
The Slayer Odyssey

Meet Nyx, just your average guy who wakes up one day in a world straight out of a fantasy novel. Surprise! Turns out he's the son of a demon queen, with powers that could make Superman jealous. But Nyx? He's more shocked than anyone. With dragons, demons, and a whole lot of chaos, Nyx's adventure kicks off faster than you can say "plot twist." And hey, who needs a guidebook when you've got a sassy spirit named Sara in your corner? She's got Nyx covered – even if he's still trying to figure out how to use his powers without setting the place on fire. Get ready for a rollercoaster raid, because Nyx Valor Nightshade is here to save the day – whether he's ready for it or not! ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Well, I'm not exactly a pro at writing synopses, so you'll have to dive into the story to learn more about Nyx. And hey, this is my first crack at writing a novel, so bear with me. I hope you will enjoy it!"

LonlySlayer · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


As Nyx's mother returned to the dining table, she wore a grave expression that caught Nyx's immediate attention. She sat down and looked directly at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination.

"Nyx, listen carefully to your mother," she began, her voice steady but serious. "What your body is experiencing is due to your unique physique. Most people in our world never awaken their physique. Those who do are incredibly rare, and it attracts immense attention."

Nyx leaned in, listening intently as his mother continued.

"If word gets out that someone has awakened a powerful physique, it draws attention from everywhere. Powerful families and clans take extreme measures to keep such information secret, because an awakened physique—especially a high-ranking one—means immense strength. And with strength comes danger."

She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. "If another race or even rival factions within our race find out about someone with a high-ranking physique, they would do anything to eliminate that person. Wars have been started over this. Entire families and clans have been wiped out because of the threat posed by a single individual with a powerful physique."

Nyx's mother took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving his. "That's why people from different races and powerful families are so vigilant about keeping the awakening of a physique a secret. They will protect their own at all costs, but they will also go to any lengths to neutralize a potential threat if people from another race awaken a physique. Even if it means their power declines, they won't stop until other person dies."

Nyx felt a chill run down his spine as he absorbed his mother's words. He understood now why she had reacted so strongly to his revelation.

"But Mother," Nyx interjected, "why did you go to the library?"

His mother hesitated for a moment before answering, her expression serious. "I went to find more information about your physique. I needed to understand exactly what we were dealing with. The books and records in our library contain ancient knowledge about these things."

She paused, her eyes meeting Nyx's with a mix of concern and determination. "When I came upon an ancient script, I discovered that you have awakened a physique ranked among the highest of all physiques. The script described it as the Devouring Physique."

Nyx listened intently as his mother continued, her voice filled with urgency. "This physique allows you to devour energy from the world and cultivate without the traditional methods and energy absorbed from the physique will be directly transferred to the core. According to the script, this physique can bring immense danger if word gets out and it also said one who has obtained physique can bear a heavy responsibility ."

She took a deep breath, her worry evident. "If others learn about this, the entire world could be thrown into chaos. It could lead to a greater war, with powerful factions and races seeking to control or eliminate you."

Nyx clenched his fists as he listened to his mother's words, a newfound resolve hardening within him. He wouldn't allow himself to be weak. He wouldn't let anyone or anything threaten his or his mother's safety.

Nyx was acutely aware of his power, knowing that he was already formidable enough to wreak havoc on the world if he so chose. But he also understood a critical truth: there is always someone stronger. Believing oneself to be the absolute power was a fool's belief—a dangerous delusion that could lead to ruin. Nyx knew that true strength lay in continuous growth and vigilance.

However, he resolved to keep progressing, to eventually surpass all beings. But that was a story for another time.

For now, he wanted to know more about the world and its various inhabitants. Knowledge was power, and understanding the intricacies of this world would be essential for his future plans.

Nyx had already formulated his first objective: to conquer this world and bring it under his dominion. He envisioned a world where no one could threaten him or his mother—a world under his feet. But to achieve this, he needed to tread carefully, learn, and strategize.

He looked at his mother, who was still deeply concerned about the potential dangers he might face. Her love and worry for him were evident, and he felt a pang of guilt for the burden she carried. Yet, he knew that by becoming stronger and more knowledgeable, he could alleviate her fears and protect her in ways she couldn't even imagine.

"Mother," Nyx said softly, breaking the silence. "I promise you, I will become even stronger. No one will be able to threaten us. I will ensure our safety and peace."

His mother looked at him with a mix of pride and concern. "I believe in you, Nyx. But strength alone isn't enough. I've seen powerful people brought down by those with less strength but greater cunning in my journey. Those who know they can't win in a direct fight will find other ways. They manipulate, deceive, and strike when you least expect it. 

"These tactics might seem dishonorable, but the world only remembers the victors. It doesn't care about how they won, only that they did. This world is a jungle, and survival often depends on more than just raw power. I'm not telling you to follow this path but to warn you. Never underestimate anyone, no matter how weak they seem"

"Don't be arrogant. Be a man who can face any situation and prepare for it. And always remember, you have me."

Nyx absorbed his mother's words, realizing the truth in them. Her experiences had given her valuable insights, and he knew he had to heed her advice. Power alone wasn't enough; he needed to be smart, to anticipate and outsmart those who might seek to undermine him.

"Thank you, Mother," he said earnestly. "I understand. I'll stay attentive and make sure to think strategically. I won't let anyone catch me off guard."

His mother nodded, satisfied with his response. "Nyx, now that I know about your physique, the next step is to place a seal on you to prevent anyone from sensing it."

Nyx approached his mother, feeling a mix of apprehension and trust. He understood the importance of keeping his physique hidden, especially in a world where power could attract unwanted attention. Although he already had a seal from Sara to remain unseen, he respected his mother's concern and wanted to reassure her.

"Alright, Mother," he said, standing still as she prepared the seal.

She took the seal and carefully placed it on him, her hands steady and her expression focused. As she activated the seal, Nyx felt a gentle warmth spread through his body, followed by a sense of calm. The seal's magic blended seamlessly with the one Sara had given him, enhancing his protection.

"There," she said, stepping back and looking at him with a relieved smile. "Now, I can be sure that one cannot sense your physique."

His mother continued, "Now you can cultivate without anyone noticing. so, let's start focusing on your training. "

continuing she said "You know, Nyx, training is the primary step for any cultivator. When we face a cultivator with equal strength, the outcome of the battle often depends upon one's experience and training."

Nyx listened intently, understanding the importance of her words.

"Training is crucial," she went on. "It develops your body and mind, making you a formidable fighter. Battle experience provides insight into how to fight effectively against an enemy. It teaches you how to adapt, anticipate, and respond to different combat situations."

Nyx nodded, absorbing her words.

"And then here, comes your mastery over weapons," she added. "If you reach the highest level of mastery with a weapon, you can even defeat cultivators who are two stages above you. That's how powerful a person will be if they can reach the highest level in any weapon."

Nyx's slightly surprised. "So, it's not just about raw power, but also about skill and experience."

"Exactly," his mother agreed. "You need to train diligently, learn from every battle, and strive to reach mastery over your chosen weapon. Only then will you truly be unstoppable."

Nyx felt a surge of determination. "I understand, Mother. I'll train hard"

His mother smiled proudly. "I know you will, Nyx. Now, let's begin your training."

With renewed resolve, Nyx followed his mother to the training ground, ready to embrace the rigorous training ahead.

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