
The Sick Team

The Modern era which was rising has suddenly ended and a new era arrived . The apocalypse era ! After escaping into a safe place and becoming a Boss to a group of survivors , Ethan who failed to awaken an ability still became popular among the group of survivors . But suddenly one day , a survivor has awakened a ability that changed the order of the group. People started to have second thoughts about working under Ethan and the plan to overthrow the leader appeared in their mind ! Ethan peaceful debauchery ended ! ................ "What do you mean that someone has awakened ability ?" "What ? Someone died today ?" "Wait ! Are you telling me that one of the survivor has a gun ?" "Crap! Who poisoned my food ?" "Why do I hear footsteps sounds from outside of my room in middle of night?" The group of survivors who had peaceful and easy going personally now suddenly became menance and killers ! "Um...Boss I heard that you are interested in men ?" "YOU GUYS CAN ALL GO TO HELL!"

Hollowlives · Horreur
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

The situation !

It was year 2065 which was called as the doomsday of Earth by the future generations . This year was known as worst year which made many innocent lives died and nearly 95% of human population was wiped out and turned into a dead zombies which started to hunt humans and turn them into their own . The technology was all lost and the weapon was useless against the mass zombies but it all changed when humans started to evolve and awaken ability which stopped from their wipe out .

The remaining human survivors started to gather together and establish their own bunker and base while the government leader tried to establish survivor base and defend against the zombies . The Power struggle and lack of food supply with fear of zombies invasion made many people twisted and started killing in madness .

Survivors started to fight against each other for more supplies while killing and looting became common for survival . Survivors started to establish their own bunkers filled with Ability users and the non ability users who were living in poor conditions.

The bunkers soon become survivors only hope to avoid the zombies onslaught but pity Internal strike appeared inside the bunkers and people started to kill each other for the position of leader .

Who isn't interested in ruling a territory and feared by everyone ?

Since then the fighting and plotting of people started to occur which made the remaining 5% of the population to become unstable and fight themselves.


Its 2066 , this era is called as Post - apocalypse era where the aftermath of the zombie outbreak is reached critical situation and now nearly all human survivors have awakened their ability and started forming their own group .

In one of a ruined city , there was a underground tunnel at the bridge which connected to every corner of this city. Even through most of them were broken and some were even filled with wandering zombie but it was still safe route and we'll hidden place to hide from zombies and other survivors .

Yes that's right !

This tunnel is one of the secret bunker for small group of survivors and they were safe from invasion of both zombies and humans since it's hidden deeply and no one bothered to walk inside a dark deep Tunnel . But this small survivor group has a Internal strike where the survivors started to feel unrest and uncomfortable .

This bunker was named as ordinary as possible by these survivors - Bunker #11

There were twelve people in this bunker and no one has awakened the ability but they had good cooperation which made them survive for half years without fighting or getting bitten by zombies . These people was consist of seven male and five female who had variety of skills and talents but except one who don't have neither ability nor skill and the worst thing is that this person is the leader of this bunker !

Now this is a plot twist.

The leader didn't have talent in leadership and not only he never killed neither fought a zombie or other survivors before . So he was a complete noob in the post apocalyptic Era , but his luck was so good that these people made him their leader in dumb way !

When the apocalypse arrived , he was in this tunnel for a civil project survey to check the water capacity level he arrived at the tunnel and then the apocalypse arrived at that same time. He hid in dear seeing the people kill each other and he was close to fainting seeing a dead body coming back alive and wandering in daze with white pupils made him realise that it was a apocalypse day . He waited for the rescue tema from government but there was no help nor may news so he could only stay inside the tunnel but due to hunger he searched the whole tunnel and after some time he found a hidden large chamber which had several room like structure so he decided to stay here and some time later he traveled inside the tunnel which was connected to all the city sewers man holes.

The time passed now he can easily escape the zombie and loot supplies from nearby shops . When it was night time he would hide here and then he started to meet other survivors and he included him to his tunnel chamber then from one person to the current eleven member he was soon become famous among them due to his kindness and generosity so he ultimately become their leader .

They were all stayed together for half a year now and soon the once happy survivors started to have conflicts among themselves . They hardly give any respect to the leader and they started to plot against each other which almost made someone die by the zombies horde .

Soon the relaxed atmosphere became restless and filled with tension . Now all of these survivors had trust issues against each other which made the leader having a great headache .

The leader of these Survivor group was a 21 year old, named Ethan who is a civil engineer. He didn't have parents but he did have a sister but God knows whether she is alive or not . Now he was facing too much problem from this group Internal conflicts which made him fear that one day he will die when they truly fight against each other.

No matter who will start the fight , the crisis will befall to him for sure. So he always stood neutral and try to ease the conflicts as much as possible but as the day goes on the harder situation became unavoidable.

Ethan was sitting inside one of the tunnel room which was now a office for him and to the survivors. The so -called office was nothing but a modified by himself with proper tools he modified some small changes to the tunnel with the help of survivors so it was now looking like a 'office' .

"Sigh.... The situation is not looking good for me "

He leaned slightly at the chair and closed his eyes, thinking about the upcoming struggle .

Yes !

Something was about to happen today and if he didn't prepare for it then that will be a crisis for him.
