
the meeting

after meeting up, she talk about a lot of unreasonable things, but the only thing that still bother John was the love she mentioned.

he didn't know how to ask her directly without looking jealous so he saved it for later, but to his supprise Lilly suddenly mentioned it

and oh don't bother about my love, I know i can't have him but since I can have you, have decided to switch.

seeing this as an opportunity he then asked.

and who is this guy you are talking about?

what the heck! don't tell you don't know him, don't you watch Korean movie?

after John listen to all her explanation, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he is worry about a film actor, he look at Lillian and smile to himself, this girl is really something.

after their long talk John confess his interested in her but since she is still young and still a secondary school student he told her they could date but their won't be any sort of intimacy between then, until she finish her education and added that he will render her help with her studying.

what! Lilly exclaimed, why are you making it sound like I don't have a choice, why would I abide by those silly rules, you must be joking.

Am not John replied with a serious look

Lilly was shocked by his facial expression and frown

John was surprised, it is the first time seeing her frown, even when he insult her she's full of smiles, now she frown when he expect her to be glad that he doesn't want her for her body

and on second thought remembering what she said about he exploring her body, he now understand that the girl is not as pure minded as he thought and probably won't agree to such terms, before he could finish with his thought, Lilly spoke

you...you better take that back unless I will break up with you right now, you mean no kiss, no hug, no sex? what kind of man make such statement, are you out of your mind?

what kind of girl talk about sex at the age of fifteen like it normal thing, what's wrong with your head, can't you see am doing this for your sake? and you don't have to mention break up, we haven't started dating yet, if you are not okay with it, I will just have to wait till you are old enough if you still remain single by then, then I will consider myself lucky and come after you. he replied. he knew he owe the girl father that much, since the girl has caught his interest even though he's not suppose to fall for her, the only way to clear his conscience is to not touch her.

Lilly was shocked by his respond and took some minute to digest his word before laughing out loud, since threat doesn't work on him then she will have to see how he will resist her seduction later, she thought.

hearing her laugh John was taken back, didn't she frown just now? I wonder what this weird girl is up to now he thought.

fine since you want it like that I agree with you, but can't you at least consider kissing please she said blinking her eyes at him, giving him a sweet smile . in her heart she knew the game has just started, who would date without having romantic moment with their partner for such a long time.

John body vibrate at her word and her act.

I don't think so, he manage to squeeze the word out.

Lilly realise the sudden change and smile, seem our Mr handsome here can't control his body, but can control his word.

fine if that is your wish but note that you will have to spare me your weekends cause I will trouble you to help with my studying. Lilly said still smilling.

John nodded but feel like he has enter the girls trap but shake off the feeling, he's a man after all, what trap could a small girl like her lay for him.

send me your address please.

John heart skipped, what do you mean by that, you want to come to my place?

do you prefer to help with the studying at my house instead then, she said looking serious.

seeing her serious expression John was caught in her trap at last as he believe she's serious since she doesn't smile as usual,

I will send it to you then, I can't come to your place.

Lilly smirk and it quickly disappear before John could caught her.

after having conversation for a while, they stood up to leave the restaurant after settling their bill, as they walk out side by side Lilly call his name, as he turn to face her Lilly wrap her hand around his waist and bury her head on his chest.