
The Side Character Turned Villainess

Leia was a successful car salesperson who didn't care who she had to trample to climb up in the ranks. She was on top of the world. That is, until she was thrown into the body of 5 year old Seri from one of her romance novels. Now she has to deal with the annoying Prince and his sadistic friend. The worst part? She is just a side character who is bullied by everyone! The. least. favorite. character. How could anyone like this girl?! Now, she is stuck as Seri, but watch out world: This side character is actually a foul mouthed villainess. _______ Chapter release: Daily Words per chapter: 1500-2500 Disclaimer: Some chapters may contain mature content, such as violence. There will be a disclaimer at the start of each chapter with it. Full disclosure: This novel is 90% humor and 10% serious.

Nekoru · Fantaisie
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307 Chs

The Next Battle Appears

I managed to make it through the rest of the week without any trouble. Lona seemed to be less angry since my talk with my father, but I could tell she was a bit grumpy. Since today is my day off, I suppose I could pop over to the pawn shop and find her something useful.

Strangely enough, I was more than happy to attend class and train with Dante. The reason being that my parents don't know when to shut up. I swear I could hear them arguing all day no matter where I was in the house. They wouldn't stop until late at night then continue again in the morning. Why can't they just get a divorce already?!

Next time I will make sure not to anger anyone just so I can avoid this entire situation. I'm getting a headache over this constant arguing. They keep bringing up the Duke's visit. I have no idea why this seems to stress them out so much. It's just a visit. It shouldn't be this intense.

I laid in bed and noticed Lona walk in.

"Will you be staying in your room all day little Miss?"

"Most likely. You know today is my lazy day."

She sighed in relief, "That's good."

I looked at her curiously, "Usually you nag me to get out of bed. What's going on?"

"I've told you several times. We have a very important guest today."

"Oh really? Well isn't it polite to go greet the guest?"

She shook her head abruptly, "Absolutely not. Usually, yes. But not in this case."

"Why not?"

"Duke Bayne is the one visiting. Your parents do not trust him and would like for him not to meet you. They worry it may make his anger worse."

I suppose that makes sense. But why would he get so angry just by seeing me? Sounds like the man needs anger management.

"Alright Lona. It'll be hard but I will make sure not to be polite by saying hello."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm sure it will be so difficult for you. Now if you don't mind, I will take my leave."

"So soon?"

"Unlike you, I'm very busy. So please behave."

I blew her a kiss, "Anything for you~"

She rolled her eyes once more and left. I tossed in bed until finally I flipped on my back to stare at the ceiling.

Man I'm bored. Why doesn't this world have a TV? I would just read my books, but if anyone caught me I'm sure they would toss my collection away. I went through so much work just to find a good hiding place under the floorboards. I refuse to endanger my collection.

To make things worse, I'm a bit hungry and no one is answering my calls for food. I guess I will have to go get it myself then.

I stepped out of my room and started walking towards the kitchen. Wow, Lona was right about being busy. The maids are all running around looking like chickens without heads. As I walked past a door I heard my name. I stopped immediately and put my ear to the door.

I recognized my father's voice, "Queen Luna has already ruled on this matter. With all due respect, I don't think you should be coming here demanding retribution for what happened to your daughter."

"I have every reason to. Due to the incident that your daughter caused, my poor Ilene has been a mess. I've never seen her so hurt."

"Duke Bayne. Please remember it was your daughter who caused the situation not mine. Your daughter needs to learn there are consequences to her actions."

"And what about your daughter? Do you really think it's lady-like to pin someone to the ground as your daughter did? As I understand, she has done this before with that boy Dante. It's certainly not an unusual occurrence with her."

My mother spoke in a sickly sweet tone, "Duke Bayne. I mean no disrespect, but my daughter is still young and immature so I hope you will consider her age."

"I don't care how young she is. Is this what you teach your child? That it's alright to act out since she's young?"

She answered not missing a beat, "Of course not. I make sure to teach her manners."

He snickered, "Well not well enough."

"Duke Bayne. We plan on disciplining her for what happened so you don't need to worry."

"Worry? I bet your discipline isn't enough to change her behavior. From what I've seen, she doesn't respect her own parents so why would she respect any adult? You both should be ashamed."

"Well Duke Bayne. Just what do you propose we do then? We would all like to put this behind us."

I could sense the low key b*tchiness in my mother's tone. I'm surprised she's even trying to defend me. I guess it would look bad for her if she didn't.

He chuckled, "I'm glad you asked. Your daughter appears to be a bit unstable. I have requested that a doctor come and check her out. We can't allow someone so unstable to attend school with normal children."

My father shouted, "What insolence!"

He continued ignoring my father's outburst, "After that, I also demand that not only do you have her apologize to Ilene, but you also should cut off your ties with Queen Luna since that's what caused this in the first place."

My father spoke in an icy tone, "Just what are you implying?"

"Your family shouldn't even be associated with the Royal family. Since you are new to the noble circle I can't shame you for not understanding how things work."

I could feel the temperature drop in the room. I knew that my father was giving him that classic scary glare of his. This man is really tempting fate right now.

My father spoke trying to hide his bloodlust, "I will not be doing any of that."

The Duke spoke, "If you want this matter to be solved then you will. I think I'm being reasonable. You wouldn't want a crazy daughter ruining your family name when you've worked so hard. I hear the doctors have good asylums to fix children these days."

"I said no." My father said very firm.

He continued in a taunting tone, "What are you so afraid of? I just suggested a consultation with a doctor. Perhaps by disagreeing so firmly you believe she truly is unstable?"

I pulled away from the door feeling my own anger rising up. I can use this situation to my benefit though. I cracked my hands. Time to go kick some a**.

I walked into the room and the three of them turned to look at me surprised by the interruption. I curtsied elegantly, "Good evening."

My mother's nose flared, "You rude child. How could you just barge in?"

"Please forgive me, mother. I was walking by when I heard my name. I didn't know we had such an important guest visiting today."

My father looked at me a bit nervous. The Duke glared at me with a arrogant expression, "Your daughter is very ill mannered. This is precisely what I was talking about. She's burst in here after eavesdropping. She should be disciplined more severely."

I smiled at him, "Duke Bayne. I didn't mean to interrupt so rudely. It's just that I heard you all speaking about me even though I wasn't in the room. I've been taught this is rude to do. Is it not?"

He looked flustered, "I suppose. But that doesn't mean you can barge in here."

"Well, I came in here to say I accept your offer."

My father stood up, "Seri!"

I smiled at him, "It's okay Daddy." I turned back to the Duke, "I am not an unstable girl so I don't fear anything by speaking with a doctor."

He smiled triumphantly, "Good."

My father looked at me in concern, "Seri. You don't need to do that."

I gave him an encouraging look, "It's alright Daddy. Trust me."

He sighed, "Very well. Since my daughter seems to agree then I shall too."

He stood up and clapped his hands, "Great! Then I will send you an invitation so she can properly apologize to Ilene."

"Duke Bayne. I never said I would apologize."

He looked at me in confusion, "What? You just agreed!"

"I agreed to meeting with a doctor since you think I am unstable. However, I will not apologize for something when I did nothing wrong."

"Nothing wrong?! You... You brat."

My father shouted, "Watch your tone!"

I continued smiling, "I will also not cut ties with Queen Luna and Prince William."

The Duke growled, "Don't you understand what your presence does to their reputation?! You will ruin them!"

My mother shouted, "Duke Bayne! Mind your manners!"

I held up my hand to placate them, "Duke Bayne. From what I imagine, Queen Luna and Prince William would be insulted by this. Not to mention, I have a feeling that they don't know you have decided to come here with the intention of going against her decision." A sinister smile crossed my face, "I wonder what she would do if she heard how impudent you were?"

He gulped, "Fine. I will put this behind me if she see's a doctor then."

My father smiled, "Good. However, I won't allow you to chose the doctor."

"Are you saying that I would try something?"

"I wouldn't put it past you."

The Duke glared at my father, "Well I don't believe you will choose a good candidate either."

"How about Dr. Singh? He is known for being completely unbiased. Do you have an issue with this choice?"

The Duke crossed his arms in irritation, "Very well."

My mother stood up and smiled happily, "I'm glad to see this resolved. Now let me show you out Duke Bayne."

I watched my two faced mother walk him out the door still smiling. My father sighed and walked over to me, "Are you sure about this?"

I smiled at the closing door, "Don't be so concerned."

Please, this is going to be a walk in the park.