
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Park | Reginold afraid of heights.

The group of Four boys are ready for the park and are all getting in nice clothes.

Alex wears a black T-shirt with black jeans and a black Sneakers, he combed his hair neatly back.

Jake also wears the same clothing as Alex, only that he did not combed his hair and let it be spiky, he also wears a sunglass.

Reginold's clothing is a dark blue shirt and a black jeans with his hair tied into a spiky ponytail, he look like a real Representation of Wilderness with his unkept hair.

"Where is Luke?"

Reginold and Jake are surprised to find out that Luke is still not Here.

"I told him to go and change his cloths from suit to a shirt"

"Talk about the gentle man"

Alex added this because Luke just arrived.


"He overdid it" Alex face palmed.

Luke is in a blue shirt and in a Normal jeans, the weird thing is his face paint which makes him look like a cat and the chain he wrapped around him.

"Why are you an idiot? I thought you are the wisest among the other blockheads. Please get serious and wash that face paint and drop those heavy chains or else I will beat you up before people thought that we are gangsters because of your stupid dressing"

Alex said It all in one breath, Luke makes a dissatisfied expression and drop them all.

"Well, time to get to the park"

After walking a little far away from the school.

"Why are we not taking a ride ?" Reginold asked.

"We will, soon"

Reginold is about to get happy and even thinks that Luke is truly a gentleman but the next thing he said ruin all that.

"Only if you will pay for all of us or else we will keep walking on foot to the park"

Reginold is about to strike but Alex stops him.

"A swordman has to have enough patience or else he will not go far into the path of the sword"

Honestly the words are not from Alex but the old hermit inside his system.

"There's the park, right?" Jake finally spoke after keeping quiet for a long time.

"Of course it is"

They soon arrived at the gates and has to pay the fees for entering.

"Is not a problem to remove ten credits from the hundred the military is giving us weekly"

Luke cooly said.

"Sir, this only the gate fee" The receptionist said.

"Of course I know- What?"

Luke is about to brag and act cool when his brain fully pick up on the hidden meaning the receptionist is implying and his three annoying friends are laughing at him which makes his face turn red in embarrassment.

"What I mean is that you will have to pay for everything you will do inside from the slides and foods to the horror house and other places, this is only an entrance fee"

The receptionist explain everything to Luke.

"Then what is this for?"

"I have already said it but since you want further explanations, Ten credits is only for enjoying the scenery"

The receptionist annoyingly glared at Luke.

"What is ten credits? After all I am not a petty person, so I don't mind"

Luke try to regain his lost dignity but Will his friends let go of this opportunity to annoyed him, the answer is absolutely No!

"Hoho, the great gentleman Luke who can't remove a ten credits only" Jake said from the side.

"Yes, the coolest guy on the planet can't even afford to pay more than ten credits, that's an incredible feat that I would like to share with everyone" Reginold happily chimed in.


Luke ignored them all and kept moving inside.

"Suggest something"

Alex is getting tired of the boring and so he speaks. "Choose something, will you?"

"Alright let's go to the merry go round"

The group went and paid for the merry go round and they honestly have fun together.

Their next destination is the horror house, they want to go see what that place has in it, that it can also be called a horror house.


Luke said after they pay the fees and get in the horror house, they are instructed to get on something with wheels.

"Brothers I guessed that thing can carry us all"

Luke pointed at the wheelie construct.

"But we are told that it is for three people"

Alex remind them.

"Nah, I don't care, we brothers should not be separated. What is the problem if all four of us are going on one? Besides, that thing has too much space for only three people"

"You know that Alex got no courage"

"Who ask you? You loudmouth"

Alex annoyingly said and promised in his hearth that he will make Reginold pay.

The others all agreed with Luke and Alex has no choice but to comply.


The place started releasing some kind of a green light coupled with the creaking from the wheels gave the place a scary vibe.

"What is so scary here?"


Luke's eyes constricted as he stop letting his guard down.


Alex laugh at Luke's funny face, since they started he has been repeating those words.

After a series of scary actions from the horror hoise they are soon out of the hoise.

"Hey, lets go there"

Jake point at a Car like toy going on railways very high and then come down so low at a very fast speed.

"Uhh guys, why don't we leave that for another day?"

Reginold suggested.

"No, I like it and it is very fun"

"No, we should not go"

'Why is Reginold insisting that we should not go?'

Alex think very hard before a crazy guess that my the answer appeared in his head.

'Maybe Reginold is afraid of heights'

Alex grinned and message look, when look see it he also grin.

'Time for sweet, sweet revenge'

Alex happily thought.

"Is it that the legendary swordman Reginold, is afraid of heights?"

Alex asked.

"hmm, who said so? I am not afraid of beasts, why should I be afraid of height?"

Reginold proudly declared.

Roy is also happily munching on a piece of carrot while watching the good show, it seems that he also wants Reginold to get teased.

"Of you are not afraid, then you should agrred to this humble request of mine"

Luke added.

Reginold swallowed a lump and is contemplating on what to do. If he agrees, he will experience one of his worst fears, heights. If he refuse, those naughty friends will tag as someone afraid, he finally make up his mind.

"Let's go"

Reginold resolutely said.

"You look like a soldier matching to the battlefield, is just for fun"

Jake nudged Reginold.

They paid the fees and they are off.

The thing start slowly but accelerated over time, Reginold is trying very hard to hide his fears.

When they reach the highest point, Reginold eyes shows that he is really scared.

'Don't look down...Don't look down...Don't look down...'

He kept repeating but it change nothing when the actual thing accelerated downward.


Reginold let out a shout and grab all of his friends.

Some moments later...

"The legendary Sword of No courage, we are now on the ground, please release us from your powerful grasp"

Jake sarcastically said.

"Oh let's get some ice cream and move back home"

Reginold quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah, we agree but we will also not forget that you are afraid of heights"

Luke added before taking the lead.

Reginold's face looks like someone who is about to dug a hole and hide because of embarrassment.

I decided to not include fighting In this chapter.

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts