
The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Audiobook version: https://www.youtube.com/@FearTcb Discord: https://discord.gg/CgKTK7eFjn Kaizen, a master assassin, finds himself reborn into the Hidden Leaf Village as a four-year-old orphan. His last memories are of a failed mission, but now, he awakens in the Naruto World. With the skills and discipline from his previous life still sharp in his mind, Kaizen must navigate this new existence. Kaizen will be the same age as Kakashi and will have water as his main nature affinity, as hinted in the title. Kaizen will be immensely talented, but he will not have any special bloodlines or kekkei genkai that he is born with. This fanfic is as much an experiment as it is something I've wanted to see written. If anyone has tips or things they would like to see in the novel, feel free to comment and let me know! - FearTcb

FearTcb · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Kaizen vs Kakashi

Kakashi stepped forward, a thoughtful expression on his face as he approached Hiroshi.


"Sensei," Kakashi began, his voice steady, "would it be okay for Kaizen and me to not hold back in our match? We won't try to seriously harm each other, but some minor injuries might occur."


Hiroshi was taken aback by the request but sensed no malice in Kakashi's words. Instead, he saw a genuine desire to test his limits. "Are you sure about this, Kakashi?" he asked, his tone cautious.


Kakashi nodded confidently. "Yes, Sensei. I believe it would be beneficial for both of us."


Hiroshi turned to Kaizen, who was watching the exchange with interest. "Kaizen, are you okay with this?" he asked.


Kaizen tilted his head to the side, a friendly smile playing on his lips. "Is that really what you want to do, Kakashi?" he asked.


"Of course!" Kakashi replied, his eyes gleaming with excitement.


Kaizen's smile widened as he got into his stance. "Very well then," he said.


The two boys faced each other, performing the seal of confrontation. The tension was palpable, as everyone knew this would be a clash of titans. Kakashi, known for his natural talent that belied his young age. Kaizen, with his strategic mind and unique taijutsu.


The match began, and Kakashi wasted no time. He rushed forward with a fierce determination, his eyes locked on Kaizen. As Kakashi approached, he threw a straight jab aimed directly at Kaizen's face. The students watching gasped, convinced that the punch would connect.


Kaizen, however, remained composed. Waiting until the very last moment, Kaizen finally moved. His body shifted just enough to barely dodge the blow, his face remaining neutral. In that split second, Kaizen's hand latched onto Kakashi's extended arm with a firm grip.


He used Kakashi's momentum against him, turning a defensive maneuver into an offensive opportunity. Without hesitation, Kaizen executed a move that left everyone stunned. He jumped into the air, his legs swinging up and over Kakashi's chest. In a seamless motion, Kaizen wrapped his legs around Kakashi's arm and torso, executing a flying armbar—a textbook display from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His legs locked around Kakashi's shoulder and neck, his hips thrusting upwards to hyperextend the arm.


Kakashi found himself caught off guard, his arm trapped in an impenetrable vice. He struggled, but Kaizen's technique was flawless, leaving no room for escape. The students gasped in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief. Even Hiroshi, who had seen many styles of fighting, was taken aback by the sheer precision and suddenness of the move.


Kaizen's hold was perfect. Kakashi was immobilized, his mind blanking out as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. The match, which had only lasted seconds, was decisively over.


Hiroshi quickly stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "Enough! Kaizen, release him," he commanded, his voice a mix of surprise and approval.


Kaizen immediately let go, rolling back to his feet with a fluid motion. He extended a hand to help Kakashi up, a friendly smile on his face.


Kakashi, still dazed, took Kaizen's hand and stood up. His mind raced, trying to process the sudden turn of events. "What... what was that?" he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.


Hiroshi, still visibly surprised, stepped closer. "Kaizen, what technique was that? How did you come up with it?"


Kaizen grinned, scratching the back of his head. "I call it a flying armbar. I find myself inspired to create new techniques or variations of ones that I have seen before. This technique was a product of my inspirations."


Hiroshi's thoughts raced as he processed Kaizen's words.


'Monster, this kid is an absolute monster of a taijutsu genius!!!' Despite his shock, he composed himself quickly, maintaining his professional demeanor.


