
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Shura of the crimson path Vs Blood Wolf.

Shura of the crimson path Vs Blood Wolf.

The group soon got out of their shock and

walk towards the large hall.

When they open the door, they saw a large amount of people roaming about and some forming line.

Luke took the lead and they follow after him, he soon lead them to a particular desk.

Surprisingly, the attendant is asleep!

"What?!" Jake is shocked at the scene before him.

"So this attendant is sleeping on duty" Reginold is amused at this scene.

"Can't blame him though, as you can see, their are no people here" Luke added.

"Sir?" Luna knocked on the desk but the guy is still asleep.

"Excuse me!"

"Oh! What is it?! Who are those disturbing me here?!"

"What's with the behaviour?" Reginold asked.

"Ah, apologies. You see, their have been less or even none amount of people recently joining, so I thought it will just be a normal day but it seems that their are people that wants to join today"

"Yes, we all want to join and become mercenaries" Luke said.

"Are you really sure? This is a type of work that cost people their lives"

"Are you the one that wants to join or we are, we have already known of the risks and still decided to join!" Reginold is a bit angered that this guy seems to be taking them as people that did not know what they are doing.

"Al- Alright, it's all simple, you just need to fill this forms and then you will be giving a mercenary tag. After that you can take up missions, completed them and then get rewarded for the job"

The attendant brought up a few papers and gave each one to the group.

The paper is all about their nicknames and that the Mercenary organisation is not going to be at fault or held responsible for whatever happen to a mercenary.

The mercenary is in complete control of what he do and the Mercenary Organisations is not to be blamed for when something unexpected and tragic happens to a mercenary.

The group agreed to all the terms and conditions, Luke had already explained those and they have already made up their mind to join.

After they all sign it, the only thing remaining is the tags and after that the ladies planned on going back.

"Here are your tags" The attendant gave them a total of seven Rank E wooden tags.

"Why are they made of wood?" Reginold ask Luke.

"Simple, because we are Rank E. As we progress, the materials that our tag are made up of will be much stronger and much valuable"

"Alright, we will be going back" Luna wave goodbye at them.

"Bye" Alex and the others also wave goodbye.

"Now what are we going to do?" Jake asked.

"Let's take a mission or two and finished it and then we also head back to the school" Alex suggested.

"That is a very good suggestion"

They soon went to the mission board, they are contemplating on what to choose.

"Why don't we take that one?" Alex pointed at a post that is pinned on the board.

"But the difficulty can range from D, C or even B-" Jake warned.

"Don't be scared cat, let's took that on" Luke slaps Jake in a brotherly manner.

"Are you sure that you are going to take that quest? it is quiet dangerous since it is an investigation mission, not everything is known about it" A middle aged man said.

"Thank you for the warning but we will still take this mission"

They soon accepted the quest and went to the location the disappearing of people had been occurring.

In the mission info, they had also learned that some of the bodies found had a a claw mark on, it is likely to be a wolf type beast.

And wolf type beast are strong and feel with vitality, the worst part been their speed and viciousness.

"Here we are" Luke said, they have arrived at the location that the beast is likely to be.

The place is old and looked quiet abandoned which gives them a creepy vibe.

"Why would anyone came here in the first place"



'its fast!"

Alex has reacted quickly but he is still struck by the claw, leaving claw mark on his chest.

A water stream is shot in the next moment, the water stream is from Luke.

This time they all managed to catch a glimpse of what they are fighting.

It is a crimson creature like wolf, it is so fast that they only managed to catch a glimpse of it before it turns into a blurry image.


Quest info: Defeat the blood wolf and survive, protect the group members.

- Rank: C


- Bloodlines

- 2 levels

- Random reward.

'Shifty emperor, isn't it about time?'

'You ignorant kid! What are you talking about'

'My level ten rewards'

'Then do your spin'

"Guys keep it busy for a while, I will try something"

"Leave it to us!" Luke shouted.

When Alex check the interface, he see a new option called lucky wheel.

He clicked it and a wheel with around six options.

Alex quick select the five spin button.

'Please give me something important' Alex prayed in his mind.

The first three are kinda trashy and he is waiting for the fourth and fifth.

The arrow stop on the item category and a gift pack appeared before him, under it, the words: Tap to open are boldly written.

He tap on it and the box opened.


"Yes!" Alex exclaimed.

"Hey what are you shouting for?!" Jake asked.

"Oh sorry, give me a sec"

"1, your sec is over"

"I mean some time not just one second!"

»Stealth [Basic tier]«


Alex did not have time to check the stats, he quickly equipped it and join the battle.

"Shit! Reginold is in danger!" Alex shouted, he run and push Reginold out of harm's way.

Alex raised his head only to find out that he is in a tight spot, a claw is heading for his face!

sorry for the late chapter, been sick for a while and it got worse days ago

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts