

geoffrey_ken · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs


I got home exactly

10:15pm. I lay on my bed,

and the event which

happened at Sylvia's

house flashed through my

mind. I still couldn't believe

that I told Sylvia my problem. I

have never told anyone this

before. not even my family

members. How can I be so

courageous to tell a lady about

it. And the fact that I cried in

her presence still marvels me.

I don't think I was in the right

frame of mind then, because

the normal Christian wouldn't

have done all that.

The vibration of my phone

brought me back to reality. I

stared into the screen and saw

that the call was from Sylvia.

that was when I realized I was

supposed to call her when I got

home. I picked the call


"hello Sylvia" I said

"Christian, have you gotten

home?" she asked

"yes, I just got home. I was

about to call you before you

called" I said

"okay, make sure you rest

your body and don't think

about anything" she said

"okay, thanks a lot" I


"I will call you later to check

on you" she said

"okay" I responded.

I ended the call and lay on my

bed. I slept off few minutes


The vibration of my phone

woke me up few hours later. I

stretched my hand to my desk

to get my phone. I picked up

the call when I realized it was

from Sylvia.

"hello Sylvia" I said, feeling


"Christian, are you still in

bed? aren't you supposed to be

prepared for lectures by now"

I looked at the wall clock in my

room and realized it was

7:15am. I was having my first

lecture by 8am. so, if Sylvia

didn't call, I wouldn't have

woken up.

"I have taken my bath already.

I will be in school in the next

15minutes" I lied to her.

"okay make sure you get to

school on time" she said

"I will" I responded.

I ended the call and quickly

rushed to my bathroom to take

my bath.

I got to the school exactly

8:15am. I heaved a sigh of

relief when I realized the

lecturer was not yet in class. I

located an empty seat and

quickly sat down. the lecturer

entered the class immediately I

settled down. he went straight

to the business of the day.

After his lecture, he gave us

an assignment which we were

to submit in his next class. I

left the class immediately to

have breakfast. I didn't have

breakfast before leaving home.

on my way to the restuarant, I

saw my course mates, Grace

and Amanda walking towards

me from a distance. I wanted

to dodge but couldn't, because

they saw me first.

"hi" I said when they got to


"Christian, thank God I met

you here. I have been looking

for you since the class ended.

where are you heading?" Grace


"I am going....." I paused

"I am going....." I paused


I was thinking of where to tell

them. I don't want to tell them

that I was actually going to the


"I'm just taking a walk" I

finally responded

"it seems you are less busy.

please I will need you to

explain the assignment that

was given to us today.it is

very technical. I don't even

know which formula to apply."

Grace said.

"let's look for an empty class

where you can explain it to

us" Amanda added.

They dragged me along with

them, without waiting for my

response. they located an

empty class, and we sat down

on one of the long chairs in

the class. they brought out

their books and gave me a pen

for me to begin. I held the pen

for 2 minutes, trying to think

of the best way to start.

"erm..." I paused

it seemed I was getting

nervous again. why can't I just

control this thing for once.

"Christian we are ready" Grace


"okay" I responded

Just when I was still trying to

deal with the ladies beside me,

Janet and Judith, who are also

my course mates walked into

the class.

"so this is where you guys are

hiding. and we have been

looking for you all over the

school." Janet said


"what are you guys solving, is

it the assignment? Judith


"yes. Christian is trying to

explain it to us" Grace


"have you guys gone far?"

Judith asked

"no, we are about to begin"

Grace responded

"Okay let's join you then"

Judith said

Judith and Janet immediately

sat beside us, making it 4

ladies that I would be sitting

alone with in a class. it's

obvious that I would

embarrass myself. I know I

won't be able to speak

normally in the presence of

these ladies.

"we are ready" Grace said

it is certain that the whole

class would know that I'm a

shy guy, because I'm going to

mess up things here.

Just when I was about to say

my first word, Sylvia walked

into the class.

"so this is where you guys are"

she said

It felt like a huge burden was

lifted from my heart

immediately I saw her.

"I hope you don't mind if I

join you guys" she said,

walking towards us.

"you can join us" I responded


Sylvia sat beside me and I

heaved a sigh of relief.

I started the lecture with them,

and until I finished, I didn't

feel nervous. I couldn't believe

that I just explained a whole

topic to 5 ladies without being


I observed that it was when

Sylvia walked in that I gained

confidence to teach them. it

seems I'm now confident being

with Sylvia. Even when she

called me this morning and

last night, I didn't get nervous

when talking to her. I even

picked her call without delay. I

just pray things continue this