"That was an impressive move, Kaizen," Hiroshi said, his voice carrying a note of awe. "Incorporating such a unique technique into your arsenal at this age is remarkable. Kakashi, this should serve as a reminder that there is always more to learn as well as techniques that you've never seen before. Even though it was just a spar, it can serve as a good analogy for what happens on the battlefield between shinobi. There is no such thing as fair or unfair, only who remains living at the end of the fight."


Kakashi listened to Hiroshi's words, his mind working to process the events. He had charged in confidently, not expecting such a technique to be used out of nowhere. He replayed the match in his head, realizing that Hiroshi Sensei was correct.


'If this had been a real battle...' Kakashi thought, feeling a cold realization settle in.


'I wouldn't have even known how I died. Kaizen could have executed a number of techniques within the time he locked onto my arm.'


The realization was humbling. He underestimated his opponent, and it cost him the match. The flying armbar was something he had never encountered before, a stark reminder that the world of shinobi was filled with unknowns and unpredictability.


'Hiroshi Sensei is right,' he acknowledged internally.


'There are always more techniques to learn and new strategies to anticipate. On the battlefield, being prepared for unexpected situations can mean the difference between life and death.'


Kakashi's gaze shifted to Kaizen, who was seen smiling and chatting with some of their classmates who were still shocked by the result.


'I need to work harder,' he resolved.


'Kaizen isn't just talented; he's inventive. I have to push myself beyond my current limits if I want to stand a chance against opponents like him.'


If the events of the past few days weren't sufficient, then this match was a direct wake-up call.


Seeing Kakashi still lost in his thoughts, Hiroshi moved to address the class.


"Everyone, let's give a hand to Kaizen for an excellent match and his victory of the sparring contest," Hiroshi said, clapping along with the students. "This is the kind of spirit and innovation that will make you great shinobi."


Kaizen's friendly demeanor and innovative techniques had left a lasting impression on everyone, including Hiroshi. Kakashi realized that he wasn't the genius he thought he was when compared to Kaizen.


Kakashi decided to put the loss behind him for now and joined everyone in applause for Kaizen's performance. He would speak with his father later about the match and either way, he was happy that Kaizen respected his wish to not hold back against each other.


After the applause, Hiroshi Sensei gathered the students around, discussing the results of the matches.


"You all did well today," he said.


"Remember, the purpose of these matches is to learn and grow. Keep pushing yourselves and support each other in your training."


He emphasized the importance of continuous improvement and healthy competition. "Being competitive with each other will help foster growth. Learn from your matches, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and always strive to improve."


"You're all dismissed for today," Hiroshi said, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "See you tomorrow."


As the students began to disperse, Kaizen looked up and noticed the time. Class ended early today. He decided to take advantage of the free time to visit the academy library.


The library was located at the far end of the campus, a grand building that stood out among the others with its size and architectural elegance. It was designed to accommodate the academy's large student population, with its imposing facade of polished stone and intricate carvings depicting historical shinobi scenes. The entrance was framed by tall columns, and a wide staircase led up to double doors that gleamed in the afternoon sunlight.


As he pushed open the heavy doors, he was greeted by a hushed, reverent atmosphere. The interior of the library was vast, with high ceilings and rows upon rows of bookshelves that stretched as far as the eye could see. The scent of old paper and ink filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of polished wood.


The library was divided into multiple floors, each dedicated to different areas of study. The ground floor housed general materials, while the upper floors were reserved for more specialized subjects. A grand staircase spiraled upwards, connecting the various levels. Light streamed in through large, arched windows, casting a warm glow over the reading areas filled with wooden tables and comfortable chairs.


Kaizen made his way to the main desk, where a librarian greeted him with a nod. "How can I help you today?" she asked, her voice a soft whisper in keeping with the quiet environment.


"I'm just exploring," Kaizen replied with a polite smile. "I wanted to see what the library has to offer."


The librarian nodded. "Feel free to look around. If you need any assistance or recommendations, don't hesitate to ask."


