
The Sister is a Male Succubus

Incubus and Succubus. Whenever something happens to anyone's relationship, those two are to blame. The evil spirits, the demons, and the hungry creatures for sexual actions. No one ever cared about their origins. All they cared about was their disappearance. If they disappear forever, then everything will be alright. Everyone will live happily ever after. But what would you do if you were hunted down by one of those demons? "Hands off, demon!!" Slender hands moved through the priest's broad shoulders and chest, "just this time, father, please?" The demon pleaded. Warning!!! Sexual actions - angst - mention of death - mention of blood - pregnant male This novel is +18 since there will be smutty chapters that will keep increasing later!! Updates!! Udates twice a week!! Extra chapters will be released soon

kittykat_02 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

Day 2: The Students

Students of all ages came into the Great Hall in the temple, it was six floors under. No one knows the reason why but those were the orders of the Archangels, they are the only ones who know and that's enough.

In the Great Hall, where they do celebrations and have their meals, the teachers are priests and priestesses from all temples that exist on the planet. Even the least visited ones, their priests came to help in teaching the future Archangels' Wings.

Regarding the students, they are separated in the hall into two sides, males and females, even when they are dining, they're separated to protect both genders from any appeals.

"I'm so excited to pay my respect to the Archangels' Wings and The Cold Nun- Ooof!"

"Watch out what you say, dude! it's The Great Nun! Not The Cold Nun!" They looked at each other before they got closer to whisper between themselves easily, "I heard she got that nickname because of her expressionless face"

"I thought it was because she's a cold-blooded fighter!"

"No! No!! My teacher said she's like that because she has been living for soooo~ long and she doesn't age at all!"

A group of girls in the far corner watched them as they speak nonsense about The Great Nun, one of them tsked at their behavior and leaned on the wall behind her, "They want to be her student while bad-mouthing her like that?"

"Ignore them Sophia~ You should focus on becoming The Great Nun's special student!!"

"Yes!! Since you have all the qualifications to be one, it will be a piece of cake for you~" The girl named Sophia relaxed her body and blushed while hiding her small lips behind her hand, she looked at the girls innocently making them blush, "aww~ Sophia is the cutest girl~", "The prettiest girl alive!!!"

She smiled wickedly while hearing the compliments, she had always loved them. The reason for that is the lack of love and care, well... That's her reason, but she always had those eyes that look down on anyone less than her, anyone who won't be of use to her would always be tossed aside.

While everyone was waiting for the Wings and The Great Nun, Sister Oriana was still in her room contemplating whether to wear her usual uniform for this occasion.

Every student has two uniforms, one for classes and the other for occasions. The second uniform is what they would wear in the temple they were in, for the sake of letting them feel free with that part at the least.

Sister Oriana's uniform in the temple isn't revealing but it shows superiority which might be misunderstood by most of the people in the Great Hall, "sigh... Let's wear it for now and deal with the consequences later" She mumbled to herself while picking it out of the closet.

"Please let this day pass quietly" She prayed after changing her clothes. She held the veil and rushed out of the room to The Great Hall, "I hope I'm not late," she said breathlessly while holding her dress to not fall on her face.

"Ah! They're here!!" The students started whispering to each other when the statues of the Archangels' wings started glowing and out of them came their loyal Wings, they remained floating until The Great Nun came out of the last wing from Archangel Michael's statue. Once she came out, the other Wings took a seat in the air in front of the huge statues.

"This is so cool!!" "Oh my God, I can't my eyes off of them!" "They look so majestic!"

The students kept complimenting the Wings not noticing the four statues' eyes glowing. The earth under them started moving and when everyone looked up, they saw the four statues moving in the sitting position.

Archangel Michael's statue rose his right hand and opened his mouth slowly, "Welcome to all the students, the future protectors of this planet. We hope you will do your best to become the Wing we'll be proud of!!" After he stopped talking and everyone was sure he ended, they started clapping and expressing their excitement.

Behind the statues, the four Archangel sat in front of their orbs and watched everyone in The Great Hall, "is something the matter Uriel?" Archangel Michael asked her. She remained silent while scanning the room, searching for long black hair but it seems the owner of it is late which is unexpected.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that kid will come soon before the welcoming ceremony ends" he whispered to her before he went back to his position to welcome the students and teachers.

Sister Oriana was already in the room but she was hiding far from everyone because she was busy putting on the white veil. To her luck, everyone was busy admiring the Archangels and their wings not noticing someone was behind them trying to fix her look. After she made it and put the veil properly, she stood upright and waited until her temple's Archangel called for her children.

"Do you want me to do it, Uriel?" She nodded her head. He smiled before he whispered something into The Great Nun's ears, she closed her eyes after hearing everything and sent the message to the other Wings, they all agreed and prepared to start calling out each Archangel's Temple's number.

