
The Sick Team

The Modern era which was rising has suddenly ended and a new era arrived . The apocalypse era ! After escaping into a safe place and becoming a Boss to a group of survivors , Ethan who failed to awaken an ability still became popular among the group of survivors . But suddenly one day , a survivor has awakened a ability that changed the order of the group. People started to have second thoughts about working under Ethan and the plan to overthrow the leader appeared in their mind ! Ethan peaceful debauchery ended ! ................ "What do you mean that someone has awakened ability ?" "What ? Someone died today ?" "Wait ! Are you telling me that one of the survivor has a gun ?" "Crap! Who poisoned my food ?" "Why do I hear footsteps sounds from outside of my room in middle of night?" The group of survivors who had peaceful and easy going personally now suddenly became menance and killers ! "Um...Boss I heard that you are interested in men ?" "YOU GUYS CAN ALL GO TO HELL!"

Hollowlives · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 11

The reason!

Everyone couldn't believe that the second culprit was none other than the most respected survivor in the bunker.

It was Julia !

The cardiac specialist who always had a bold yet helpful lady .

Even Ethan couldn't imagine that this lady would be the killer .

Mei who was beside her had a drastic change in the expression

"You....how could you do that?"

Julia face now was calm and burden free. She looked at the survivors and admitted herself

"Yes it was me. I'm the second culprit who you all are looking for."

Samuel asked in bewilderment


Julia looked at him for a while . Then she started to talk

"It started half an year ago when me and my younger brother were running away from the zombies. At that time suddenly a woman who was riding a bike crashed at us which made us heavily injured. My younger brother couldn't survive the accident but I on the other hand had a heavy injury. I can only watch helplessly as the life fade away from my little brother....."

After coming to this point , Julia face which was calm , replaced with hatred and anger towards the woman .

"The woman didn't help us instead she ran away but she didn't ran away with empty hands instead she snatched the food bag from us and ran away ...."

Mei said suddenly

"Don't tell me that the women who hit you is ... Kayla?"

Julia face twisted slightly hearing the name . She viciously said in hatred

"Yes. She is the one who is the reason for my death of my little brother . So that's why I started to look for her everywhere to get revenge and I followed her all the way to here and joined with you people"

Samuel asked in doubt

"Then why didn't you kill her at that time .Why wait for now?"

Gary also said in cold tone

"Yes why wait for until now?"

Julia replied in sorrow

"At first I didn't recognise her until a month before. But when we were changing dress I saw her butterfly tattoo at her lower waist . That tattoo was the same as the woman and this confirmed me that she is the one who I'm looking for . So I started to think of killing her all day and night until I overheard John drunk talking himself of killing that b#sh . So I started to pay attention at John ...."

She paused for a moment and her face become calm again but her words were chilling to the bone for those who listen to her words.

"Yesterday I followed quietly behind John and saw him take a knife from the kitchen. I knew he is going to kill her today so I immediate started to execute my plans. I took out Fh#### drugs and mixed it with her in food. I didn't leave there instead I watched her gobble the food and become poisioned . She couldn't talk , scream or mover her body and she couldn't even blink her eyes . Then John entered the room , he didn't kill her first but instead he raped her and after that he stabbed her in knife five times after that he ran away ....."

As she said she laughed maniacally but her laugh made many people shiver in chill.

Mad woman!

Never make a woman your enemy !

Ethan frowned hearing her story ! Her sentence made no sense at all .

John had a wide eyes from hearing Julia words . If he knew that this woman also wanted to kill Kayla then he wouldn't made a move first but now he regretted for his sudden decisions .

Samuel kept silence because he felt uneasy all of a sudden which made him puzzled .

'Why am I getting uneasy all of a sudden?'

Mei suddenly said in confusion

"No that's not right . There was six stabs knife wounds on her body and now you are telling that there is only five stabs ? Tell me did you really stab five times?"

This time Ethan was the one who replied

"Yes she is the truth "

Mei was shocked from hearing her boss words so she couldn't help ask

"Then who did the sixth knife stab ?"

Ethan cold face looked at Clara and said mockingly

"This .....you should ask our logistics worker Clara . Am I right Clara ?"

Clara lowered her head in gulity . Her ex boyfriend Denmis immediately retreated from her side in fear .

He couldn't help but say in trembling tone

"C-clara you...?"

This was now a sudden twist in the plot.

Clara said in low voice

"When boss asked me to check for her , I started to look for the. I found her lying on the bed with heavy injury . But she was still alive so I wanted to save her but when I remembered how she seduced my boyfriend I ended up taking the knife which was stabbed at her stomach then I re-stabbed at her which ended her life "

Samuel who wanted to declare Julia as gulity was tounge tied from speechless and he felt that he wasn't with a group of innocent survivors but instead he into a bloodthirsty and insane people .

'Wtf is wrong with these people?'

The so called ambition he had was immediately thrown off from back of his head . He really didn't want to have offend these madman's lest he ended up getting back stabbed by all of them in his sleep .

Mei looked at Clara in disbelief. She clearly felt that her thoughts are too childish and navie . She felt that John was the real culprit but who knew there were Julia and then the Clara which made her mood to become complicated .

"People need no reason to commit a crime...."

Gary suddenly said to Ethan in surprised tone

"Boss how did you know that Clara killed Kayla ? Unless you are also chaos with her ?"

Hearing this the situation become strange and all of them had dumbfounded face .

Ethan was confused first but then his heart was filled anxious and anger .

'B@stard I still didn't have settled the score of you poisoning me but now you are already preparing me a trap to bury me ?'

"Are you fking kidding me ?"
