
The Slayer Odyssey

Meet Nyx, just your average guy who wakes up one day in a world straight out of a fantasy novel. Surprise! Turns out he's the son of a demon queen, with powers that could make Superman jealous. But Nyx? He's more shocked than anyone. With dragons, demons, and a whole lot of chaos, Nyx's adventure kicks off faster than you can say "plot twist." And hey, who needs a guidebook when you've got a sassy spirit named Sara in your corner? She's got Nyx covered – even if he's still trying to figure out how to use his powers without setting the place on fire. Get ready for a rollercoaster raid, because Nyx Valor Nightshade is here to save the day – whether he's ready for it or not! ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Well, I'm not exactly a pro at writing synopses, so you'll have to dive into the story to learn more about Nyx. And hey, this is my first crack at writing a novel, so bear with me. I hope you will enjoy it!"

LonlySlayer · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


Nyx opened his eyes and found Sara standing nearby, her presence comforting and familiar. She had been his guide and companion throughout this journey, and he felt a deep sense of gratitude toward her.

"Wow, Nyx," Sara said, her voice filled with admiration. "Congratulations on reaching the last stage. It's truly impressive."

Nyx grinned, feeling a mix of pride and humility. "Thanks, Sara. I couldn't have done it without your guidance. But yeah, who would have thought I would reach the last stage within ten years? Now I realize how foolish I was to think I could complete this cultivation technique in one day."

Sara laughed, a melodic sound that filled the room. "Well, it's good to see you're not only powerful but also humble enough to admit when you're wrong. Your determination was never in question, but it's your growth and perseverance that truly set you apart."

Nyx nodded, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Well, I truly owe you. I couldn't have done it without your help."

Sara's expression softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You've done the hard work, Nyx. I've just been here to support and guide you. Your success is the key to your strength and willpower."

Nyx felt a surge of gratitude and warmth. "Still, I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you, Sara."

She smiled. "You're welcome, but now you need to leave your mind realm. You've been here so long that it will affect your mind, even if you have a strong mentality. You have to leave."

Nyx looked concerned. "Okay, but if I leave my mind realm now, how much time will have passed in reality?"

Sara replied, "Well, even if you stayed here for an eternity, only a few seconds would pass in reality."

Nyx felt excited. "So, does that mean I can stay here as long as I want without any consequences? Is it the same for everyone who opens up their mind realm?"

Sara shook her head. "For your first question, yes, but it will affect your mentality because you never tried it before. A cultivator experiences time differently. Suppose a cultivator lives for thousands of years; a year might feel like a month to them. Their sense of time changes because of their experiences. For you, it would affect your mentality. I suggested staying here because of your weakening seal, but don't get your hopes up about staying too long. "

"As for your second question, it's not the same for everyone. For most people, their mind realm flows exactly like real-time. But if a cultivator has a deep understanding of time, they can manipulate the time in their mind realm as they wish. In your case, I manipulated the time flow because I'm connected to your mind realm. Do you understand?"

Nyx looked thoughtful. "It's a bit confusing, but I think I get it. So, you're saying one can control their mind realm if they have a deep understanding of time and space, right?"

Sara smiled. "Bingo, you got it."

Nyx chuckled. "So, you controlled my mind realm?"

Sara raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem? Are you afraid of me controlling you?"

Nyx shook his head. "Why would I be? If you wanted to control me, you had plenty of chances before, but you didn't. I'm not worried. I'm just excited about learning new things and also in my previous world, fantasy novels talked about these things, so discovering this for real makes me feel a bit excited."

Sara's smile widened. "I'm glad to hear that. Now, let's leave you already stayed here too long."

With a final nod, Nyx closed his eyes and focused on leaving the mind realm. He felt a gentle tug, like being pulled through a veil, and then he was back in his physical body. The room around him became focused, and he could feel the immense power coursing through his veins.

Opening his eyes, Nyx looked around, taking in the familiar surroundings of his room. Everything seemed sharper, more vivid as if his senses had been heightened by his time in the mind realm.

Standing up, Nyx felt the strength in his limbs, the energy crackling just beneath the surface of his skin. He was no longer the weak, frail boy who had struggled to get out of bed. He was powerful and confident.

Nyx observed his surroundings, feeling like he was seeing the room for the first time in a long while. Memories flashed through his mind, but they felt distant, like scenes from another life. It was hard to believe that just yesterday, he had died, and today he found himself inhabiting the body of a young man named Nyx, with knowledge of a world and a mother he had never known.

He knew that to anyone else, his experiences of living ten years in the mind realm in just a day would sound like the ramblings of a madman. But somehow, he remained grounded, his sanity intact, thanks to his friend Sara, who had been with him every step of the way.

Nyx, lying on his bed, pondered the events of the day. It all felt surreal, like a dream, but the excitement of his new life couldn't be denied.

Suddenly, a question emerged in his mind. "Sara," he began cautiously, "Mother mentioned she'd assist me with cultivation tomorrow. What should I do? I can't reveal my existing power—it would complicate matters."

Sara, always a calming presence, offered reassurance. "No need to worry, Nyx. You've mastered aura control. When she arrives, simply suppress your aura to appear mortal. That way, no suspicions will arise."

Further explaining, Sara detailed the versatility of Nyx's cultivation technique. "Remember, the technique not only hones your physique and bloodline abilities but also grants control over your energy. You can choose to let your physique absorb energy or halt the absorption. Your perfectly shaped core, sealed yet containing all your internal energy, is a result of your exceptional bloodline, physique, and talent. But even with these factors, missing just one would endanger you. So, relax about tomorrow. Focus on learning how an actual cultivator cultivates by drawing energy to the core from your mother."

With Sara's words comforting him, Nyx felt relieved. "Alright then, goodnight," he said, appreciating her guidance.

"Goodnight, Nyx," Sara's voice replied, offering a sense of peace in his mind.

As Nyx drifted into sleep, his mind was still buzzing with the events of the day. It felt surreal to him like he was living someone else's life. He couldn't shake off the feeling of disorientation, of being thrust into a world that was both familiar and foreign at the same time.

In the quiet of his room, the memories of his past life mingled with the new experiences of his current one. He found himself replaying moments from his childhood, from his family, and from the accident that had changed everything. Each memory seemed to carry its own weight, its own significance, and Nyx couldn't help but wonder how it all fits together.

As exhaustion finally caught up with him, Nyx's thoughts began to blur and fade. He felt himself slipping into the realm of dreams, where reality was twisted and distorted, and anything was possible. It was a strange and unsettling place, filled with echoes of the past and whispers of the future.

Yet, even in the midst of this chaos, there was a sense of peace—a sense of acceptance that washed over Nyx like a gentle tide. It was as if his subconscious was trying to reassure him, to tell him that everything would be okay in the end.

And so, with a weary sigh, Nyx let himself sink deeper into sleep, trusting that tomorrow would bring with it answers to the questions that still lingered in his mind.


Hey there,

I'm the author of this book, and I'm thrilled that you're giving it a read. If you're enjoying the story, consider adding it to your library so you can easily pick up where you left off.

Since this is my first attempt at writing a novel, I'm eager to hear your thoughts. If something doesn't quite click or you have any ideas to improve it, feel free to drop a comment or leave a review. Your feedback means a lot to me as I continue to learn and grow as a writer.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the book!

I hope you leave a comment on the story so far progressed.

That's all..!!

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