
The Shadow of Sacred Lies

"The face of God was illuminated with a radiant smile, a symbol of beauty and tranquility. His hair flowed like a cascade of gold, emitting an aura of serenity and happiness. With loving touches, He eased pain and healed wounds. His eyes were filled with profound wisdom and understanding..." Divine Fate of Aetheria: Verse 21 Ray was a child who had lived in the cathedral since birth. Having never set foot outside the cathedral before, Ray had never once questioned the existence of God; he believed unconditionally. The clergy had deceived Ray, claiming he was chosen by God to deceive him. But it was all a grand lie... God was not real, and people were worshipping an entity they had never truly seen. Ray felt betrayed upon realizing this. The being he had devoted his life to was actually an imposter who had taken the place of God.

Daflamingo · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
Pas assez d’évaluations
2 Chs



Reflection of Faith

The streets of Veltinas, a city belonging to the province of Anstrean, were narrow and filled with stone-paved roads carrying the weight of years, along with the shanty houses scattered around. While some of these houses were made of wood, others were built with stone. Despite the different construction materials, worn-out wooden doors, walls bearing the marks of time, and laundry hanging from colorful windows were common sights in all the shanty houses.

Veltinas was not limited to these aspects alone. Craftsmen's workshops and taverns, the most important points of trade, were located both among the shanty neighborhoods and in the heart of the city at the bustling market square. Every Sunday, this market square, situated at the far corner of the city, opened its doors, attracting the city's residents and tourists alike. Spices, silk fabrics, handmade jewelry, tools crafted by blacksmiths, and fresh fruits and vegetables were displayed on the stalls, and the vendors would shout themselves hoarse trying to sell their goods, creating chaos throughout the market.

Of course, the streets of Veltinas were also graced by the presence of nobles representing elegance. Magnificent mansions and grand houses occupied the wealthy districts where the nobles resided. These houses, with their high stone walls and elegant gardens, presented an impressive sight, while the mounted servants waiting in front of the doors completed the noble atmosphere of Anstrean.

For the past sixteen years, Kenan had believed that the city of Veltinas was a gift from God. Not only was Veltinas beautiful from within, but it also possessed external beauty. The city lay on a plain, surrounded by rivers. Most importantly, the city was enclosed by almost impenetrable walls on all sides.

"Tomorrow, we will officially become Temple Knights, both of us." Ray's attention was drawn to his longtime companion Loona.

Ray, a young man who had been in Veltinas for sixteen years, believed that the city was a divine blessing. Veltinas was not only beautiful internally but externally as well. The city was situated on a plain and adorned with rivers. Moreover, it was surrounded by formidable walls that made it nearly impregnable.

"Yes, that's true," replied Ray, looking at Loona. A mysterious tone could be heard in Loona's voice, and her face showed no emotion, unlike Loona, who always wore her heart on her sleeve. It was as if the cathedral, where Ray had spent the past ten years, had left no impact on him. Although it may have appeared so from the outside, every member of the clergy knew that Ray had a stronger faith in God than anyone else. He prayed to God more than anyone else, read books about God, and strived to be worthy of the power to bear God's name.

Loona smiled again. "You're as cold as always." Every word she spoke carried a warmth that touched people's hearts. Indeed, she may not resemble an angel like Ray, but her every word struck a chord within people.

Ray maintained his composure, but deep down, he was happy. For ten years—yes, ten long years—he had been waiting for this moment. Tomorrow, he would converse with God and receive a divine revelation. That was his sole purpose, to become a chosen one of God. Perhaps he would not attain a rank as high as that of a bishop, but that did not matter to him. Even becoming an ordinary Temple Knight would be enough for Ray. All he wanted was to speak with God, to feel His greatness, and to hear His reassuring voice.

Like all clergy, Ray was born and raised in the cathedral. He had never set foot outside, only observing the world from the cathedral's rooftop. While it may have seemed like a silly rule from the outside, there was a reason for it. The clergy believed that if religious individuals ventured outside, they would be corrupted, which is why God had imposed this rule.

"Hey, Ray..." Loona interrupted the surrounding silence, her face displaying a serious expression. Ray maintained his silence, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"No matter what ranks we are assigned to tomorrow, we'll be together forever, won't we?" Her voice carried a hint of sadness. It felt as though they were about to be separated forever, and it shattered Ray's heart into pieces.

Ray nodded slightly. He understood the seriousness in Loona's expression, but at that moment, he felt a hidden excitement within himself. Suppressing a grin, he gently took Loona's hand, his gaze fixed on her eyes, ready to lose himself in them. In that instant, time stood still, and the world seemed to revolve around them. Ray's gaze touched the depths of Loona's heart. Then, Ray nodded, affirming his agreement.

"As long as all living beings fall into corruption, great natural disasters strike, cursed lands are seized, I perish, and the dragon turns the earth to ashes..."

To an ordinary person, the above sentence might not hold much meaning, but Ray meant to say, "I will love you until the end of time."