
Awakening Part 2

Reaching the rock I am breathing heavily. I can feel the pull still drawing me in. I hate this feeling, it is making me lose myself, and try to resist. A pain in my chest starts growing making me scream. It hurts so much almost as if I am slicing my soul in two. Taking a deep breath I surrender to this foreign sensation and embrace my fate.

I stand up straight and walk the last few steps to my target.

The rock is standing there like a beacon calling out to me. I am so close to the rock that the feeling is so intoxicating that I can hear it in my head, 'Closer. Just a little closer.'

Stretching out my hand I anxiously place it on the rock and wait.

Nothing is happening.

After a minute with no reaction from the rock, I remove my hand.


The pain is unbearable, worse than before. I can feel a part of my soul being drawn into the rock and I somehow know once that happens it will be lost forever.

I place my hand back on the rock and the pain subsides a little. My soul calms down but is still yearning for the rock. These feelings are too strong. The intoxication coming from the rock and the yearning from my soul is too much. I want to give in and become one with the rock.


I shake my head and my mind clears. I remember feeling this way not too long ago, it was just before when my hands were joined with Lady Beesely, I also could not let go until I saw the rock.

I try and remember what it felt like. I recall trusting Lady Beesely and accepting her almost like a teacher, a master.

"No! This time I will be in charge. No more. I am in charge."

Declaring my intent I turn my eyes back to the rock and project my dominance over the rock with all my might. Suddenly the feeling from before goes away and the pain stops. The rock now stands motionless in the middle of the valley pointing up to the sky ignoring my existence.

Angry I channel my feelings through my soul and send it to the rock using the connection from before. I can see my soul surround the rock in my head and I batter the rock with my fists.


The rock cracks under my assault and my soul enters the rock. Laughter I can hear laughing.

I'm trapped and I can't move. My soul is trapped in the rock and I can feel the connection to my body getting weaker and weaker.

"Foolish boy!"

I heard someone roar. I can feel someone dragging my body away and someone shouting at me.

"Fight! Carry on fighting. You did it. Fight."

I black out.

And the very next second I am awake. Gasping I can't feel my hands or feet and start to panic. Realising that I've lost connection with my body once my soul entered the rock I calm myself down and look for a way back. I can see everything around for all directions.

Roots. Everywhere I look there are roots. They are countless, too many to count and all of the roots are pressed against the shell. I am stuck in a shell with clusters of overgrown roots everywhere all the roots are constrained and trying to break free from the shell.

Curious I follow the closest root to me trying to find the start of the root. The root goes straight back to a rock. No, it's a seed. One with countless roots are protruding from it in all directions.

I go to the end of the root, to the connection between the root and the seed and I try to go inside. Nothing prevents me and I go in.

Inside I can feel a powerful energy. It is so powerful and full of vitality that I spread my soul over the whole seed. My soul is growing, feeding off the energy all around me, changing and evolving to become one with the seed.

It is too much. My soul is being constrained inside by the seed and my memories start becoming fuzzy. My soul carries on growing and stats to spread out into all the roots hitting the shell stopping any movement.

With the last bit of my consciousness, I push my soul against the shell.


I crash against the shell countless of times from many different roots without success but finally, I manage to slip out of a tiny crack in the shell's wall. I can vaguely remember making that crack coming in.

Escaping the shell I look for my body I've been moved. my body is several feet away still being held in Lady Beesely's arms with tears streaming down her face.

Floating towards my body I enter through my nose and go back to my heart. There is no heartbeat. I am dead and will never be able to walk again.

Refusing to accept my fate I spread over my whole dead body looking for a spark of life. Something, anything that will give me hope.

There. I felt something, I don't believe it. It's very faint but it is the same energy I felt inside the seed and there embedded in my hand is a piece of the shell from when I struck the rock.

Floating to the shell I find a piece from the root stuck to it and madly posses it. Feeling energised I have an instinct to grow, a strand of the root so small that the eye cannot see burrows through both flesh and blood heading towards the heart.

Following the strand and my soul reaches my heart. I feel the vibrant life energy spilling into the heart through the root and I direct it to my head before it spreads back to the rest of the body.

Opening my eyes I take a deep breath.

"I'm alive!" I shout, "Alive."

Looking up at Lady Beesely's tear-streaked face I can see disbelief quickly replaced with astonishment on her face.

"You are alive?" she asks, "H-how? How is it possible?"

Stretching out my hand I grab her hand and ask, "Do you trust me? If you do, let us rule the world together."

"Yes. Yes. Yes." Lady Beesely replies.

Smiling, I can feel my soul begin bonding to Lady Beesely's soul. I take a last look at Lady Beeslys face and start to lose consciousness.

My last thoughts are 'I'm finally safe.'