
52. Marine Admiral Aokiji

"Captain's fight, 'Strawhat' Monkey D. Luffy vs Foxy the 'Silver Fox'. Winner, 'Strawhat' Monkey D. Luffy!"-Host

Luffy's body has become normal again and he raise his hands up with victory pose and the crowd cheer at this. The last fight happen on head figure, so they can see it clearly from their seat. Luffy's combo is very good to watch. Luffy then come down and meet his crew while panting a little.

"Good job Luffy"-Usopp

"What happen inside the ship?"-Nami

"There's so many traps there and he almost got me, hahaha"-Luffy

"You executed that combo perfectly Luffy. There's nothing i can teach you anymore now. Go find your own path!"-Jon has tears in his eyes.

"Coach"-Luffy also has tears

""Wuaahhh""-Jon & Luffy

Both of them got overly dramatic and cry while hugging each other. Then Usopp also follow them as he is a part of the boxing team too.

"What is this bad drama scene?"-Nami

"They're just playing like usual, just let them be"-Zoro

"Ah Luffy, what happen with you earlier? Your body become red and steam come out from you."-Sanji

Jon, Luffy and Usopp stop their drama and Luffy try to remember when that situation happen.

"Hmm, i don't really know, but i when Jon tell me the secret move i remember that Bellamy's power and want to try it. But i can't sprang like him. My rubber skin is too soft unlike real spring."-Luffy

"Of course it is"-Zoro

"So when i copy it, i feel my blood got pumped and suddenly i feel stronger and faster."-Luffy

"What happen earlier is your blood got pumped. When you copy Bellamy's power at your legs, you blood got pump from your leg to your heart. Your heart then beat faster and pump your blood faster."-Jon

"So that's how it is. If your blood pump faster, your body will also burn the Oxygen faster and you will get more energy to use. That's why your body become stronger and hotter. Your body will let out sweats, but it will evaporated quickly because your body's hot temperature. It also make your brain work faster so you can move at fast speed and your reflex become better."-Chopper

"Ooh, that's great, now i have new trump card."-Luffy

"But that technique will burden your body. So don't use it for too long. If you don't have rubber body, your heart and blood vessel will explode."-Chopper

"So i can only use it for sometime huh? Then it will be my secret skill, hahahaha"-Luffy

"Oh, it's similar to my lightning mode. My lightning mode also strengthen my body and make me faster. Then you need to make your body stronger so you won't be burdened by it anymore."-Jon

The Strawhats have some talk until Foxy come and congratulate Luffy. He ask for handshake then he try to throw Luffy by pulling Luffy's hand over his shoulder. But Luffy's hand stretched and Foxy is the one that fall instead.

"Tch, now hurry up and take a crew member"-Foxy

"Eehh, i don't need it"-Luffy

"I said it before, the oath must be fulfilled."-Foxy

"How if you take their head figure Luffy?"-Jon

"But we can't bring that thing with us"-Usopp

"Then just leave it here."-Jon

"Yosh, i'll take that and leave it here. I don't care if someone want to take them"-Luffy

The Foxy pirates understand that they can take it back if Strawhats leave it later. They are very touched and start to cry comically. The Strawhats didn't care and leave to Tonjit's house.

"Thank you for saving Cherie, she's the only one i have now"-Tonjit

"What will you do now old man?"-Luffy

"I will search my family, no matter how long it will take."-Tonjit

"Then let me help you to meet them"-???

Everyone surprised hearing a voice they doesn't know. They look up above Tonjit's house and saw a tall man with blue shirt and white vest and pant. They all immediately got into battle stance. They haven't realize this guy at all since earlier.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"-Luffy

"Ma, ma, i said i want to help him right?"-???

"Why should we believe you?"-Luffy

"Y-you are..."-Robin

The other look at Robin that has fall on her butt and shaking in fear. No one know what happen but Jon have a realisation.

"Don't tell me... You're Marine Admiral Aokiji?"-Jon


"T-that's right, he is one of the three admirals. Only Fleet Admiral Sengoku are above them in Marine rank"-Robin

"I just want to know Nico Robin's whereabout, and like i thought, she's with your crew."-Aokiji

"What? Did you want to catch Robin? I'll beat you up."-Luffy

"Nonono, i just traveling around and want to confirm here whereabout."-Aokiji

Aokiji then got down, he sit and lean back at Tonjit's house.

"Well you sure have big bounty for such a small crew. 100 million plus 60 million plus 79 million, that will be...i don't know, well i'll leave it at that."-Aokiji

"Is he really an Admiral?"-Sanji

"Well, i see his picture before so it must be him"-Jon

"Oioioi, don't judge someone from their looks. My motto is 'Laziness is Justice'."-Aokiji said that while he lay on the grass.

"WE CAN SEE THAT"-Sanji & Usopp

"Well, how is it? I can help you go to the village."-Aokiji


"Oi old man, don't believe him! He is a Marine you know."-Luffy


"Is that a problem?"-Tonjit

"...Ah, no-nothing. That's right, normally he is the good guy and we are the bad guys right? Hahahaha"-Luffy


"Can you really help old man and Cherie?"-Luffy

"Well, i won't offer it if i can't"-Aokiji

Then Sanji cook some food for the old man's supply and they go to the other side of the island. They want to know what Aokiji will do to help Tonjit. Jon has read and know that Aokiji eat Ice Ice Fruit, but he don't know how strong he is.