Kaizen wandered through the aisles, his eyes scanning the titles on the shelves. As he observed the various sections on the ground floor, he noticed that the majority of books covered the academic aspects of shinobi life—subjects such as history, philosophy, and the basic principles of ninjutsu and genjutsu. These were topics that would typically be taught in the classroom.


He realized that this floor could be incredibly useful for learning ahead of his current lessons. There were so many foundational concepts and advanced theories that he had yet to fully grasp. Knowing how much there was to learn, he decided to focus on an area that had intrigued him since his arrival in this world: chakra and chakra control.


Kaizen navigated through the aisles, searching for books on chakra. He soon found a section dedicated to the subject, with shelves filled with volumes on chakra theory, control exercises, and various applications. He selected a few promising titles and carried them to a nearby table.


Settling into his chair, he began with a book titled "Chakra: The Basics and Beyond." As he flipped through the pages, he was struck by the depth of information. The book covered everything from the known origins and nature of chakra to detailed descriptions of the chakra network within the body. It also included practical exercises for improving chakra control and efficiency.


Another book, "Advanced Chakra Control," provided a comprehensive guide to more sophisticated techniques. It detailed methods for fine-tuning chakra flow, minimizing waste, and maximizing output. Kaizen found diagrams illustrating complex chakra pathways and exercises for developing the mental focus required to maintain precise control.


Immersed in his reading, Kaizen lost track of time. The quiet of the library and the wealth of knowledge before him made it easy to concentrate. He jotted down notes, eager to incorporate these insights into his training.


As he continued to delve deeper into the books, Kaizen came across a section on specialized chakra control techniques used by renowned shinobi. The text described how certain techniques, while challenging to master, could give a significant advantage in both combat and non-combat situations. Techniques such as water walking and tree climbing were mentioned, along with more advanced skills like chakra suppression and sensory enhancement.


The more he read, the more Kaizen realized how much potential there was in mastering chakra control. He could see how these techniques could be applied not just in battle, but also in everyday life, making a shinobi more efficient and versatile. Kaizen felt he knew quite a bit about chakra from his previous knowledge of the series, but it seemed like a general overview when compared to the books in front of him.


Determined to make the most of his time, Kaizen decided to borrow a few books to study more thoroughly. He returned to the main desk, where the librarian helped him check out the books. With a respectful nod of thanks, he left the library, his mind buzzing with new ideas and strategies.


Entering his dorm room, Kaizen placed the books on his desk and began organizing his notes. He planned to start with the basics and gradually work his way up to the more advanced concepts.


There was a wealth of knowledge on chakra, its origins, and its many applications. He was particularly struck by the detailed discussions on enhancing physical endurance and strength through chakra control—exactly as Hiroshi had mentioned during their training.


However, despite the extensive coverage of chakra techniques, Kaizen noticed a conspicuous absence: there were no techniques specifically addressing the recovery from muscle soreness. This realization intrigued him. It seemed that the shinobi of this world had developed numerous methods to enhance their physical capabilities but had not explored or documented the specific application of chakra for recovery in the way he had accidentally discovered.


Kaizen leaned back in his chair, pondering this discovery. 'So, they focus on using chakra to reinforce muscles, boost stamina, and increase resistance to fatigue, but not on post-training recovery,' he thought.


'It makes sense, given the emphasis on immediate performance and combat readiness. But my approach to alleviating muscle soreness could complement their techniques perfectly.'


Kaizen felt a thrill of excitement. These books could provide him with an opportunity to innovate, to blend the best of what he knew from his previous life with the advanced chakra techniques of this world.


Kaizen went back to the basics of the chakra book and flipped through its pages until he found the section discussing the chakra network. As he read through the intricacies of chakra flow, he focused intently on the parts that mentioned the tenketsu points—the critical nodes within the body that governed chakra circulation.


The book detailed how tenketsu points acted as gateways, regulating the flow of chakra throughout the body. It explained that mastering the awareness and control of these points was crucial for advanced chakra techniques. The description of detecting these points involved deep meditation and focused internal visualization, practices that required immense concentration and patience.


