

"Mark! Wait Mark! Mrs Abigail said we are not allowed near the bushes with the purple flowers."

"Leave me alone Arlic."

"I don't understand why you're mad at me."

Mark stops in his tracks, slowly turning in Arlic's direction.

"You wouldn't get it. Mr I got my magic when I was baby."

"You're going to get yours too in no time and you're going to be awesome."

"Shut up!" Mark screams shoving Arlic,"I'm the only one in our class without magic!"

"Yours are just a little late." Arlic pleads.

"I wish you could feel how I feel."

"That can be arranged." A deep raspy voice quips.

Arlic and Mark flinch trying to look for the source of the voice. Suddenly dark clouds swarm around the sun blocking the light. A strong wind blows rustling the trees. A glowing orb comes in existence floating above their heads. Mark takes a cautious step back,with a quivering lip he asks,

"What are you?"

"Well little ones you don't need to know that for now. " He chuckles.

"Though I must say thank you little one. I wouldn't be here without you. So much power in one tiny individual. You are indeed blessed by Gaia. So as thanks I shall grant your wish."

"What wish?" Mark asks mildly puzzled despite his fear.

"You'll see." It laughs pure glee emanating from his booming voice.

Suddenly the wind picks up speed engulfing Arlic. He screams crying. Mark tries to help pleading with the disinbodied voice. But it laughs on watching in glee. Mark feels a power surge in his body. Like a bond has been lifted. For a moment his forgets everything filled with pure happiness. As soon as it starts it's over along with the frightening wind and gloomy clouds. Mark looks around searching for the orb to no avail.

"Arlic!" He exclaims noticing his crumpled form.

He tries to help him up but his small body can't hold him up. A few minutes later some people arrive having been worried about the sudden change. They gasp noticing the state the boys are in. They quickly rush them back to the village.