Deon menyapa semua orang yang ada dalam ruangan itu. Sejujurnya, ia gugup bukan main. Ia takut, namun perasaan khawatirnya mengalahkan segalanya.
"Hello, excuse me," sapa Deon pada mereka.
"Hello, Mr. Can i help you?" tanya salah seorang petugas di sana.
"Umm.. I have some problem. He's lost now. Last time, he was seen leaving his office. But, until now, he didn't come home, not even at the office. My family and I were really worried. I'm afraid there's a bad guy who bother him," jelas Deon cemas.
"Let's check the CCTV. Maybe your dad's still around," ucap petugas tersebut.
Deon mengangguk. Mereka pun lantas mengecek CCTV setempat. Dan Deon benar-benar terkejut kala melihat ternyata ayahnya terekam CCTV di sini dan masuk ke dalam apartment.
"He's my dad," gumam Deon bingung.
"So, now your dad not here? How can?" tanya petugas tersebut bingung.
"I'm confused too. How did he get into the apartment and now it's none here?" tanya Deon bingung.
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