
The sheep’s wolf

The outcome of two different halves might surprise you, one predator one prey. Which is a predator and which is prey? the outcome might surprise you or not read if you dare.

Washington50 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Wolf becomes

When Mira passes out, Miro starts to look up and down at her, and his thoughts begin to pour into his mind as he takes a closer look, "Wow, she is adorable and also delicious- wait! What should I do?

I never took care of anyone before but me; if she does not return or check into that overgrown mutt, he'll going to get worried, and that will be a problem".

Then Miro looks at her again with a growling stomach. "Well... she is unconscious, and I still am a little hungry, but- hmm...well, a promise is a promise". So he waited until nighttime to sneak Mira in. Miro then picked Mira up and walked towards the house.

Everyone was asleep, and no one was in sight, so Miro made his move and carried Mira inside. As Miro walked in, he began to sniff the area and search for Mira's room.

A few minutes passed; finally, Miro found Mira's place. He opened the door and carried, then placed Mira on her bed. Miro notice allots of things on the floor. "There's a lot of wool here. Why doesn't she clean? Then he starts to hear footsteps, "Shit! What now?"

He started to panic as he thought of an idea. He covered his whole body with wool and hid. Two ewes walked in, "look at little Miss clueless Mira" as she was asleep. (shush) "-She might hear us."

"Do I look like I care?" Then, Miro starts to scratch his claws on the ground, "What was that? Did you hear something?" The sheep begin to get scared, "Wh-who's there?"

When Miro starts to tiptoe to the unexpected sheep, then BOO!

Both sheep ran for their lives, saying the WOOL MONSTER!

Only dust was left behind their tracks-

"Serves you right." Miro went to the door and shut then locked it. After that, he went back to Mira's side and checked her temperature, "Well, Mira's heat is doing better... Miro looks at the wool mess she made and gets an idea; I should use this wool and use it to see after Mira, then the wolf spent all night making a sheep costume. Hmm, perfect now to mask my scent.

Suddenly, he was self-doubting, but how? With my smell, it's impossible unless. He gulps at the thought of a bath. He notices a tub and stares at it, "why am I going this far for a ewe?" he sighs and gets into the container and scrubbed himself until his scent is gone.

It was morning. The wolf tried on the suit, making postures in front of the mirror. Ooh, I look so good- I might mistake myself as a ram. Well, a deformed one while Miro was admiring his own body. Mira wakes up, "Where am I? What happened?" She started to poke around. Where am I?! Mira started to panic when Miro came back to check on her, but she wasn't there.

Where is she? Where did she go!? He looked around and finally found her as he swept her off her feet and ran back into her room, "What were you thinking? You had a fever, and you can't just go walking around!" He half yelled at her, "Next time, let me know." But, when he realized he grabbed the wrong ewe, Uh oh.

He slowly put the lamb down and slowly walked away to get away with awkwardness, but since he thought he was out of sight, the same lamb he accidentally picked up followed him. "Shoo! Go away!" She drew closer and closer to the wolf and smiled, "Hello, my name is Lucy." With a childish voice. "You sure are a big ram." She guessed. "You're the biggest ram I have ever seen!"

"Well, I do work out anyway," says Miro sheepishly. "Have you seen a ewe- I mean a girl named Mira? Do you know where she is?" he asked.

"Hmm. Let me see, you mean." She points straight ahead, and there she is, stumbling around, still trying to figure out where she is. Miro quickly thanked her as he ran towards Mira and swept her off her feet, and returned to her room, "Where are you taking me!?" Mira was panicking still, "Back to your room." in a stern tone.

"My room? What are you doing here?! You're going to get caught, and why are you so soft?" She questioned him when she felt something was different as he was still wearing the wool, "Well, I used all of your wool in your room and made it as a disguise."

"But why?" She was clueless.

"So I can look after you." Mira blushed, and she smiled after she heard him said that, "I know this is the first time I met him, but why do I feel safe in his arms? Why...?"

what lengths would you go to keep a promise? leave a comment below.

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