

geoffrey_ken · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs


I stayed indoor all through

the weekend revising all

we had learnt for that

week. I kept getting

nervous as the new week drew

closer. maybe because it was

the week I would start the

tutorial with Sharon. I had

tried to assure myself that all

would be fine, but it didn't do

much because I kept getting

nervous. how will I sit alone

with her in a room and she

wouldn't notice I'm a shy guy.

I pray I don't embarrass

myself when I'm with her.

The new week came and I got

prepared for my first lecture

for that week. I took the

campus shuttle that would take

me directly to the building I

was having my lecture. I didn't

realize I was in the same bus

with my coursemate, Sylvia,

until she spoke to a lady

beside her. I made sure she

didn't notice I was in the same

bus with her. I quickly

brought out money from my

wallet and paid for the both of

us without letting her know. I

told the driver not to collect

money from her when she

tries to pay. I believed it was

the right thing for me to do.

when we got to our

destination, she tried to pay

but the driver told her that

someone had already paid for

her. she asked who was the

person and the driver pointed

at me. that was when she

realized I was in the same bus

with her. she approached me

and glared at me. the smile I

was trying to keep on my face

disappeared immediately. I

was thinking she was coming

to thank me, but the glare she

just shot me made me

nervous. she brought out some

money from her purse and

force it into my hand.

"next time don't try to pay for

me without my notice. I didn't

ask for your help" she said to

me in a note of warning.

She shot me one last glance

and walked out on me. I stood

at that particular spot like a

statue, staring at the direction

she took. I tried to remember

if I had said or done anything

wrong to her before for her to

direct such anger to me, but I

couldn't seem to remember

anything. this was too much

for me to bear. I have never

been this embarrassed all my

life. I wished I never paid for

her. I wished I had known this

would happen, I would have

avoided it. my leg suddenly

became too heavy for me to

lift. I managed to plod ahead to

where my first lecture was


All through the lecture, I didn't

concentrate. I kept trying to

figure out what I could have

done to that lady that made

her behave that way towards

me. could it be that someone

might have said something bad

about me to her. all my effort

to figure out what I could have

done was fruitless, because I

couldn't seem to remember


I stole glances at her from time

to time to see if she was

looking at my direction, but all

her attention seemed to be

focused on what the lecturer

in class was saying.

After lecture, I went to the

school restuarant to have

lunch. just when I was at the

counter placing my order, Kate

walked into the restuarant

with two of her friends. I

believed they had come there

to have lunch also. I tried as

much as possible to hide

behind the guy standing at the

counter with me, but my effort

was fruitless because she saw

me immediately she entered

the restuarant. she walked

towards me with her friends

right beside her.

"hi" I said immediately they

got to me.

"wow Christian! we meet

again" she said

"yeah" I responded.

"you came here to have lunch

right" she said

"not really. I'm not having my

lunch here. I'm buying in a

take away pack" I responded.

I initially wanted to have my

lunch in the restuarant, but

seeing Kate and her friends

made me changed my mind,

knowing fully well that I would

have to be on the same table

me them. That would be

deadly for me. I might just

collapse unknowingly.

"okay, but you are paying for

my lunch." Kate said

"no problem, you can order

for anything you want" I


"are you not buying for us

also?" one of her friend asked.

"you can order for anyhing

you want also" i said to her

"thanks" the lady responded

"you are welcome" I said

I waited for them to order for

whatever they wanted so that I

could foot the bill.

Just when I was about paying

for their meal, the other lady

beside Kate distracted me.

"sorry, I hope you don't mind

paying for the one I'm taking

away" she said

My mood suddenly changed

when she made that statement.

I tried not to show the look of

disappointment on my face.

so if I pay for your meal here,

I would still pay for the one

you will take away. am I your


That was what I wanted to say

but dare not say it.

"you can have anything you

want" I said against my


I watched with teary eyes as

they all place their order. the

amount of food they ordered

made me wonder if they

wanted to feed their families

with it. it was certain that I

would trek back home,

because I was sure there won't

be any money left with me

when they are done with their