Archangel Raphael's, then it was Archangel Gabriel's turn. Each student and teacher introduced themselves elegantly and gracefully. It was now Archangel Michael's turn. They started counting them down, from seven to one.

"Archangel Michael's First Temple representatives!!"

A total of five gentlemen moved forward in order of strength, the weakest introduced himself first, then kept going until it was his turn, Sister Oriana tried to take a peak and saw him, "Father Asher" she mumbled breathlessly as she gazed at the beautiful silver hair and blue eyes that glowed like the ocean under the warm sun.

He kneeled in front of the Archangels' statues and the Wings, his hair fell on his pale forehead, he was beautiful that you wouldn't be able to take your eyes off of him. All the girls from the other temples were speechless because of the view in front of them, and most of them all was Sophia, she didn't take her eyes away from him the moment they were called for.

Father Asher has always been well known among everyone, no one can surpass his beauty, his body, and even his eerie aura when he's mad.

"Father Asher from the first Archangel Michael's temple bows for the almighty divine beings, the greatest Archangels" The statues started moving showing the current state of the Archangels behind their robs, "hahahahaha!!! It seems to me he took good care of you, it feels like I'm looking at myself, haha!"

"Behave Archangel Michael"

"I'm sorry, Archangel Uriel, I couldn't contain my laughter at the irony! Anyway, it is nice to meet you all my children! Now! Let's meet the candidates from Archangel Uriel's temple!! The seventh!!"

The ladies stepped forward and started introducing themselves until it was Sophia's turn, "Sister Sophia from the seventh Archangel Uriel's temple bows for the almighty divine beings, the greatest Archangels"

They went down in order until they finally reached the first temple and it was about time to meet them. Sister Oriana wanted to step in but she didn't know what was her position so she remained where she was.

Archangel Uriel finally caught her and kept staring at her, she was beautiful in her white dress. A small smile formed on her face before it disappeared. She whispered to the first temple's Wing and nodded her head after receiving her Archangel's orders.

After the ladies introduced themselves, the hall remained silent. Father Asher searched for Sister Oriana and the other Wings too, the students and teachers didn't understand anything until the first temple's Wing came down from her seat. She walked between the crowd until she reached a lady wearing a white dress and a white veil hiding her beautiful face, "come on Sister Oriana, it's your turn"

Sister Oriana looked back and forth between the hand in front of her and the Wing's behavior, usually it wouldn't be weird but today it IS weird with all eyes on her.

She sighed and held the Wing's hand, she held her dress from one side and walked slowly and elegantly toward the statues, the Wing let go of her hand and flew back to her seat, Sister Oriana fell on one knee with her dress circling her like a drop of water in the middle of a snow field. All eyes were on her while she slowly pull up the veil revealing black eyes, pink cheeks, red lips, and a glowing pale face, her black bangs were hiding her forehead but failed to fully hide her glowing black eyes that resembled a night sky filled with stars, somewhere there, a glowing moon shone above them all.

"Sister Oriana from the first Archangel Uriel's temple bows for the almighty divine beings, the greatest Archangels" Her voice was low but heard by all, most of the people in the hall blushed, and others felt shivers moving down their spines, while a tiny number were filled with a feeling they don't want to admit.

"Nice to meet you" Archangel Michael leaned forward to take a better look at Sister Oriana. "No wonder Noon picked you, haha!"

"Please Archangel, I had other reasons for choosing her"

"Say whatever you want Noon! You will never trick me! Hahahahahaha!"

Those were the last words from him before the statues went back to their previous positions indicating the end of the welcoming ceremony. Everyone started whispering among themselves, shocked by the news they just heard. "The Cold Nun chose a student?!"

While the hall was in chaos, two with different intentions were looking at her, one wants to get rid of her while the other was happy to see her and in those clothes nonetheless! He walked toward her with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Father Asher extended his hand to help her stand up, she took it willingly with a smile on her face. He flinched before he smiled back while putting back the veil, "Keep it like that, you became the main attention for everyone and... Be careful, there are already hateful eyes on you" he drooped while saying the last line.

"It's ok. Even if something happens I'll protect myself, plus! I have you~ I'll call for you if I needed your help~!!" Father Asher's face turned red and the hand still holding Sister Oriana's gripped it tightly, "Please be careful of your word choice, Sister. Even if I managed to save you, I'm still a man and you're a woman."

When it struck her what he meant, she blushed and nodded her head while holding his hand tightly.

"That bitch! How dare she seduce Father Asher?!" Sophia seethed from anger at the view in front of her, "I will teach you an unforgettable lesson!"

I apologize for the update's delay, I had a wave of depression and it lasted so I wasn't able to write at all:'))

Thank you for your continued support! I will do my best to write more than one chapter a day so I could do a mass release~!!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

kittykat_02creators' thoughts