Kaizen compared the book's methods for circulating chakra with his own techniques. Kaizen realized that while his approach had been effective, it lacked the nuanced control described in the text.


Determined to refine his skills, Kaizen decided to meditate. He focused on his breathing, drawing deep breaths in through his nose and exhaling slowly through his mouth. With each breath, he visualized the chakra flowing from his core, spreading throughout his body like a calm, steady river.


As he meditated, Kaizen tried to sense the tenketsu points within his body. He visualized his chakra network as described in the book, focusing on the major nodes and attempting to map them mentally. Initially, it was difficult. The points were elusive, like trying to find stars in a cloudy night sky. But he persisted, gradually feeling subtle pulses of energy in specific areas, marking the locations of his tenketsu points.


Time seemed to stretch as he remained in meditation, his focus unwavering. Slowly, he began to discern more tenketsu points, visualizing their positions and their roles in the chakra network. The process was enlightening, each new discovery adding to his understanding of his own body's chakra pathways.


After some time, Kaizen managed to discover 50 of his 361 tenketsu points, a significant achievement that brought a smile to his face. He also felt his method of chakra circulation improve, the flow becoming smoother and more controlled. The progress he made today gave him a sense of satisfaction; he knew he was laying an incredibly solid foundation to build upon.


Feeling invigorated by his progress, Kaizen noted the time and decided it was best to leave the dorm and head to one of the training fields. He wanted to get his physical workout in for the day, ensuring that both his mind and body were being honed to their fullest potential.


As he approached one of the training fields, he could see several other students practicing their techniques. Kaizen chose a quieter corner of the field, setting his bag down on the ground.


Kaizen decided to start his workout by applying the chakra circulation method Hiroshi Sensei had mentioned, along with what he read in the library. He focused on enhancing his muscle performance, stamina, and resistance to muscle fatigue. Drawing deep breaths, he visualized the chakra flowing from his core to his limbs, concentrating it into his muscles.


For the first several minutes, it was challenging to maintain a steady flow of chakra to the specific muscles he intended. He could feel the energy slipping away, dispersing before it could fully enhance his movements. But Kaizen was nothing if not persistent. He adjusted his breathing and concentration, gradually feeling the chakra settle more firmly into his muscles.


After about twenty minutes, Kaizen finally got the hang of it. He felt a noticeable difference as the chakra enhanced different parts of his body. He started testing the effects right away.


The books he read in the library initially described circulating chakra throughout the entire body to enhance every muscle simultaneously. This made sense for those who lacked detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Without an intimate understanding of which muscles were used for each activity, targeting specific muscle groups could result in harm rather than improvement.


Kaizen, however, aimed to take a more targeted approach. Understanding the principles of muscle anatomy from his previous life, he decided to experiment with enhancing individual muscle groups with his chakra.


First, he focused on his legs. Bending his knees slightly, he visualized the chakra flowing into the key muscles involved in jumping. He directed the chakra to his quadriceps, the large muscles at the front of his thighs responsible for extending his legs. He then concentrated on his hamstrings, the muscles at the back of his thighs that helped with leg flexion and hip extension. Next, he visualized the chakra moving into his calves, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which played a crucial role in pushing off the ground.


Kaizen also focused on his gluteal muscles, which provided significant power during hip extension. Additionally, he channeled chakra into his core muscles, including the rectus abdominis and obliques, to ensure stability and control during the jump.


As he prepared to leap, Kaizen mentally mapped the biomechanics of the movement. He knew that powerful jumps required a coordinated effort of multiple muscle groups. His quadriceps and glutes would generate the primary force, extending his hips and knees. His calves would provide the final push-off, propelling him upward. His core muscles would stabilize his torso, ensuring a controlled and balanced ascent.


With the chakra enhancing each muscle group, Kaizen bent his knees and then sprang upward. The combined strength of his chakra-enhanced muscles propelled him higher than ever before. He felt the exhilarating rush of the wind as he ascended, his body moving with unprecedented power and grace. As he reached the peak of his jump, he marveled at the view from above, feeling weightless for a brief moment before gravity pulled him back down.


