
Her Haunting Eyes


Throughout the night, Cross found himself unable to sleep. How could he, when her haunting eyes continued to plague his dreams? Her desperate pleas echoed in his mind, disrupting his restful pillow. No matter how hard he tried to act unaffected, he couldn't shake off the guilt of leaving her in such a terrifying place. She appeared genuinely frightened, as though someone might harm her. He felt both sympathy for her and remorse for abandoning her. But why?

In a grumpy manner, he sat up in bed and glanced out of the tall window in his room, noticing the slow creep of morning light. He checked his iPhone and realized it was already very early. He hadn't managed to sleep at all. He cursed his cousin for bringing the young girl to their house and turning her into his problem.

Cross decided he wouldn't dwell on it any longer. He was going back. With determination, he grabbed the keys to his luxurious car and headed for the door.

"Where are you heading off to so early?" Marc inquired as Cross entered the sitting room. Marc's anger still lingered, but Cross had no intention of trying to placate him. After all, this mess was entirely Marc's fault!

"I'll be back soon," Cross replied curtly, making no effort to explain himself to Marc. He knew Marc wouldn't approve of his plans, but he didn't care. It felt like the right thing to do. Or did it? Doubts gnawed at him, but he didn't let them slow him down as he headed towards his car to retrieve her.

He refused to listen to those nagging doubts, jumping into his car and speeding away, still uncertain about the path he was embarking on.


It was too early for any of the usual clients to be at the door. During the day the Siren Home was usually quiet while the girls got ready for the night. Only few knew about the location so there were barely any strangers around the building. But today was different . The young man who had dropped Meredith off was right at their doorstep, smelling like wealth. 

He spoke to one of the bouncers at the door and they directed him to where the nun was seated in her office, pretending she hadn't been watching him from the laptop sitting on her desk. 

What did he want? Was there a problem? She wanted to ask but before she did he stated his reason for being there. 

"The girl from last night I want her!"

"You want her for the night? You know she can't be given to you since she's already…"

"I don't want her for the night" he cut into her sentence "I want to buy her freedom!" 

"That is insane ! We don't give out her girls completely and besides, someone else has…"

"How much would it cost?" he inquired, determination etched in his voice. "I don't care about the price. I'm leaving with her, and that's final!"

His intense gaze left her with no doubt that he meant every word. She struggled to find the right words to explain that another older client had already made arrangements for her, but he impatiently took a seat, tapping his feet and checking the time.

"I don't have all day. Prepare her and let me know the cost to take her away from here permanently."

"Of course," she replied with a polite smile. She had questions about his intentions, but it wasn't her place to ask. Besides, the young man already seemed to harbor some disdain for her.

"Sir, it is very important to keep this transaction a secret, if you understand… once she's out of here, she belongs to you but we would appreciate it if you can keep this establishment and this transaction a secret"

He nodded impatiently "just get me the necessary documents to sign"


All night she had stayed huddled in a corner, shivering and in tears. She wondered if she would ever be free from this confinement. 

Then, the door swung open, and the presence of the Nun filled the room with an oppressive aura. Meredith had never felt such intense dislike for anyone as she did for the woman calmly watching her from the doorway. 

"Get up! You silly girl"

She dragged a cold Merdith from the confinement back into the room. 

As soon as she entered, Valerie stood at an alert, a smile on her face because of how wet and weak Meredith. 

The little brat must have learned her lesson. She chuckled inside as the nun pushed Merdith towards her bed. But Valerie wasn't satisfied with just one night of suffering for Merdith. She wanted worse for her. 

"Listen carefully everyone… Meredith will be leaving us today. A free woman! Yes, a free woman!" The nun repeated when resounding gasps filled the room. 

"She's a lucky girl indeed unlike the rest of you and a wealthy young man has come to pay for her freedom. But don't think any of you will be as lucky as she is. You are doomed to live here with me! Meredith is the only lucky one but let's see how lucky she will be until he tire of her"

"He's your only protection from us for now, and you should make sure to keep him close and keep this part of your life a secret, or..." The nun's sentence trailed off, leaving Meredith to wonder about the consequences.

"I'm free?" Meredith whispered to herself. She wanted to ask the nun for clarification, but the nun pushed her roughly to her wardrobe to pack her clothes before she would take her bath, and prepare to leave with her mysterious savior.

"She's free? How? Does that mean she's leaving while I'm stuck here!" Valerie cried out in frustration.

"Shut your mouth, or you'll end up in confinement. As for the rest of you, life continues as usual in the Siren Home. Since none of you are virgins, no one will be willing to pay the hefty amounts that have been spent on Meredith," the nun stated firmly.

After she had taken her bath and wore another pretty dress, Meredith was led towards the nun's office, still confused about who was setting her free. 

Meredith was stunned when the nun pointed to the young man who had refused to help her the previous night and declared, "Meet your new owner!"

"Owner?" Meredith muttered to herself, her anger simmering. Why should she be thankful for someone owning her? Her face flushed with frustration as she locked eyes with the young man, his gaze cold and unwavering.

"Let's go," he ordered, and her lips quivered with anger as she struggled to grasp how being bought could be considered freedom.

"Be polite to him, or you might find yourself back here," the nun warned.

"I'd only return to have a good laugh when this place falls apart!" Meredith retorted.

"Mind your words!" the nun threatened as they exited the room. However, when the young man fixed her with a menacing look, she wisely kept her mouth shut.

Meredith felt a hint of satisfaction as she walked towards the car because the strange guy had stood up for her. Yet, she was afraid of what awaited her in her new life. 

He came back for her 🤗 Who else feels happy Valerie didn't get what she wanted?