reporting this?"

"Yes." He said.

I tilted my head and said "If that's what you want to do. I think I'd personally take the out on this if it was available."

Plight had finished burying the body and had walked over by this point. "He has been laid to rest. Shall we go talk to the angry one now?"

"Yeah. But I think I'd like to look and see if there was a quest concerning the lumberyard. The sooner we elevate our status the more funds I'll have towards our project." I tell Plight.

"Excellent idea." Plight said, "Anything to delay the talk with the grumpy one."

I smile at Plight and said "I dare you to say so to him."

He blanched and said "No, I'm ok."

I said, "Oh, it's fine. I'll be frustrating him anyhow."

"I feel I'd steal all that frustration if I called him the grumpy one. Just call it a hunch." Plight replied.

"Perhaps." I commented as we made our way to the Guildhall. After entering someone made a comment about barking dogs. I mentally told him, 'says the little dick energy.'

"Who said that!?" He shouted looking around.

I went to the board and found there was indeed a quest mentioning the lumberyard. It also specifically said to report to Tilton. That can't be right.

The guy picked a fight as we left with someone while yelling about their dick. Once we'd left the Guildhall, I showed the men the quest and commented, "We really did need to go see Tilton."

I looked at them and noted they both had similar expressions. Guess they figure it was me who incited the fight. I kept my expression neutral and began walking to Tilton's home.

Once there, I knocked. It took Tilton a moment, but he did come to the door.

"I see I have repeat visitors." He noted, "Why?"

"Mills said the dead guy we re-killed at the lumberyard was Henry Reid. Incidentally, the quest regarding the lumberyard said to report to you." I told him.

"Fair enough, come inside." Tilton said.

We did as he said and followed him to his study. I patted Plight's arm lightly, to comfort him. "Oh, we found Bibs and Kershka, too. Bibs was in a cage."

"Hm. You have been busy. Quite a record you are wracking up." Tilton commented.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I did take note of Fawn staring at Tilton intently, though. "Tilton's nice," I told Fawn, patting his head. Chaser and Theo both communicated something. The two blinked out of the house. Fawn just leaned on me, giving me a questioning look. "No, I suppose you're right. But he is kind." I told him mentally what I was saying, just to reiterate it.

"This explains my report of stolen blink dogs." Tilton said.

"Hardly. I paid for them. I should cut out his tongue for lying." I replied. "Besides, he beat them."

"Oh, did he now?" Tilton asked. "Then, I am sure they are not minding their new owner."

"They were scared of him, but they haven't been scared of anyone else. Oh! Plight, that pendant!" I remembered. Then I eyed Tilton, "I won't let him have them back, by the way."

"I wasn't going to ask for them back." Tilton replied.

Plight passed me the pendant and I offered it to Tilton, saying, "We thought you may like this. It hurts those who attempt telepathy with others."

"About what time do you think it is?" Tilton asked.

I took out the watch I'd purchased and said "It's four twenty-nine pm."

"Alright, then. Hand it here." Tilton said.

I did as told.

He put it on and said, "And now, we wait. But not all at once. We may continue our conversation."

"What, precisely, would you like to know?" I asked.

"Explain what occurred at the lumberyard." Tilton said.

"Plight and I were using the tools available, a guard investigated and mentioned that no one that was working there will. I checked the cabins and main building, they were dusty but normal. I tried to open the windowless shed, Fawn started barking, Plight smashed the doorknob off, the rotting and putrid dead man stumbled out. We killed him again, Mills came to see about the dog, identified the dead man, we checked the Guildhall for quests related and came here. Tilton, it hurts to summarize." I did my best to condense what occurred, adding a personal complaint.

"There have been reports of undead cropping up, but none of them have been clear or concise enough to have a lead on." Tilton said.

"I doubt Henry Reid locked himself up." I shrugged.

"That is extremely unlikely. Which means someone knew what happened, or at least that he was dead and didn't report it." Tilton stated.

"Refusing to return to their worksites is a good indication of knowledge, or foul play." I replied.

