

geoffrey_ken · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs


I emerged from the

restroom few minutes later to see a guy

standing beside Sylvia. I

quickly hid in a place where I

could easily eavesdrop on their


"hi" the guy said to Sylvia

"hi" Sylvia responded.

"are you alone?" the guy asked

"no, I'm with someone" Sylvia


"who" he asked

"my boyfriend" she responded

my face curved in a smile

immediately she said that.

I turned and rushed back to

the restroom for her not to

realize I heard what she said.

I came out moment later to see

Sylvia sitting alone. the guy

was no longer standing beside

her. I walked to her and sat on

the seat I was previously

occupying. I kept a calm face

as if nothing happened.

"Christian, what took you so

long? you almost spend the

whole day in there" she said

immediately I sat down.

"I was ..." I paused. I couldn't

find the right word to say.

"let's start leaving. it's late

already." she said

I looked at my phone screen

and realized it was 11:45pm.

"okay, let's start leaving" I said

and stood up immediately.

She stood up also, carried her

bag and we left the place.

we got to a particular spot and

parted to our different home.

I got home exactly 12:35am. I

quickly lay on my bed and

took a deep breath. I have

never stayed out this late

before. the event that

happened at the club flashed

through my mind.

All what Sylvia said about me

was absolutely right. but how

could she have known so

much about me. I need to help

myself to overcome this. I

can't keep behaving this way.

it's very boring. I need to

associate more with people.

Sylvia said I can overcome this

if I start learning now. she

said I shouldn't listen to what I

have in mind. she said I

should do opposite of what

my mind is telling me. maybe

I should start by answering

questions in class without

bothering about the stares I

might be getting. yes I will

start with that.

I could feel my heart pounding

in my chest the moment I

made up my mind to answer

questions in class. I tried to

get some sleep but couldn't.

those discouraging voices kept

sounding in my ears.

'You better don't stand up in

class or you would just

embarrass yourself. do you

know how many eyes would

be staring at you when you

stand up. do you know how

embarrassing it will be if you

fail to answer the question

correctly. what if the lecturer

insults you because you didn't

get the answer right. you

better just sit quietly in class

and listen to the lecture.' that

was the voice speaking to me.

Sylvia had already said that

the voice is not real. it's just

my mind playing tricks on me.

I have to listen to Sylvia and

disregard the voice. I will

answer any question asked in

class and see what happens


my heart was seriously

pounding fast. it's was 2:am

and I still haven't slept. just

because I have decided to

answer questions in class, I

couldn't fall asleep. I was

really nervous.

I kept turning from one side to

the other on my bed. I stayed

awake till 3:am before I slept


I woke up exactly 4:15am. I

didn't get enough sleep. I

stayed awake all through, and

when it was 6:45am, I got

ready for school. I left home

exactly 7:30am.

I got to the class we were

having our first lecture exactly

8:15am. I located an empty seat

at the back and sat down. the

lecturer walked in 5 minutes

later and went straight to the

business of the day. I listened

with keen interest as he

impact knowledge on us. He

asked a question 20 minutes

later. my heart missed a beat

immediately I heard the

question. can I do this? maybe

I should just sit quietly while

others answer the question.

but how can I overcome this if

I can't answer questions in

class. I need to do this.

while I was still contemplating

on whether to answer the

question, someone stood up

from the front seat and

answered the question.

The lecturer walked to the guy

that answered the question

and placed his right hand on

his shoulder.

"you almost got it right, but

you missed the most important

part of the answer" he said to

the guy

The lecturer turned back to

face the class.

"who else can give us a better

explanation?" he asked

I stood up immediately. all

eyes in class turned to my

direction. I tried not to think

of anything else. I only focused

my attention on the lecturer

standing in my front.

"Christian you want to help us

out?" the lecturer asked.

I nodded

"okay then" he said.

I took a deep breath. I started

by speaking slowly and later, I

was speaking courageously.

when I was done, I focused my

attention on the lecturer to see

if he would commend me or

condemn me.

He walked to me and placed a

hand on my shoulder.

"good, good, good. you

answered it just the way I

want it" he said

He turned to the class.

"please give Christian a round

of applause" he said to the


I felt on top of the world as my

course mate gave me a

standing ovation for answering

the lecturer's question.

I slowly sat down and heaved a

sigh of relief.

so what Sylvia said is true.

those thought I always have in

mind, discouraging me from

doing things are not real. I just

have to keep doing things I

wish to do without listening to

any voice.

I was so happy that I could

answer question in class

without being called to answer


when the lecture ended, I

didn't leave the class

immediately as I always do. I

won't listen to that voice

telling me to leave the class

immediately lecture ends . I

have to do the opposite of

what the voice is telling me,

just like Sylvia said. I

remained seated and awaited

what would happen next.

Sylvia walked up to me few

minutes later and sat beside


"wow Christian! you made me

so proud today. thanks for

listening to my advice." she

said with smiles on her face.

The fact that Sylvia was proud

of me made me happier. I will

surely do my best to overcome


"thanks Sylvia. thanks for the

encouragement. you are one in

a million." I said

"you just have to continue this

way. you won't know when

you will be so confident to

speak in public." she said

"thank you very much Sylvia."

I said again.

"it's okay. you have said that

more than ten times already."

I saw Sharon walking towards

us few minutes later. maybe

she was coming to remind me

of the tutorial. she got to us

and stood beside Sylvia.

"hi Sylvia" she greeted

"hi Sharon" Sylvia responded.

she turned to face me

"Christian I hope you are


"yes I'm good" I responded

"okay, Dr. Mike said you

should see him in his office"

Sharon said

"why, what for?" I asked


"I don't know" she responded.

"okay, let me go and see him

then" I said

I stood up and walked to Dr.

Mike's office. I kept wondering

what might be the reason why

he wants to see me. I got to

his door and knock.

"yes come in" his voice

sounded from within.

I took a deep breath and

walked into his office. he was

seen sitting behind a table.

neatly arranged files could be

seen on the table. his gaze was

fixed on a file he was holding.

"good morning sir" I greeted

"good morning. please have a

sit" he said without taking his

gaze off the file he was


I slowly sat down on the seat

opposite him and waited

patiently for what he wants to

say. he dropped the file after

some minutes and turned to

face me.

"Christian" he called

"yes sir" I answered sharply.

"you have been selected to be

among the three students that

would deliver speeches in the

event our department will be

organizing next week. And

your topic of concern will be

on indecent dressing."

my heart paused for 2 seconds

immediately I heard that


'what!!!! me!!!!!! speech!!!!!' I

nearly screamed.

if this lecturer is saying the

truth, then I'm finished. An

event that would have about 10

thousand attendees!! An event

that would be attended by

important figures. important

figures like the minister of

finance, minister of education

and a host of others would be

present in the event. maybe I

should just collapse for this

lecturer to believe that I'm not

as capable as he thinks.

Is this the way for me to

overcome shyness? definitely

not, because this is way too