He then landed smoothly, the impact absorbed by his chakra-enhanced muscles. His quadriceps and hamstrings cushioned the descent, while his calves and core stabilized his landing. The entire process felt fluid and controlled, a testament to the effectiveness of his targeted chakra enhancement.


With a smile tugging at his lips, Kaizen decided to follow the same approach for other movements. Next, Kaizen turned his attention to his speed. He began with a series of rapid kicks, his legs moving faster than they ever had. The kicks sliced through the air with a sharp whoosh, each one precise and powerful. Then he transitioned to punches, channeling chakra into the appropriate muscle groups. His fists moved like blurs, the punches fast and strong.


To test his running speed, Kaizen positioned himself at one end of the training field. He took a deep breath, visualizing the chakra flowing into his legs and core, then took off. The ground blurred beneath him as he sprinted across the field, the wind whipping past his ears. He felt lighter and faster, his enhanced muscles propelling him forward with unprecedented speed.


While he was sprinting, a few students who noticed couldn't help but watch after noticing his speed. However, some of them broke out in conversation with puzzled expressions on their faces.


"Why is he running like that?" one student asked, frowning.


"I'm not sure," another replied, equally perplexed. "It looks a bit strange. He is swinging his arms during his running instead of letting them hang behind him. How weird?"


Kaizen's running form indeed differed from the typical shinobi sprint, where the ninja run with their arms trailing behind them to reduce wind resistance and streamline their movements. His method, while unconventional in their world, was rooted in the efficient mechanics he knew from his previous life. Swinging his arms provided balance and helped propel his body forward, ensuring each stride was powerful and controlled.


In the Naruto world, the traditional shinobi sprint was primarily designed for speed over long distances, relying on chakra-enhanced bursts of energy and agility. However, Kaizen's approach focused on the natural biomechanics of the human body, where the synchronization of arm and leg movements maximized propulsion and stability.


As he ran, Kaizen felt the efficient transfer of energy through his body. Each swing of his arms helped counterbalance the movement of his legs, allowing for a smoother and more powerful stride. His legs pumped like pistons, the chakra-enhanced muscles working in concert to propel him forward with remarkable speed.


Kaizen, unconcerned with the other students, continued to practice, alternating between different techniques and movements. He would sprint across the field, then jump high into the air, followed by rapid sequences of kicks and punches. Each time, he directed chakra to the specific muscles he needed, feeling the immediate boost in performance. The more he practiced, the more natural it felt, and the more efficient his chakra usage became.


He noticed that the enhanced stamina allowed him to sustain high-intensity movements for longer periods without feeling the usual fatigue. He was able to maintain his top speed for extended sprints and deliver powerful kicks and punches in rapid succession without losing strength.


Kaizen, after feeling comfortable with the enhanced movements and his application of circulating chakra into his muscles for enhancement, decided to change his approach. As effective as the chakra-enhanced movements were, he realized that relying solely on them during his workouts wouldn't give his muscles the exhaustive training they needed to become stronger. He made a mental note to practice the chakra-enhancing techniques regularly, so they would become second nature to him, ready to be used instinctively in battle.


As he moved through his workout, Kaizen also practiced the technique he had learned from Hiroshi Sensei. He practiced the rooted stance, feeling the stability it provided, and experimented with integrating it into his martial arts techniques. After fully grasping all of the movements with a honed ease, he would later move onto utilizing chakra in the stance, but he understood he would need time to get there. Not to mention, he didn't know every detail of the stance, only what was shown by Hiroshi Sensei today.


Occasionally, he paused to take deep breaths, visualizing the chakra within him and reinforcing his mental map of his currently identified tenketsu points. He understood that knowing the locations of these points would be crucial for future techniques and for improving his overall chakra control.


By the end of his workout, Kaizen was drenched in sweat and his muscles were thoroughly exhausted. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had made good progress today. He had improved not only his physical strength but also his understanding of his own body and chakra. Speaking of which, Kaizen had also exhausted his chakra through continuously recovering his muscles when they became too fatigued.


Now, he was ready to get cleaned up and eat a good meal. Afterwards, he would meditate before bed and prepare for what he wanted to work on during his lucid sleep.

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