

geoffrey_ken · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs

CHAPTER 3: exchange numbers?

I got home and freshened

up. I lay on my bed and

stare blankly at the

ceiling. The event of the

day flashed through my mind

and my mood suddenly

changed. I felt bad that I

couldn't answer a question

confidently in class. Even

when joy approached me

nicely, I couldn't even say a

word to her. Why am I always

like this? will I ever be

confident enough to speak

with a lady without feeling

nervous? when will I stop

behaving this way? Am I the

only one in this world with

this kind of personality? what

did I do wrong to be born with

this kind of trait? Am I cursed

or something? It seems like

i'm the only one in the world

with this trait. I have never

come across any shy guy all

my life. where did I get this

kind of trait from?

I was lost in thought.

The vibration of my phone

brought me back to reality. I

stretched my hand to my table

to get my phone. I stared into

the screen and saw that it was

an unknown number. My

heart missed a beat when I

realized I gave Joy my number.

I sat up immediately still

staring at my phone. I quickly

rehearsed a few words I would

say to her when I pick the call.

I took a deep breath and placed

my hand close to the green

button. While I was still

contemplating on whether to

pick the call, it suddenly

stopped ringing. it started

ringing almost immediately.

My phone suddenly became

too heavy for me to hold. I

needed to pick the call. I won't

allow my personality to drive

away someone who seems to

care about me.

I summoned all the courage in

me to pick the call. I placed the

phone on my ear and said "hi"

in the nicest way I could.

"Guy you didn't try at all. you

have forgotten about me. you

can't even call me" the voice at

the other end said.

it wasn't actually a lady's voice. it was a

guy's voice. I felt relieved

when I heard the voice.

"please who am I speaking

with?" I asked

"so you don't recognize my


The voice rang a well. I knew I

have heard that voice before. I

thought for a while.

"Daniel" I called

"yes it's Daniel. I thought you

won't recognize my voice." he


"wow! so it's you Daniel. long

time" I said happily

"yeah, long time" he


"How are you?" I asked

"I'm fine and you"

"I'm fine too" I responded

"so how is school?" he asked

"school is fine"

"I hope those girls in school

are not giving you problem"

"not at all" I responded

"is this your number"

"yes this is my new number. I

said I should call you, since

you don't want to call me"

"Daniel you know that's not

true. if I had your number, I

would have called you" I said

"okay o, I just said I should

hear from you"

"you did very well. I'm very

grateful. I will save your


"okay then, we will talk later."

Daniel said

"okay, thanks for the call"

I ended the call and stared at

my phone screen with smiles

on my face. it was good to

hear from Daniel. Daniel is my

childhood friend and a very

good adviser. I placed my

phone on the table and lay on

my bed.

Just immediately I placed the

phone on the table, it started

vibrating again. I took the

phone from the table and

picked the call without looking

at the caller.

"hello Daniel" I said into the


"Christian" the caller called

I froze when I heard a lady's

voice. I slowly removed the

phone from my ear and stared

into the screen. The number

was different from Daniel's

number. I slowly placed the

phone back on my ear. I could

feel my heart pounding in my


"hello" I said calmly

"Christian how are you? This

is Joy"

"Joy. how.... how are you?" I


"Christian you don't sound too

well. should I come over to

your place?"

"No, no" I cut in immediately

"I'm not at home"

"where did you go to?" she


"I'm in the hospital"

"hospital!" she exclaimed

"is it that serious?"

What did I just say? I couldn't

believe I just told her I was in

the hospital. I quickly took

back those words

"no Joy, I mean I went to get

some drugs from a pharmacy."

"okay, how is your body" she


"I'm fine now. I will call you

back. I'm on a busy road right

now" I said

"okay" she responded

I ended the call and took a

deep breath. I lay on my bed

and didn't know when I slept



I woke up very late the

next day. I quickly took

my bath and got prepared

for school. I left home

immediately without having

breakfast. I was supposed to

have lecture by 8:am but it

was already 8:15am. I got to

the building the lecture was

holding and peeped through

the window. The lecture was

already going on and the

lecturer could be seen at the

podium impacting knowledge

on the students with

enthusiasm. Every student

focused there attention on the

lecturer standing close to the

door, and that was exactly the

same place I was supposed to

walk in through. I was sure

everyone would focus there

attention on me when I walk

in, because there's no how I

would walk into that class

without being noticed. I stood

at the window for close to

10minutes trying to come up

with an idea of how I would

walk into the class without

being noticed. I felt a hand on

my shoulder, and I turned to

see my coursemate standing

beside me. I was relieved it

was a guy.

"are you not going in?" he


"I was about going in" I


"are you just coming?" I asked

"yes" he answered

"let's go in before we miss the

important part of the lecture."

he said

"okay" I responded

He walked ahead while I

followed behind him. I tried as

much as possible to hide

behind him as we walked into

the class. I never removed my

gaze from the floor until I sat

down at the back seat. I took a

deep breath and silently

thanked the guy who showed

up when i needed him. I'm not

sure I would have been able to

walk into the class alone. I

would have stayed outside

until the end of the lecture.

The lecturer continued with

the lecture. After few minutes

of listening, I was able to

understand what was being

taught. I was quite good in

maths, and the course that was

being taught was actually

'introduction to mathematics

for economist'. Did I

mentioned earlier that I'm an

economics student.

when the class was over, the

lecturer handed a brown

envelope to our course rep,

which I believed contained our

test script we did in the

previous class. To make matter

worse for me, our course rep

happened to be a lady. I had

never approached her to get

any information from her.

Even when I needed an

important information which I

believed only her could

provide, I still didn't approach

her. Her beauty alone is

intimidating. she distributed

the script back to the students.

just as the scripts went round,

I could hear murmur from

every corner of the class

which means the scores were

very bad. She had already

shared all the scripts but I still

didn't get mine. I wanted to

bring to her notice that I had

not received my script but

didn't know how to approach

her. I only sat on my seat

staring at everyone faces as

they stared at their script with

a frown.

My course rep started walking

towards me, immediately she

was done distributing the

script. I tried not to feel

nervous, because she might

not actually be coming to meet

me. she got to me and sat next

to me. I was very nervous but

tried not to show it.

"Christian how did you do it?"

she asked immediately.

"do what" I asked confused.

she brought out a script and

showed to me.

"while everyone was scoring

less than 10, you scored 23.

How did you do it" she asked

I looked at the script in her

hand and realized it was

actually my script and I scored

23 just like she said. but I still

didn't know why she did not

give me my script when she

was sharing it and had to

bring it to me personally.

"you are really brilliant" she

continued when I didn't


"Anyway, I just want to tell

you that you just officially

made yourself my private

tutor. you will be tutoring me

starting from next week."

My eyes widened in shock

when she said that. Me that

cannot even talk to a lady for a

minute will now sit down for

close to an hour to tutor her.

she better rethink was she just

said. what kind of difficult

position did she want to put

me in. I better look for a way

to decline.

"so how will it be comfortable

for you? will I be coming to

your place for the tutorial, or

you will be coming to my

place?" she asked.