"I will need to have a serious talk with these... previous employees." Tilton noted. "Did you bring evidence of who it was?"

I nodded. And Plight presented Tilton with the dead man's things. Tilton eyed him briefly, before taking the items.

"Anything else, Tilton?" I asked.

"Such as?" He asked.

I shrugged, then grinned, "I dunno. If you're done with us, we can go. I do love keeping busy people company, though."

"I'm sure you do." Tilton said gravely, waving us to go. "Go see Dulcan for the reward. Send him here while you're at it."

"See you soon, Tilton!" I said cheerfully taking Plight's and Mills's arms and leading them out, as Tilton groaned behind us.

Once outside, Plight sighed in relief, "Phew. That man terrifies me and I don't know why."

"He's a hunter. Prey often tremble when near hunters." I told him, teasingly.

"I think it's cause he just likes to be mean." Plight replied.

"Let's go see Dulcan. We can drop Mills off on the way. Unless you enjoy tagging along. I was being honest when I said I like to keep busy people company." I said.

"That's quite alright, I will see you later tonight for dinner." Mills said.

"I wasn't trying to shoo you, just to let you know. But yes, I will see you later." I replied with a smile.

He stepped closer to me, taking my hand and said "That's quite alright." He then kissed the back of my hand before heading on back to work.

My face turned red and I looked at Plight. "Well, look, there's Theo and Chaser." I pointed at the dogs laying near town. "That quite irritates me about that jerk saying we stole the dogs." We'd started heading back to town, too.

"Yeah, that kind of annoyed me, too. You paid him fair and square." Plight said.

We went directly to the guard barracks. We went inside and asked for Dulcan and were directed to his office. I knocked and we were beckoned to come in.

"Hello, Dulcan. We came about the lumberyard quest. Tilton said to see you for reward and then to send you to him." I stated to the man.

"Oh. The boss wants to see me, huh? Great. I don't remember doing anything in particular. What am I paying you for?" He asked.

I showed him the quest paper about investigating the lumberyard. "There was a zombie there, I guess. Locked in the shed. We killed it again."

"Well, that's greatly concerning." He said.

"Yes. I also heard I was accused of stealing blink dogs, however, I paid that elf for the dogs." I told him.

"Trust me, nobody here is going to believe that prick. Whenever he comes to town, it's always a mess." Dulcan said. "But if you want to square it away with him, I hear he's still hanging around at the tavern."

"Should you have told me that? I done told Tilton I will cut out his tongue." I replied.

"I suppose I shouldn't have told you that. But uhh.. I don't believe there is any guard on partol around there at 8 o'clock... Just saying. Thinking out loud." Dulcan said.

"Good luck with Tilton, and I hope I won't cause too much trouble." I replied, turning to leave.

"Oh, I certainly hope not. Have a lovely night." Dulcan said.

As soon as we left the building I looked at Plight. "Before I go overboard, how do you want to handle this?"

"We'll have to see how it plays out, I suppose. Hopefully, peacefully." Plight said.

"Oh, honey. He fucked with a Hearthry, I am about to call my dad." I replied.

"If we can't speak to him rationally... then maybe you should." Plight responded.

"You poor sweet bean. He has one chance to apologize." I replied. I took out my writing supplies and wrote out a very short letter.

[Dear Father,

I am being accused of theft of three blink dogs by an elf whom I paid for them. He even gave Plight the rod he used to beat the animals with. These dogs saved Plight and I from a displacer beast, and assisted greatly when we were outnumbered in a fight. I am using a scroll to send this, so it will reach you before the other letters I sent you and everyone will.

There is a bit much going on to include currently, I am simply furious. I will be confronting him at 8. I have a scroll containing the spell Sending if things go wrong.

Also, since this will reach you before the others, I am being courted by a man who isn't who he is presenting as.

-Sarial Hearthry.]

I then took out a transfer scroll and sent the letter to my father before putting away my writing things.

Tonight was going to be interesting.