

In the aftermath of a devastating explosion, amidst the debris and chaos, a lone figure emerged. Unscathed by the destruction surrounding him, a baby boy lay nestled within the wreckage, his tiny form untouched by the tragedy that had befallen the once bustling streets. Rescuers, combing through the rubble in search of survivors, stumbled upon the child, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. Little did they know, they had unearthed a mystery that would shape the fate of their world. Taken in by a wealthy noble family, the boy is offered a semblance of stability and belonging. Yet, beneath the facade of familial warmth, lies a sinister undercurrent of jealousy and resentment. His new siblings, heirs to the family legacy, view him with disdain, a reminder of their own insecurities and shortcomings. Branded as an outsider, the boy struggles to find his place within the gilded walls of his new home, his lack of innate talent serving as fodder for their cruelty. Mocked and belittled by his adopted siblings, the boy endures their torment in silence, his spirit unbroken despite the constant barrage of insults and taunts. Determined to prove his worth, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking out the truth of his origins and the source of his mysterious resilience. Little does he know, he is destined for far greater things than the petty machinations of his noble kin. For within him lies a power beyond measure, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Thus begins the tale of the shadow vanguard , a saga of redemption and revenge, of love and loss, and of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

CRIMSON_R3DX · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


During lunch time,

Alex had just entered into the cafeteria and we to stand on front of the service counter to collect his food but not long after he got in line, Greg, one of Mark's friends came behind him and putting his hands on Alex's shoulder roughly, he pulled Alex backward and brought his head on Alex's shoulder.

"Hey Alex," Greg said in a roughly deep voice.

"What u're doing?" Greg continued

Alex didn't answer as he knew Greg only wanted to make fun of him and seeing Alex's silence, made Greg madly irritated

"Hey son of a bitch!!!, I'm talking to you" Greg shouted

Hearing that made Alex snap, since the beginning, Alex had held himself back from removing Greg's dirty hands away from his shoulders but didn't because all of the students in the cafeteria were looking at them but they didn't do anything or react since it was pretty a normal occurance in oakridge academy.

They could call him names, they could disgrace him for all he cared, they could torture him and trample on his dignity but they should never ever insult his mother. So was Alex's thoughts.

So Alex immediately grabbed Greg's hands that were holding him down and twisted it in a clock wise direction making Greg's face twist in agony. He made sure to make Greg feel pain but to not actually break it.

"Damn you!!!" Greg's face twisted from one of shock to pain

But still Greg didn't allow the pain to overwhelm him so he started using his flame ability.

Greg used his flame as a kind of armour as he engulfed himself in flames making Alex instinctively release him

Greg's clothes were made specially designed for him to use his abiity freely and this included his uniform

So Greg didn't care about burning it in the process.

Seeing Greg using his ability, Alex knew that things had gotten very dangerous for him as he might not get out of this alive

But instead of fear, Alex actually felt alive since it felt so long that he had actually forgot the feeling of battle ever since the fight with Lisa.

But Alex didn't lose himself to his emotions as he knew that it wasn't yet time to show his abilities since the others were still watching them but didn't interfere since they were getting free entertainment and who won't want that.

Greg controlled his flames and made it burst from under his feet giving him a short boost of speed that he wanted to use and tackle Alex to the ground

But Alex instinctively noticed this and manage to dodge to the side

Greg was surprised by this and got angered

"How can this bitch dodge my attack with no talent" thought Greg

So he didn't let it slide and immediately turned around to Alex's direction and rained down a barrage of punches on him.

But Alex dodged every single attack and not a single one managed to even graze his skin

Every one in the cafeteria was confused including Alex.

They expected him to come catching down immediately and never expected him to last long in the fight and by now every one had their eyes on him

Alex was confused because he felt weird he could see every single punch and they all appeared slowly to him and by this time he decided to finally end things

He activated dash, a skill that he had newly gained during the past 2 weeks from his talent and move speed that was as fast as light to everyone's eyes including Greg

And before Greg could fanthom what happened, Alex appeared by his side with his hands stretched out towards his face. And the next thing he knew Alex had already grabbed his face and brought it crashing down into the ground.

And that was how the fight ended, Alex the victor with the lower half of his shirt burnt since Alex's last attack had allowed Greg's flame to touch him

Greg unconscious and for the rest, all they could do was look on in awe of Alex as they couldn't fanthom how Alex could have possible won as he was a talentless nobody and no one even remembered Greg as they looked unto alex

I hope this was interesting as it's my first time writing a fight scene this long

CRIMSON_R3DXcreators' thoughts