Aokiji go to the shore and put his palm on the sea surface. He seem to concentrate for sometime and Jon has activated his sharingan to see his power clearly. Suddenly a giant seaking come and look at Aokiji. The Strawhats warn him but he just stay there. Then something they never see or expect happen.

"Ice Age"-Aokiji

Suddenly the sea water got frozen in just a second. Jon had used his sharingan and saw Aokiji's power spread at a very fast speed that even his sharingan can't follow. He saw Aokiji gather his energy in his body before releasing it at once through his hand that touch the water.

'Damn, the ice really spread far but it's not very deep. He control it so the fishes below would still have water, but make thick enough ice for walking normally. His mastery over his power must be very high. He also have very high energy stored in his body. He didn't pant even a little from that technique.

If i was the one doing that, i will certainly run out of chakra. That technique alone use 3 times my chakra capacity, even tough as logia, his energy spending is lower than paramecia or zoan. Just how strong this guy is? No wonder the System classified admiral rank so high.'-Jon

The other also can't believe what they saw. Everything got frozen instantly. They also feel a little intimidated and have realization. They will need to fight someone like this in the future and they're not strong enough to do it now.

They all got waried and make a battle stance. If Aokiji want to catch or kill them, it will be easy. So they need to get ready. Beside they don't believe that a Marine Admiral will let a crew that have high bounty like them.

"Wait wait, i have said i will not catch you didn't i?"-Aokiji

"We can't be sure with that"-Jon

"There's no way we trust a marine that say he will not try to catch us"-Zoro

"Sigh, then i will go there, far from you so you will believe me. Ah grandpa, just follow the path that i have made. It will lead you to the village"-Aokiji

"Thank you admiral. You kids, i really appreciate your help. If you're not here, i don't know when i will got down from there. Also thanks for saving Cherie and for this food."-Tonjit

"Don't worry old man, we just do what we want."-Luffy

"Helping people will give us good karma too"-Usopp

"I never hear about pirates that helping people, hahaha."-Tonjit

"Well, now you know us."-Jon

"Indeed, farewell you kids. Take care of your self!"-Tonjit

"You too old man"-Strawhats

The Strawhats go back and they meet Aokiji that sitting on the ground while looking at them seriously.

"You're really a good guy huh?"-Luffy

"Hmm, maybe i really have to catch you guys"-Aokiji


"I don't know why you let Nico Robin join your crew. She is a dangerous woman. You should have known that every organisation that she follow is now gone and destroyed. She is a highly wanted person. Her bounty is not based on her strength only.

There's a reason why the goverment want her very much. That's why her organisations always become goverment targets. But she's always the only one that can escape while the other captured or died. She will betray her organisations when the time comes. Now she will do the same with yours too. Am i right, Nico Robin?"-Aokiji

"N-no, i'm not.."-Robin

Jon saw Robin have fear and some kind of trauma in her eyes. From his experience in Alabasta, Robin seem to be someone that have her own goal, and she will do what she needed to reach it. But she didn't lean toward evil and will not do evil deeds.

When she know the poneglyph content, she decide to not tell Crocodile. She also didn't kill Igaram like everyone thought. She try to kill Crocodile because he also want to kill her. If this happen often in the past, then Robin must've got betrayed a lot by her organisations.

If she got betrayed or being used and forced to do what she didn't want, then of course she will fight back. Beside she will always follow crime organisations with her bounty. That's why she didn't care if some evil people died when goverment destroy them.

Jon isn't sure if Robin will betray them or not. He always saw Robin look very lonely before, but she look more open now. He realize she never call them with their name. He feel like she didn't want to be very close to them. Most likely she can't leave them if she's too attached.

But she seem to like them very much now because she have become close to them. She never join their party before, but now she will join even if she's on the side. She also often play with the youngest members. She has become close with them without knowing it herself.

"Do you have a grudge with Robin-chan or something?"-Sanji

"As i thought you want to catch Robin"-Luffy

"Grudge huh? If i have a grudge then it will be because i fail to catch her in the past and let her go. So i will catch you now to finished my task in the past."-Aokiji

Robin immediately attack him and grow many arms on his back. He got clutched and break apart into ice. But then he emerged again from the ice without damage at all. Aokiji grab some grass and throw it before he blow some cold air.

"Ice saber"-Aokiji

Aokiji swing his ice saber to Robin but Zoro move and clashed the saber with his sword. Sanji also attack but Aokiji grab his leg. Luffy punch his body but his hand got frozen instead. Sanji's leg also got frozen and Aokiji grab Zoro's arm and freezed it too.

Aokiji throw them and they can't feel the part where they got frozen. Aokiji suddenly disappeared and he apleared in front of Robin. Robin got frozen and Jon immediately take her.

"Take Robin to the ship, she's still alive."-Jon

"Usopp, Chopper, go!"-Luffy

Usopp and Chopper go and bring the frozen Robin while the other prepare to fight Aokiji.

"Luffy, take everyone and leave. I will fight him, only i have a chance to hurt him with my technique."-Jon


"A crew can't move without captain, if you stay, then we can't sail. Go Luffy!"-Jon

Luffy gritted his teeth and gave his order.

"Everyone, go to the ship! Jon, don't die!"-Luffy

Jon nod and they all leave, but Aokiji try to attack them. Jon immediately activate lightning mode and attack Aokiji.

"Now, let's fight with our honor in one on one fight, Admiral Aokiji!"-Jon